Come In and See Our WMd For All of \bur Universal Dairy Equipment Parts and Supplies... Contact Nbur Local AGWAYFarm Center or Independent Universal Dairy Equipment Dealer universal DAIRY EQUIPMENT Your Universal Dealer is getting ready for tomorrow - right now! He’s added a lot of new equipment lately that you ought to see. He’s got a new, higher capacity vacuum pump; a new turbo milk receiver; a new programmable pipeline washer; a whole new line of sanitation supplies; a new end-of milk monitor; a new computerized feeder and a new Right Angle parlor stall. There’s more and it’s backed by your Universal Dealer’s renewed commitment to better service, availability of dependable parts and competitive prices. So trust your dairy to the Dealer who handles Universal - it’s a great way to get ready for tomorrow. The world of Universal Focused on the future! UNIVERSAL DAIRY EQUIPMENT 11100 North Congress Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64153-1222 iSmsal