High Producing Cow Analyzed (Continued from Pago A 29) higher producing herds are not only getting higher production, but they are managing reproduction,” O’Conner said. Howevet.O’Conner said he can go back through the records and find the opposite trends indicated. “You can go through the literature and find anything you want... “Inside the cow, from a repro ductive standpoint, there are no differences,” O’Conner said. He explained that the study cows had their average daily milk produc tion recorded, up until 70th day, and then production was projected from those figures out to 305 days. Also, the cows were monitored for levels of progesterone in the milk to determine when cows ovu lated. According to O’Conner, the higher producers had no differ ences in ovulation. “Equally, when the uterus and cervix returned to breeding shape, something called involution, there were no differences in timing,” he said. “Days to first heat, was variable, ranging from 69 to 77 days,” O’Conner said of the study’s THE AND THE GRAND PRIZE IS STILL AWARDED TO “BEST PERFORMANCE IN A CAGE FEEDER” You Too Can Enjoy The Quality And Benefits Of A Trouble Free Big Dutchman Chain Feeder. ,