Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 11, 1990, Image 268

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Whether You Milk In A Parlor Or A Stanchion Bam
Good to the Last Drop!
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No matter what kind of dairy farm you run, when
you invest in Westfalia products, you get more milk
for your dollar. And more milk production out of
your cows adds up to more profits for you.
Westfalia’s computerized management system and
complete line of high-tech dairying products bring
the latest advancements in dairying technology right
into your milking system. Just look at some of our
Metatron Milk Meter
Westfalia’s vacuum-operated Metatron milk meter
helps you manage your entire herd more economi
cally by Individually monitoring production from
each one of your dairy cows at each milking.
Automatic Cluster Removal (ACR)
The flow monitor detects when milk flow ceases on
each cow and shuts off the vacuum. This allows for
precise, gentle cluster removal automatically.
Computerized Feeding
The Dairy Plan even links and integrates the Metat
ron to our computerized feed system to monitor and
control your individual cow’s feed rations according
to her production requirements.
Optional Stimulation/Pulsaton
Combine pre-milking stimulation with Westfalia’s
Metatron or ACR Look to our modem, electronic
pulsation device, the stimopuls, for complete milk
let down every time!
Milking Parlors Designed for Profit
Revolutionize your dairy operation with a high-tech
Herrlhgbone parlor from Westfalia. The “45"
Squeeze Front parlor has an air-operated Indexing
breast rail to accommodate different sized cows and
gently guide them into milking position. Choose the
Westfalia/Kipe Side By Side Milking Parlor. Fea
tures include auto-sequential loading, a unique
restraint system for different sized cows and com
pact 29” spacing. Only one step is required from cow
to cow, so you can milk faster and more efficiently
lower your costs!
If you demand the highest possible return from your
Investment in new dairy equipment, take a look at
Westfalia’s complete line of dairy management pro
ducts. They always help you get that last drop!