3429 NEW There are plenty of big reasons why you should plant 3429. For starters, this high-yielding, big-eared hybrid has very good stalks, exceptional test weight, and very good grain quality. Better still, it has very good late-season plant health and tolerance to most diseases, a real plus for the East. So there are plenty of big reasons to plant plenty of 3429. 3343 Ask growers who have planted 3343 about its performance, and they’ll all agree—under top management, it’s one of the best when it comes to yield. It’s also hard to beat when it comes to other important agronomic traits. A strong seedling vigor makes it adaptable to early planting and reduced tillage situations. It also offers strong roots and stalks for dependable standability. Rant one of the best hybrids around plant 3343. PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC. AH sales are subject to the terms of labeling and sale documents. "’Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., *1989, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc ONEER PIONEER '-'i ' W,.H^^ 3241 NEW This promising new multi-purpose hybrid has what it takes to fill a variety of needs from planting to harvest. First, it starts with strong emergence and early vigor. Next, it supplies good disease tolerance and excellent staygreen. All these combine to give you a great versatile hybrid all season long. 3140 The traits bred into 3140 give you excellent staygreen and lasting late-season plant health. 3140 is a tall plant with high ear placement. Performing well at lower planting rates, it displays good ear-flex capabilities and good drought tolerance. It also tolerates most common leaf diseases including gray leaf spot. 3140 provides the right genetic package to get the job done. PIONEER. BRAND SEED CORN Uncut* Arming, Saturday, Fabmaiy 17,1990-E3l iHf