REYNOLDSBURG, OH Although dairy cow numbers are shrinking in the United States, the popularity and production of Jerseys continue to increase, according to officials with the American Jersey Cattle Club. During 1989, Jerseys enrolled in Dairy Herd Improvement Regi stry (DHIR) averaged 13,956 pounds milk, 656 pounds butter- ‘9,750 Buys a 50 cow Mobitron stanchion HOW IT WORKS... The Mobitron is a computerized monorail-mounted feeding car that will automatically deliver feed to your cows. Under its own 24 volt DC. battery power, the unit travels throughout the stanchion barn delivering a precise, preset amount of feed to each cow. When the unit has completed its run, it returns to “home base” where it automatically recharges Itself for the next feeding. But that’s just the beginning Because the Mobitron is designed for maximum results, it offers features and benefits conventional feeding methods SINGLE OR DUAL FEEDING... The Mobitron can feed either a single or dual ration, depending on the individual requirements of each cow in your herd. It does so at a rate of 5 1/2 Ibs./mm./dispenser. Feed dispensers have built-in agitators. WESTFALIA Westfalia Milking Equipment And Computer Sales Centers WESTFALIA SALES ENGINEER Eiitirn I SouthMifern PA, MD, DE, NJ, WV, VA Robort E Tumor 717-677-9301 lEQU.PA PA: Uncaibr, Lobonon, tab, Chotbr Dauphin, Enbm York Count!** MD. Hartford County FISHER ft THOMPSON, INC. Amos Fithor, Rick Thompson 717-666-3307 Jersey Cattle Popularity Increasing tat, and 517 pounds total protein. The mature equivalent (M.E.) averages are based on 48,451 lactations. All of the figures represent increases from 1988 levels. Rates of increase for milk, fat and pro tein are 2.8%, 3.0%, and 2.4%, respectively. 1989 was the fif teenth consecutive year that the average Jersey production increased. Mobltron-Revolutionize the Way You Perceive Stanchion Barn Feeding barn feeding system*. Admi, Cumtarlmd, Frtnklin, Fulton, W4J DAIRY SALES LONGENECKER IMPLEMENT WllNnjton, Fiodorick, CornUat WMhrn Y«k CoundM Bill Guhl 717-529-2569 Dll* Lonunocktr 614-793-3731 WV: Bwklty, Jtffirion Countili WALTON’S DAIRY SERVICE * INTERSTATE DAIRY EQUIP. CO Gary Walton 717-352-7606 Willi* Plunwr 301 -293-6148/301 -562-2647 PORT ROYAL P* WALNUT DAIRY & BARN HAMBURG. PA EQUIPMENT SIIARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE Jonee King 717-527-2SBI Dll* Wenger 21S-4U-1025 Levi Stoltzfue 717-436-0429 WEHR’S DAIRY EQUIPMENT Mirk Wihr 717-986-1398 SEGA’S DAIRY SERVICE 717-465-7506 MULTIPLE FEEDINGS... Programmable for up to 9 feedings per day for up to 150 cows! This improves feed utilization which results in increased milk production, improved B.F. tests and, ultimately better reproduction. FOR ALL THE FACTS, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL WESTFALIA SALES CENTER OR . CALL WESTFALIA SYSTEMAT I Dealer Inquiries Are Welcome SYSTEMAL GRAWTSVILI.E. HD SYKESVILLE MD ffln®efssrsss Wtatom Carroll, ftadariek, Hoard, HO CaunlM Hmford, Hontgomaiy Ceunba WV: Pratlan, Moral, Hampahka, Grant FOGLE'S DAIRY FARM TROY. PA CounlN SALES A SERVICE DAIRYLAND SALES It SERVICE DAIRYMEN INC. Diva Fagla, Dal# Fegla, Mika KaHay 717-297-4121 Kannalh Van Braman MOMBCOWS Mark Johnaon JOl-7M-SB7O BRENNER DAIRY EQUIPMENT Albirt Branntr 614-654-7309 The production increases are coming at a time of increases in the number of Jerseys as well. At the end of 1988, 145,858 Jerseys were enrolled in all Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) testing prog rams. This is an increase of nearly seven percent over 1985 participa tion. Jerseys were the only breed among the five major dairy breeds to show an increase in DHI parti cipation during this time. 'Pipe & Hangers Not Included LYCO DAIRY SERVICE RobL Willi 717-494-0410 StiVi Waltz 717-494-0700 PICTURED: CURT SCHULTZ OF AUGUSTA. Wl WITH HIS 71 COW MOBITRON FEED SYSTEM. Semen sales confirm that Jersey popularity is on the rise, both in the United States, and around the world. Domestically, sales of Jersey semen have increased 10% from 1985 to 1988. Jerseys also led the way in growth of exported semen, showing an increase of 169%, according to figures from the National Association of Ani mal Breeders. WESTFALIA SYSTEMAT A Division of Centrico 1862 Brummel Drive Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Call Toll Free. 1-800-323-6723 In Illinois. 1-312-437-8660 SPECIAL WESTFAUA DEALERS FOR THE AMISH DAIRYMEN LOOANTON. PA WINTER ROAD DIESEL I cFwiri’ I Tim Stoltzfui 717-725-3690 I An*. Sorvle* EABAPjSE.fA Lloyd Rinck 717-667-6361