FARMERS You can make a difference!! The 1990 Farm Bill will soon be finalized. Call your United States Congressmen and Senators urging them to support the Pennsylvania and New York Farmers Union proposals. Two-Tier pricing for dairy farmers. Target prices on grain must be indexed on a cost-of-production formula. 1. 2. Loan rates on feedgrains must be raised. 3. Support these and other proposals for the 1990 Farm Bill being offered by Farmers Union. Make your calls today!!! Pennsylvania Farmers Union 1337 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17102-2629 (717) 234-4311 PUT TOR MMDOIiARSTOMK PFA Members Can you answer *YES" to these four importaaibeoith questions? A** ‘ 7 ' 4 *• r , ■v., * <* . <■« . n V J ' r 'p * V *Mw* tu^jindmnM%(i 1 t V -4’