Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 14, 1989, Image 48

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    88-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 14,1989
If you are looking for a recipe but can’t seem to
find it anywhere, send your recipe request to Cook’s
Question Corner, care of Lancaster Farming, P.O.
Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. There’s no need to
send a BASE. If we receive an answer to your ques
tion, we will publish it as soon as possible.
Answers to recipe requests should be sent to the
same address.
QUESTION Mildred Vorndran, Webster, NY,
requests a recipe for dill relish.
QUESTION A Millmont reader would like to know
where to purchase kosher salt that is used in corned
beef recipes.
QUESTION Terry Lerew, Gardners, requests a
recipe similar to the instant breakfast cereal “Peaches &
QUESTION Mrs. J. Roy Wise, requests a recipe
for coconut muffins like those served at Harpoon
QUESTION E. Poole of Street, MD, requests a
recipe for sour cream pound cake.
QUESTION Jane Raphael of Bricktown, NJ,
requests a recipe for cheese babka, a yeast cake with
ribbons of cheese and a few raisins. It is not sweet and is
usually eaten toasted and spread with butter.
QUESTION Doris Martin, New Holland, would like
to know how to prevent air bubbles that form under pie
crust when she bakes egg custard or shoo fly pies.
QUESTION Joan Texter, Sinking Springs, would
like to know how to serve 100 people scrambled eggs
baked in roasting pans.
ANSWER Carole Frantz of Friendsville, MD,
requested a recipe for a white Texas sheet cake made in
an 11x14-inch pan. Thanks to Bertha Sharp of Miffliii
town for answering this request.
White Texas Sheet Cake
1 cup water
1 cup butter or margarine
2 cups plus 2 tablespoons sugar
2 cups plus 2 tabjespoons flour
'A teaspoon salt
2 eggs
'A cup sour cream
1 teaspoon baking soda
Vi teaspoon lemon extract
Vi teaspoon vanilla extract
Rind of 1 lemon, grated
Boil together water and butter. Remove from heat
and while hot add flour, sugar and baking powder. Add
lemon rind and extracts. Pour into greased and floured
11x14-inch jelly roll pan. Bake at 350 degrees about 20
Vi cup butter or margarine
6 tablespoons milk
3Vi cups confectioners’ sugar
Vi teaspoon lemon extract
Vi teaspoon vanilla extract
Rind of 1 lemon, grated
Boil butter and milk. Remove from heat and stir in
confectioners’ sugar, lemon rind and extracts. Frost
- cake while warm. When cool, cut into bars.
ANSWER Melvin Heffner, Boyertown, requested
ways to use turnips in many different ways. Thanks to
Anna Martin, Reinholds, for sending in one. Readers,
we need a few more.
1 cup cooked turnips
2 tablespoons cream
1 cup cracker or bread crumbs
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter
14 teaspoon pepper
1 egg
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup milk
Mash cooked turnips and add 14 cup crumbs, beaten
egg, cream and seasoning. Mix together and add milk
gradually. Place in a greased baking dish and cover with
remaining crumbs and dots of butter.
Turnip Souffle
ANSWER A reader from West Virginia requests
recipes for game. Thanks Chris Hoover, Stevens; Mrs.
David Hoover, Ephrata; and Ann Druck of York who
raises and sells domestic rabbit. She said, “You can’t
get any better nutritive meat. According to a report on
“What your meat dollar buys,” comparative nutritive val
ue of the commonly used meats: 8eef...55%
Mutt0n...65% P0rk...75% Ranch
Raised Rabbit...B3%
You can use rabbit instead of chicken in corn soup
and in baked rabbit pie.”
Quick Meal
Layer rabbit in crock pot. Sprinkle with Old Bay. Cook
6 hours. “Delicious.”
1 young rabbit
2 cups milk or stock and water
'A pound chopped bacon
1 large onion
% cup chopped mushrooms
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
Salt and pepper to taste
Cut rabbit in pieces and put into a large saucepan.
Pour in milk; add onion, bacon, mushrooms and herbs.
Season to taste. Simmer VA hours or until tender.
Remove rabbit from pan and strain broth. Melt butter in a
dean pan, stir in flour, add broth andstir until thickened.
Pour over rabbit and serve with lemon wedges, parsley
and watercress.
Baked t Rabbit or Squirrel
1 rabbit or squirrel, cut up
1 tablespoon salt
1 quart cold water
Soak the game in salt and water mixture for 3 hours.
Brown rabbit in A pound butter. Put into a baking
dish. Bake 1 hour or until soft. Gravy can be made with
the pan drippings.
Italian Rabbit With, Spaghetti
Rabbit cut into serving pieces
1 large onion
2 8-ounce cans tomato paste
% tesapoon garlic salt
'A cup teaspoon oregano
2 bay leaves
Vs teaspoon sugar
Salt and pepper to taste
Spaghetti, 8 or 9 ounce package, boiled
Put rabbit in salted boiling water and simmer until ten
der. When cooked, remove meat from bones, if desired.
Combine all other ingredients except spaghetti with the
rabbit broth and simmer one hour.- Return rabbit tp
sauce. Serve on a bed of spaghetti.
Stewed Rabbit With Rice
1 rabbit cut into serving pieces
1 medium onion, chopped finely
4 strips bacon, cut finely
2 cups rabbit stock
2 peeled tomatoes, cut finely
1 tablespoon green pepper
Vi cup uncooked rice, washed
1 tablespoon minced parsley, if desired
Put rabbit in salted boiling water and simmer until ten
der. When cooked, remove meat from bones, and cut
into small pieces about 1-inch long. Saute onion with
bacon until onion is golden brown. Stir in the rabbit meat,
tomatoes, pepper, and stock. Let boil and add the well
washed rice. Cover skillet tightly and simmer until rice is
tender, stirring just enough to prevent sticking. Add
minced parsley, if desired.
Rabbit Salad
2 or 3 pounds rabbit
Celery tops
1 '/ 2 cups diced celery
'A cup diced sweet pickle
'A teaspoon monsodium glutamate powder
'A cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
Vs teaspoon pepper
Cover rabbit pieces with boiling water in stew pan
with celery tops, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer one
or two hours or until tender. Drain and cool. Remove
meat from bones and dice. Combine diced rabbit meat,
celery and pickld mix with remaining ingredients. Chill
thoroughly and serve on crisp lettuce with a garnish or
hard cooked eggs.
Rabbit Fricassee
(Turn to Pigs B 9)
Soup Up
(Continued from Pago B 6)
2 tablespoons butter I
1 cup thinly sliced onions'
'A oup thinly sliced carrots
A teaspoon garlic powder
4 cups beef broth OR 3 cans
(10. S ounces each) condensed beef
bouillon soup, undiluted.
4 QA -inch) slices Italian or
French bread, toasted and cubed
8 eggs
'A cup (2 ounces) shredded
Cheddar or Monterey Jack Cheese
In large saucepan over medium
heat, cook onions and carrots with
garlic powder in butter, 2 to 3
minutes. Add broth. Bring to boil
ing, reduce heat, cover and simmer
10 minutes. While broth is sim
’ mering, divide bread cubes evenly
among 4 soup bowls. Poach eggs,
4 at a time, in broth. With slotted
spoon, transfer to soup bowls.
Ladle about 1A cups soup into
each bowl over eggs. Sprinkle
each serving with 2 tablespoons of
the cheese.
American Egg Boi
Vi cup chopped onion
3 tablespoons margarine
'A cup flour
l'/i teaspoon instant chicken
1 teaspoon dry mustard
'A teaspoon thyme
Vi teaspoon black pepper
2 cups milk
2 cups water
2 cups broccoli flowerets or fro
zen broccoli
VA cup fully cooked, cubed
In a 3-quart saucepan, cook
onion in margarine until tender,
not brown. Stir in flour, chicken
bouillon, mustard, thyme and pep
per. Add milk and water all at"
once. Cook and stir over median
heat until thickened and
Cook broccoli and when tenderf
drain. Add broccoli and ham to
milk mixture. Simmer 4 to 6
minutes until heated thoroughly.
Serves 4.
Nancy Kramer
VA pounds boneless beef chuck
top blade steaks, cut 3 A -inch thick
1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 teaspoons chili powder
'A teaspoon ground cumin
1 can (16 ounces) tomatoes and
liquid, broken up
1 tablespoon oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 can (4 ounces) chopped green
1 can (8 ounces) whole kernel
com and liquid
1 cup water
1 teaspoon instant beef bouillon
granules £)
Partially freeze beef to fin W
Divide each steak into two pieces,
following natural seam and remov
ing connective tissue between
pieces. Cut each piece in half and
slice across the grain into '/ -inch
thick strips.
Combine cornstarch, chili pow-
der, cumin, 2 tablespoons juice
. from tomatoes and oil; add steak
snips, stirring to combine.
Cook beef strips (one half at a
time) in Dutch oven over medium
heat. Remove; reserve. Cook
onion and garlic 2 to 3 minutes.
Add tomatoes and remaining liq
uid, green chiles, com with liquid,
water and bouillon granules.
Bring to a boil; reduce heat, cgfo
ef tightly, and simmer 7 minufln
Add reserved seasoned beef strips
and continue cooking, covered, 3
minutes. Makes 4 servings.