Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 29, 1990, Image 59

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    Erin Chaudry of Daisy, Md., receives $2.80 per pound for her 245-pound reserve champion
market hog at the 4-H and FFA Livestock Sale during the Maryland State Fair. From right are
Relder J.B. White, representing Farm Credit Bank, Baltimore, buyers of the hog; Shannon
White; Maryland Farm Queen Jenell Rinehart; Chaudry; Irish Bull; Vernon White and Reider
White 11.
best WHITE HEATER salesman is a farmer who owns one
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Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 29, 1990-b‘9
Designer Details
Made Easy
Penn State Cooperative Exten- select no-fail fabrics,
sion is sponsoring “Designer You will also be able to watch a
Details Made Easy,” a new three- fashion forecast and trunk show
hour sewing seminar from Palmer/ including the “Perfect Fall Jack-
Plestch. The seminar will be pre- et,” “Perfect Trousers,” and easy
sented by Kathleen Spike, a popu- “flash of color” blouse and top
lar speaker throughout the U.S., ideas.
Canada and Australia. She also The dates and locations for the
runs her own dressmaking busi- seminars are as follows: October
ness and sewing school, and is the 10, Montgomery County 4-H
author of two books. Center, Creamery, PA 19430 from
Ms. Spike will demonstrate 9:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. and from
time-saving ideas for better sew- 6:30-9:30 p.m. October 16, Lan
ing results in half the lime; share caster County Farm and Home
changes in fashion and technolo- Center, 1383 Arcadia Rd., Lan
gy; show how to recreate designer caster, PA 17601 from 9:30 a.m.-
looks at a fraction of the price; talk 12:30 p.m. and at York Extension
about fresh ideas on pattern Office, 112 Pleasant Acres Rd.,
changes; show new waistline York, PA 17402 from 6:30-9:30
treatments and tips on why, when pro
and where to use a serger. The cost of the seminar is $25.
You will also discover how to If you would like to register, send
choose patterns dial flatter your your check to one of the above
figure. Learn how to get good locations indicating that you want
results with fusible interfacings, to attend the Designer Details
pressing principles, shoulder pads Made Easy Seminar. Make checks
and when to wear them, bias cuts payable to Agricultural Extension
and bias bindings, and how to Service.