Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 19, 1990, Image 30

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    A3O-Lancaster Fanning. Saturday, May 19,1990
Washington County
Agricultural Agent
Vegetables Need
Lots Of Sun
Vegetables don’t like being
planted near trees, so if at all pos
sible locate your vegetable garden
away from trees.
Tree feeder roots which com
pete for plant food and soil mois
ture with vegetable roots and
shade are reasons why vegetables
grow poorly near trees.
The spreading roots from a tree
may extend for a considerable dis
tance from its trunk. The tree feed
er roots and vegetable roots then
compete for water and soil nutri
ents. The result can be stunted,
unproductive vegetables.
Before planting a vegetable gar
den, see if any tree roots extend
into the area. Dig holes 6 to 12
inches deep where you expect to
plant the vegetables, and look for
Also remember that as trees
grow, their roots spread farther.
So a garden that was productive
when the trees were small may
eventually perform poorly as tree
roots reach the garden area.
Even through no roots reach
your garden, don’t expect veget
ables to do well if they’re shaded
by trees. Full sunlight for at least
three-quarters of a day is a must
for best growth and yields of
Shallow-rooted vegetables such
as onions, chives and lettuce may
do better than other vegetables in
the competition with trees that
send out roots that are deep in the
Understand Persistent
Weed Problems
Just how persistent do we have
to be in order to control weed
Let Seel Crete Up Your Life
"The Farm Painting Specialist" Since 1961
• Barn Painting • Milk House • Roof Coating
• Water Proofing Silos • Stucco Farmhouses
The Job Must Be Done To Your
problems? Well, the answer to this
question comes from weed scien
tists who ran germination tests on
weed seeds.
They report that 29% of John
songrass seed germinated after
being buried for three years;
morning glory 74% after five
years; pigweed 66% after 40 years
and dock 52% after being buried
50 years. They further reported
that 51 of 107 species tested still
had live seeds after 20 years.
The reason these seeds remain
in the soil for such a long period
without sprouting is apparently
related to environmental condi
tions. According to weed experts,
some seeds need just the right
combination of moisture, temper
ature, and nutrients before they
will germinate. This explains why
we may suddenly be faced with a
weed problem we thought was
cured several years ago.
To Give Old
Pastures A Boost
Are your pastures worn-out and
weedy? Are you thinking about
reseeding them?
This could be costly and time
consuming. And, if done at this
time of the year, there is a greater
risk of soil erosion and seeding
failure. The best time to seed gras
ses is in early September.
A cheaper and better alternative
might be to lime, fertilize and clip
your pastures this spring to build
up soil fertility, to reduce weed
competition and to encourage the
grasses that are already present.
With the use of some herbicides
you may discover that your pas
ture is better than you thought, and
reseeding may not be necessary.
Remember, you can always no
till additional grasses and legumes
into the pastures if desired.
For FREE Estimate CALL
Seal Crete Ine.
20 Cocalico Creek Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522
Tips For Spring
The use of footbaths can help
prevent the spread of foot rot
organisms, but it may not help
cows that are already infected.
Footbaths can also help toughen
up soft hooves. Hooves can
become soft when cows are
A Northeast Pennsylvania Reg
ional Beekeeping Workshop will
be held Saturday, June 9, 1990,
10:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m at the Grace
Episcopal Church.
Speakers at the workshop will
include Mary Ann Tomasko, ento
mologist, Penn State University
and James Steinhower, chief bee
inspector, Pennsylvania Depart
ment of Agriculture, registration
will be from 9:30 - 10:00 a.m.
The main topic of discussion
will be the infestation of bee colo
nies with tracheal mite. Local bee
keepers experienced heavy losses
of bees over the winter and the
problem is blamed on the presence
of tracheal mite. Information will
be presented on the life history of
the tracheal mite, identification of
We Are
To Consider
Meeting Examines Tracheal Mite
housed in wet-floored, free stall
bams or on bedded packs, or when
they have been exposed to muddy
lots and wet pastures.
Footbaths can be located in
exits from cow stables or milking
parlors. A footbath solution can be
made by mixing 1 pound of cop-
the problem, and means of
The workshop is being spon
sored by the Wayne County Bee
keepers and the Wayne County
Cooperative Extension and all
Environmentally smart:
Positive Containment.
With the Slurrystore* System as
the cornerstone of your waste
management plan, the structure
greatly limits the danger of run
off and ground water pollution
generally present in other storage
methods Approved by the Soil
Conservation Service when built
by authorized dealers of A O
Smith Harvestore Products,
Inc, the Slurrystore System is
designed with a high degree of
adaptability to developing future
Economically prudent:
Manure’s Nutrients.
Save fertilizer costs, especially
nitrogen As a rule of thumb, 7,600
gallons of dairy cow slurry, the
amount produced by 1.5 mature
cows consuming a balanced
diet in a year’s time, can provide
the total nitrogen fertilizer needs
for one acre of 150 bushels per
acre corn
“Your local, independent, authorized Harvestore Systems Dealer”
Rt. 15 South (Dow Building)
P.O. Box 612
Lewisburg, PA 17837
(717) 523-6600
More Than
A Blue Lagoon
“Endleaa Mountain* Harvaator* I* th* only authorized Indapandant dealer for
A.O. Smith Harveetore Product*, Inc. In th* following countlea In th* atate of
Pannaylvanla: Bradford, Clinton, Columbia, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Lycoming,
Montour, Northumberland, Pike, Potter, Snyder, Sullivan, Suaquehanna, Tio
ga, Union, Wayn* and Wyoming."
per sulfate in 5 gallon of water.
Another alternative is to mix 4-6
ounces of Formalin in 1 gallon of
water. A dry footbath preparation
can also be made by mixing 5
pounds of copper sulfate powder
- not crystals - with 100 pounds
of hydrated lime.
interested persons in the region
are invited. There is a registration
fee of $2.00 and pre-registration is
requested by calling the Wayne
County Cooperative Extension,
Courthouse, Honesdale.
Maximum efficiency:
A Complete Syatem.
The Slurrystore System is a com
plete storage system for maxi
mum management efficiency
using patented floor mounted cen
ter agitation, an over-the-top agita
tion system, and a side mounted
pump Store manure (or months
Eliminate daily hauling We can
match the demands of your herd
size Your local, independent
authorized Harvesters’ Systems
dealer can tell you more and
explain tinandnq programs avail
able only through him
RD 06, BOX 6134
Towanda, PA 18848
(717) 265-2200
it* trf r«gi«i*rM trademark* o* A 0 Srmih Harv««to>* PrwkfCtt me