Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 01, 1990, Image 7

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    Eighty-Four Livestock
Eighty-Four, PA
August 27, 1990
CATTLE 304...PDA...Compared with
last Monday's maricet: Slaughter Cows
steady to weak. Few Choice slaughter
steers 73.00-75.00, Select 67.00-72.00,
Standard 62.00-65.00. Choice si. heifers
70.00- low yielding down to 67.00,
Select 65.00-70.00, few Standard
60.00- Breaking Utility & Commer
cial si. cows 51.00-56.00, couple to 58.00,
Cutter & Boning Utility 49.50-54.00, Can
ncr & Low Cutter 40.00-50.00, Shells
down to 21.00. Yield Grade No. 1,
1000/2000 lbs. si bulls 62 00-69.50, No 2.
900/1300 lbs. 53.00-58.50. Feeder Cattle:
Medium & Large Frame No.l, 240/350
lbs. steers 98.00-122.00, 400/600 lbs
78.00- Medium and Large Frame
No.l, 200/400 lbs. heifers 80.00-100.00,
450/700 lbs. 68.00-92.00. Medium &
Large Frame No. 1, 230/400 lbs. bulls
83 00-102.00, 500/700 lbs. 70.00-84 00.
CALVES 273... Few Choice vealers
104.00- few Good 90.00-102.00,
Standard & Good 90/120 lbs. 71.00-84.00,
60/85 lbs. 64.00-75.00, few Utility 50/65
lbs. 40.00-60.00. Faim Calves; Hoi. Bulls
#l, 90/130 lbs. 140.00-205.00, No. 2.
-90.00-140.00; Hoi. Heifers 90/120 lbs.
130.00- Beef cross 80/120 lbs.
HOGS 88... Barrows and gilts 2.00't0
3.00 lower. US No. 1-2 210/250 lbs.
52.00- 1-3 230/260 lbs. 50.50-52.10,
2-3 250/270 lbs. 49.0a50.50,1-3 170/190
lbs. 45.00-48.00. US No. 1-3 325/600 lbs
sows 49.00-51 50, 2-3 300/650 lbs.
45.00- Boars 40 00-50.00.
FEEDER PIGS 34... US No. 1-3 30/35
lbs. feeder pigs 28.0a30.00, 70/90 lbs.
54.00- per head.
SHEEP 79... Spring slaughter lambs 4.00
to 6.00 higher. High Choice & Prime
80/100 lbs. si. lambs 56.0a60.50, Choice
Pennsylvania Farmers
Will Be PI
New Funk
Why? Because they’re
backed by demanding CIB.
GEIGY research. Research
began in 1983 with a comm
ment to produce the best
hybrids your hard-earned
money can buy.
And here they are. Thi
new hybrids good enough
carry the CIBA-GEIGY repu
tion for quality. Three hybi
good enough for demandin'
farmers like you.
Each offers a time-tester
mance package of more than just big
yields. You’ll get standability, disease
resistance, plant health, dry-down and
much more. Plus, you’ll get the confi
dence that comes from using a CIBA
GEIGY product.
That’s why demanding farmers will
be planting new Funk's G Brand hy
brids. Shouldn’t you be one of them?
Call us today. Our performance will
meet your demands.
Landisville, PA 17538
Dependable Seeds From Dependable People
The limitation of warranty and remedy on the tag attached to each bag of Funk a G Brand hybrids and Hoffman Seed sold Is a part of the terms of sale thereof
Funk's Is a brand name Numbers identify products
80/120 lbs. 50.00-56.00; Good & Choice
50/77 lbs. feeder lambs 45.00-56.00, few
Utility 40/60 lbs. 35.00-40.00 - all cwt.
Slaughter sheep 17.0023.00
GOATS 22....C0up1e Large
52.00&56.00, few Medium 38.0045 00,
Small 17.0025.00 all per head.
Mercer Livestock
Mercer, PA
August 28, 1990
CATTLE 205...PDA ..Compared with
last Tuesday's maiket: Slaughter steers
1.50 to 2.00 lower; Cows 50 to 1 00 lower
Choice si. steers 72 00-76 00, Select
67.0072, high yielding up to 73 50; few
Choice Holstems 67 5 069.50, Standard
62.0066, few Utility 57 00-59.00. Choice
si heifers 70.0075.00, Select 66 00-69 00,
few Standard 59.50-63.00, few Utility
51.5058.50 Breaking Utility & Commer
cial si. cows 50.00-57.00, Cutter & Boning
Uulity 48.5053.00, Canner & low Cutter
00, Shells down to 20.00. Yield Grade No
1,1300/1850 lbs. si bulls 60.0065.50, No.
2. 1790/200 lbs. 55.00-60.00. Feeder
Cattle; Medium & Large No. 1, 400/500
lbs. steers 87 0095.00, few 230/360 lbs
Holstems 8000-90 00; M & L-l 350/400
lbs. heifers 83.00-92.00, 600/700 lbs
65.00- 00. L-l 300/530 lbs. bulls
89 00-99.00.
CALVES 111... Standard and Good
90/120 lbs. 70 00-82 00, few 60/85 lbs
64.00- few Utility 45/60 lbs
32.00- Faim Calves: No. 1, Holstein
Bulls 90/130 lbs 130.00-19200, No 2,
90.00- Hoi. Heifers 90/120 lbs
130 00-195.00. Few Beef cross 80/115 lbs
bulls and heifers 95.00-180.00.
HOGS 74 .US No 1-2 230/250 lbs
51.60-52.25,1-3 220/245 lbs. 50 50-51.50,
lot 2-3 206 lbs. 50.00. US No. 1-3 300/500
lbs. sows 48.00-50.50. Boars 30.00-42 00
SMd OlVlttOn
Hoffman Seeds, Inc.
FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 market test -
per head.
SHEEP ll... Choice 69/75 lbs. feeder
lambs 43.00-45.00. One Slaughter sheep
15.00 - all cwt.
GOATS 1 ...One I*arge 48.00 -
New Wilmington
N. Wilmington, PA
August 27, 1990
CATTLE 246...PDA...Compared with
last Monday's market: Slaughter cows
steady Few Select slaughter steers
68.00- 00, Standard 63.00-67.50. Few
Select si heifers 65.00-67.75, few Stan
dard 55.75-61.00. Breaking Utility &
Commercial si. cows 51.50-56.50, one
57.75, low yielding 50 00-52 00, Cutter &
Boning Utility 50.00-54.75, low dressing
to 48 00, Canner & Low Cutter
40 00-50.00, Shells down to 19.00. Few
Standard si. bullocks 63.50-65.50. Yield
Grade No. 1. 1170/1580 lbs. si. bulls
61.00- 75, couple No. 2. 1100/1110 lbs.
55.25. Feeder Cattle; Few Medium Frame
No. 1,305/430 lbs. steers 84.00-89.00, one
104 00. Medium Frame No. 1 & 2,390/705
lbs heifers 57.00-67.50. Medium Frame
No. 2. 350/700 lbs. bulls 54.00-68.00.
CALVES 273...0ne Choice vealer
107.50, few Good 85.00-100.00, Standard
& Good 90/120 lbs. 72.00-78.00, 60/85
lbs 61.00-75.00, Utility 50/60 lbs
50.00-62 50. Farm Calves: Hoi. BuUs No.
1. 90/130 lbs 122 50-179.00. lot 85 lbs
10000, No 2. 90/120 lbs. 80.00-125 00,
Hoi. Heifers 85/115 lbs. 130.00-195 00
Beef cross 85/150 lbs. bulls & heifers
127 50-210.00.
HOGS 397 . Barrows and gilts 5 00 to
6.00 lower. US No. 1-2 235/255 lbs.
52.50-54.00, few 54.50, 1-3 215/255 lbs.
51.00-52.60,2-3 240/280 lbs. 47.50-51.00,
.^iayhybriu. iggK \yl ...■ supei..
grain quality. Large, attractive ears. Strong, healthy
plants. Good dry-down. Leader for standability in
Delaware state trials.
113-day hybrid. Strong disease tolerance to
withstand disease and humidity pressures of
the Northeast. Medium-short plants with good
118-day hybrid. Large, girthy ears. Excellent
standability. Performs under drought stress and in
increasing populations. Rapid dry-down. Healthy
1-3 200/215 lbs 45.00-51.00. Sows 25 to
.50 lower. US No. 1-3 340/615 lbs. sows
45.00- one 51.00. Boars
FEEDER PIGS 22 ..US No. 1-3 30/45
lbs. feeder pigs 22 00-32.00, few 50/65 lbs
42.00- few 80/110 lbs. 68.00-94 00
all per head.
- all per
SHEEP 239. .Choice & Prune 85/125
lbs. spring slaughter lambs 55.00-66.00;
Choice 80/110 lbs. 48.00-55.00,60/80 lbs.
65.00- Good and Choice 40/75 lbs
feeder lambs 33.00-50.00 - all cwt. Slaugh
ter sheep 5.00-19.00.
GOATS 25.. Medium and Large
30.00- 00. SmaU 13 00-26 00 all per
Livestock Auction
Dayton, Pa.
Wednesday, August 29, 1990
Report Supplied by PDA
CATTLE 59...PDA...Compared with
last Wednesday’s market; Few Select and
low Choice slaughter steers 67.50-69.75,
one Standard 60.25. One Select si. heifer
67.75. Few Breaking Utility and Commer
cial si. cows 51.50-54.75, one 57.25, few
Cutter and Boning Utility 50.00-52.75,
Canner and Low Cutter 41.25-49.25,
Shells down to 34.75. Couple Yield Grade
No. 1.1220/1290 lbs. si. bull 65.25&63 25.
Feeder Cattle: Few Medium & Large
Frame No. 1, 740/930 lbs. steers
CALVES 114... Few Gpod vealers
83.50-96.00, few Standard and Good
90/110 lbs. 74.00-80.00, 55/85 lbs.
65.00- few Utility 50/55 lbs.
58.00- Farm Calves: No. 1, Holstein
Bulls 90/130 lbs. 120.00-175.00,55/85 lbs.
79.00- few Holstein Heifers 80/105
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 1,1990-A7
lbs. 122.50-233.00. Beef Cross 65/145 lbs.
bulls and heifers 100.00-162.50, 180/260
lbs. 80.00-102.00.
HOGS 185... Barrows and gills 1.50 to
2.00 lower. US No. 1-2 240/250 lbs. bar
rows and gills 53.00-53.10, lot 55.00, 1-3
225/260 lbs. 51.00-53.00,2-3 245/275 lbs
48.00- lot 3-4 270 lbs. 45.00, 1-3
200/220 lbs. 46.00-49.00. Sows 2.00 to
2.50 lower. US No. 1-3 265/680 lbs. sows
42.00- few Medium 280/345 lbs.
39.75-41.00. Couple Boars 40.50&40.75.
FEEDER PIGS 78... US No. 1-3 15/35
lbs. feeder pigs 12 50-32.00, 40/60 lbs
36.00-51.00 all per head.
SHEEP 62... Choice & Prime 80/115 lbs.
spring slaughter lambs 40.50-45 00; Good
& Choice 60/85 lbs. feeder pigs
30.00-40 50 Slaughter sheep 10 00-22.00
all cwt.
GOATS 2...C0up1e Medium
40.00&50.00 all per head
North Jersey
Hackettstown, NJ
Tuesday, Aug. 28, 1990
Report supplied by auction
CALVES .30-2 70
COWS .37'/. -59
EASY COWS .15- 51'/..
HEIFERS 38.-75
BULLS 63-.7S
STEERS 66'/.-78
HOGS .46 .59.
SOWS .19-44'/..
BOARS .36'/.
SHEEP 10-.45.
LAMBS. EACH 20 00-60 00.
LAMBS PER LB 25-1.00.
GOATS EACH 11 00-137 50
KIDS EACH 6 00-59 00
TOTAL 1,450
Slaughter Undar USDA Inapacllon
1-800-234-COWS (2697)
Wayne Taylor
Lebanon, Berks,
Lancaster & Chester Co.
Every Thursday at 1 p.m.
Auction will continue
all year long
Vintage Sales
Stables, Inc.
(Rt. 30,10 miles east of Lancaster
in Paradise, PA)
For Info.
717-442-4181 business
215-458-8518 home
* Delivered To Your Farm
* Excellent Dairy Bedding
* Economical
* Year Around Supply
Call For Price
Lancaster, PA •
L Robert Frame, Sr.
Glenn S. Frame