Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 17, 1990, Image 59

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Nowadays we are told that in
order to have good relationships
we should communicate with each
other. We should be open and
express our feelings instead of
keeping them bottled up inside.
There are many ways to do this.
Long ago families gathered
around the table three times a day.
Now it seems that some people
must plan in order to eat together
once a week. Everything is rush,
rush and each person goes his own
I am amazed that there are so
many postcard albums offered for
sale at public auctions. They usu
ally bring over a hundred dollars.
Even the fact that someone took
the trouble to save these picture
postcards is surprising.
At the turn of the century it only
cost one penny to tell your cousin
that you’d “meet at the trolley sta
tion Friday night” Many of these
cards contained just such mes
sages. Or they might tell of a
gathering of extended family on a
Sunday afternoon where a picnic
held in the woods was the social
event of the week.
I write a lot of letters to keep in
touch with our scattered children
and with my sisters. They in turn
are more wont to use the telephone
to call us. Sometimes the mes
sages are mundane and tell us of
ordinary events like whether or
not the grandchild ate his break
fast. Other times the telephone
Dairy Council Offers Weight Management
Co.) — Have you made a resolu
tion as you enter the new decade
to at last achieve and then main
tain your ideal weight? If so, you
are in good company. 30% of all
Americans are between 10-30%
overweight Weight control is one
of the top concerns of health
conscious Americans as they
count their calories, their grams of
fat and keep track of their choles
terol levels. Billions of dollars are
spent annually on weight lose
gadgets, products and programs.
According to Molly Kellogg,
Dairy Council’s Coordinator of
Lifesteps, a weight management
program, there is no “quick fix” to
brings us news of a birth or of an
No longer do we ring the bell on
the house roof to summon help.
Rather we would rush to the phone
to dial “911.” No longer do we
hitch up a horse in order to visit a
friend. Now we simply jump in a
car and arc there in minutes.
But, I am glad that someone
took the time to write and save
postcards and by so doing give us
a glimpse of life in the early
1900 s.
IjnCHHif Fanpfnp,
losing weight and maintaining this
loss. As a registered dietitian, Kel
logg emphasizes that it is essential
for overweight people to keep
weight off ~ not only just lost it
Lifesteps is a weight manage
ment program developed through
extensive research by National
Dairy Council and marketed local
ly by Dairy Council, Inc. in South
ampton, PA, Kellogg explains that
this program is designed for those
needing to lose 10 to 70 pounds. It
is presented by a health profes
sional such as a registered dieti
tian in 10-13 weekly one-hour ses
sions and two individual counsel
ing sessions. It includes content on
a nutritionally adequate diet, a
physical activity component,
behavior modification techniques
and group support
Safe Slimming Class
YORK (York Co.)— A Safe
Slimming class for those inter
ested in losing weight is being
held by Penn State Cooperative
Extension. The class will be held
at the West Manchester Mall
Community Room. It starts Mon
day, February 19, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
and runs for 12 weeks. The cost is
“It is great to offer a program
that lets each person decide which
foods |o eat and his or her own
form of physical activity,” Kel
logg 'explains. “Lifesteps will not
.ask participants to do anyting
impossible for them to continue
for the rest of their lives.” she said.
Where is Lifesteps available? It
is offered at IS hospitals in the
greater Delaware Valley. It can
also be offered at a corporate
worksite, or other health or com
munity centers. For a free bro
chure on Lifesteps and a list
where the program is offered, call
the Dairy Council at (215)
322-0450 or send a stamped self
addressed envelope to Molly Kel
logg, Dairy Council, Inc., 1225
Industrial Highway, Southamp
ton, PA 18966.
$2O and includes the handbook.
Safe Slimming is an edcuadon
al, habit changing program to help
you develop lifetime habits to
control weight It’s not a tempor
ary diet program. It does require
your commitment
Call (717) 757-9657 for
registration information.
“travel with a purpose”
1990 TOURS
jUemonite /%%
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0 Ozarka Fall Colore
October 15-25 (11 days)
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mM MennonSs woM Conftmtot)
• Appls Blossom (VA), May S
• Rochester (NY), Use, May 21-23
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• Finger Lakes (NY), October 9-10
• Chrlstmas/Radlo City (NYC) - lobe
Complete Itineraries Available.
Mannonlte Your Way Tour*
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frFUjiiy 17,1990-811