A32-Lanc«ster Farming, Saturday, August 25,1990 Ag Progress Finds Better Ways To Manage Crops ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Fanning Staff ROCKSPRING (Centre Co.) Keys to protecting veget able and fruit plants vary, but simi larities in how the crops are irri gated and fertilized can be found. And fanners may soon benefit from data being collected in research plots at the Russell E. Larson Agriculture Research Center. Last week, participants in the Ag Progress Days crop manage ment tours were presented an over view of crop management tech niques many of which involve studies of fertilizer/irrigation (fer tigation) practices and how to pro tect plant production as well as the environment. Fanners should be aware of sev eral integrated crof> management (ICM) techniques, a field that involves a combination of inte grated pest management (IPM) and the concepts of marketing, economics, labor, and production. Various researchers were on hand at Ag Progress Days to pro vide fruit and vegetable producers with a first-hand look into how ICM is used in managing crops. Tremendous problem ‘ ‘Our labor supply is drastically reduced. We have a tremendous problem finding people who will work and who are willing to do the seasonal-type labor,” said Rob Crassweller, associate professor, Penn State. Crassweller detailed the impor ance of using ICM as the need jrows for new methods of plani ng, maintaining, and harvesting ruit. Penn State is studying different ypes of trellis systems, smaller ree varieties, labor-efficient oper- Uions, yield control, and other ways to help the fruit farmer deal with the changing economies of fruit growing. Crassweller explained that with new, smaller tree varieties, the grower will be able to operate from the ground. Reduce inputs “We’re trying to reduce the inputs that are necessary in order to produce the fruit,” he said. This was usually the “last item” a far mer considered. ICM, said the researcher, places more emphasis on the marketing and management of the production cycle. “We have to be prepared to spray, but we don’t just go out This tomato test plot Indicates strong, healthy growth using organic fertilizer and biological weed control, as part of the crop management tours at Ag Progress Days. automatically and put a spray on,*’ said Crassweller. Part of the man agement is timing the spray so that it is a lot more beneficial to the crop, while protecting beneficial insects that are part of IPM strategies. Crassweller recommends that fruit growers obtain more detailed analyses of fruit tree samples including the soil test and foliar analyses to more effectively plan and implement better man agement practices. Also, farmers should be aware of the studies with new and improved trellis systems, in addi tion to the computer package called the Penn State Apple Orchard Consultant, which will soon be available for sale from the university. Culmination of integration The computer package. Crass weller said, is the “culmination of integration, because now it’s all in one package form.” It combines many man-hours of expertise by various contributors in the field. The computer software will pro vide ready answers to specific problems that fruit growers jncounter. Vegetable farmers should con sider how much they can gain from mowing about irrigation and fer ilizer options. Understanding what is available —and what Penn State is researching—may be able o increase yield and profits. In research in irrigation and fer tigation undertaken by the center, better results were obtained when a blend of dry fertilizer and fertiga tion were used in pepper and pota to varieties, according to Doyle Grenoble, Penn State horticulturist. What the results indicate, said Grenoble, is to “stay away from either extreme” of using all fertigation or all-dry fertilizer applications. Important part The group examined irrigation techniques for pepper and potato crops. “Irrigation is a very impor tant part of an ICM system, because in the systqn one of the things we need to dols elminate as much as possible stress from the plants, to keep them healthy and growing vigorously,” said Grenoble. The research studies scheduling of fertigation methods and how to deliver the right amount of water Doyle Grenoble, horticulturist at Penn State, presents details of a moisture level chart used for irrigating peppers at Ag Progress Days. Barbara Goulart, associate professor of pomology at Penn State, far right, explains how technicians Use special thermocouplings to receive temperature readings of strawberry buds in several experiments at the Rockspring research farm. and fertilizer to the soil at the prop er time. The schedule that is being fol lowed is called a "benefit budget ing” scheme, which will study the roots and the soil in the root zone. Finding out how much moisture the soil holds at what Held capacity will be used to “fine-tune” the rate, time, and amount of fertilizer and water. Studies have involved both high frequency, small waterings and low frequency, larger waterings. Different varities require different fertilizer and water rates. Also, soil types must be analyzed to deter mine what can be used. Nitrogen uptake The researchers look at applying fertigation to the root zone and the possible benefits by studying nit rogen uptake in the plants through leaf samples. “In the ICM system, there are a lot of factors that we have to look at and consider to determine what system is the best,” said Grenoble. Monitoring plant insect and dis ease "economic thresholds” are the keys to determining the best ICM practices for the farmer, according to Ken Steffen, horticul turist at Penn State. Steffen provided some detail on various tomato test plots at the Ag Progress Days tour. Different methods were used to grow the plants one group using high input synthetic chemicals and irri gation, the other with high input biological materials and irrigation. Types of materials Different types of materials and their effect on plant growth, including trickle irrigation, ferti gation, plastic and straw mulch, and combinations of trellis and non-trellis systems are being studied. Some of the results, according to Steffen, were obtained using various ICM techniques, including organizational efforts (scouting), irrigation, materials (such as plas tic or straw mulch), labor, and pest control studies. Irrigation of strawberries is important to the survival and the feeding of the crop, and how and when to irrigate may mark the dif ference between profit and loss for fruit growers. The center manages 1-A acres of strawberry plants, including several varieties studied for irriga tion, fertigation, pest control, and weed control capacities. Frost devastating "Frost, by the way, is devastat ing," said Barbara Goulart, associ ate professor of pomology at Penn State. “We can lose up to 50 per cent of the crop here because of frost.” It is important for the farmer to understand how critical it is to app ly water at the right times to the sensitive buds as well as the shal low roots of the strawberry plant. Studies at the center on fertiga tion techniques, canopy prepara tion, and the susceptibility of the root zone to drought and other streses may provide keys to better :rop management Frost is under particular study at the center. According to Goulart, the center is subject to eight or more frosts during the blooming period. Application of frost damage prevention using irriga tion and the study of temperature on the development of buds may provide better ICM techniques for the farmer. An expert system, using various temperature-monitoring devices, continues to gather data for irriga tion control experiments. The information uncovered over a long period of time may help in formu lating better ICM techniques.