Mercer Livestock Meroar, PA MAy 1,1990 CATTLE 185...PDA...Compared with last Tuesday's market: Slaughter steers 1.00 to 2.00 lower. Cows steady to strong. Choice sl> steers 74,10-77.85, Select 68.85-77.85; few Select ft Choice Hds teins 66.50-68.00, Standard 65.00-69, few Utility 60.00-63.00. Few Choice sL heifers 72.00- Select 67.00-70.50, Standard 60.00- few Utility 55.00-59.00. Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 52.00- Cutter ft Boning Utility 49.00- -Canner & low Cutter 41.50-49-50, Shells down to 31.00. One Choice si. bullock 69.75. Yield Grade No. 1 1080/18101bs. si. bulls 59.00-72,00, No. 2, 1100/1300 lbs. 55.00-58.85. Feeder Cattle: Medium Frame No. 1,500/650 lbs. steers 74.00-82.00, lot Holsteins 374 lbs. 80.00. Medium Frame No. 1,500/700 lbs. heifers 62.50-72.50. CALVES 94...0ne Good vealer 92.00, Standard and Good 90/120 lbs. 75.00- 60/85 lbs. 66.00-80.00, few Utility 45/65 lbs. 25.00-42.00. Farm Calves; Holstein Bulls 90/140 lbs. 130.00- No. 2, 80/85 lbs. 100 00-130.00; Hoi. Heifers 90/125 lbs. 95.00- Beef cross 85/115 lbs. bulls and heifers 125.00-205.00. HOGS 141... Barrows and gilts 1.00 to 1.50 higher. US No. 1-2 230/260 lbs. 55.25-58.10,1-3 215/250 lbs. 55.75-57.30, lot 2-3 264 lbs. 55.00, 2-4 270/313 lbs. 45 00-47.00,1-3 115/175 lbs. 47.00-52.00. Few US No. 1-3 350/500 lbs. sows cut the cost of preserving first cut silage. Now, just in time for your first cut hay crop, Agway Silage Fresh Bacterial Inoculant is available at a special low cost For just 89C per ton of silage, it can help you produce the quality forage you need to ensure profitable milk production levels • Save time and money with this special offer from Agway. • Get valuable technical support and production know-how from your Agway Enterprise Salesperson, • A complete line of quality forage products. For baled hay, grass, and legume —Field Fresh II; 5 and 55 Gallon For hay crop and corn silage—Silage Fresh Bacterial Inoculant; 200 grams Silage Fresh Enzyme Soluble; 220 grams Silage Fresh Dry: 50 lbs. Contact your Agway Enterprise Salesperson for more information, or visit your local Agway store Quality forage can help make a profitable difference on your dairy farm. (agway) 48.00-51.00,2-3 340/500 lbs. 40.00-45.00. FEEDER PIGS 7... US No. 1-3 40 lbs. feeder pigs 32.50 - per head. SHEEP 2... Slaughter sheep 14.00. COATS 0...N0 sales on offer. Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, PA May I, 1990 CATTLE 165..PDA...Compated with last weeks market: Slaughter cows uneven ly steady, mostly 1.25 higher. Two Low Choice slaughter steers 72.00&72.25, few Select 68.25-74.50; Choice ft Prime 1420/1590 lbs. Holsteins 68.00-72.25, few Select 59.25-64.00-65.25, few Standard 58.25-65, one Utility 57.00. Few Choice Holstein heifers 69.00-73.00, one Hols teins 56.00, few Select 59.00-67.00, few Standard 54.00-57, one Utility 53.75. Breaking Utility ft Commercial si. cows 52.75- few 57.50, Conet & Boning Utility .50.25-56.50, Canner ft Low Cutter 46.75- Shells down to 41.75. Two Select si. bullocks 60.00&65.00, few Stan dard 60.00-63.25. Few Yield Grade 1385/1820 lbs. si. bulls 63.75-67.50. CALVES 167... Few Choice 425/490 lbs. vealers 100.00-116.00, few Good 87.00- few Standard & Good 90/100 lbs. 79.00-86.00, 65/85 lbs. 74.00- Utility 40/75 lbs. 40.00- Farm Calves: Hoi. Bulls No. 1, 80/115 lbs. 147.00-199.00, No. 2, 80/110 lbs. 85.00-160.00; No. 1. Hoi. Heif ers 90/130 lbs. 105.00-199.00. Few Beef We’ve Preserve a ton of silage for 89