t I Onto! a farm -And o bazar Joyce B Talk about frustration and futility. Not that it was the old guinea’s fault, at all. She’s been guilty of nothing, more than simple response to inbred stimuli, a natur al inclination to do what millions of her species before have done. And so. for the past few years, the aging Pearl guinea would seek out some hidden depression in the perennial border, demarkation line between the edge of the lawn and the beginning of the fields beyond. GOOD FOOD OUTLET STORES See Oar Original Line Of Golden Barrel Products Plus All Kinds Of Nuts, Beans, Candies, Etc. At Reduced Prices * CORN SYRUP * BAKING * PANCAKE SYRUP MOLASSES * PURE MAPLE SYRUP * BARBADOS 3?.V * SORGHUM SYRUP MOLASSES * TABLE SYRUP * BUCK STRAP * COCONUT OIL MOLASSES \r * CORN OIL * HONEY p' * COTTONSEED OIL * PEANUT BUTTER * PEANUT OIL * FUNNEL CAKE MIX * SOYBEAN OIL * SHOOFLY PE MIXES Processor* Of Syrups, Molasses, Cooking Oil, Funnel Cake Mix ft Shoofly Pie Mixes (With or Without Syrup) Good Food Outlet Located At L&S SWEETENERS *3BB E. Main St.. Leola, PA 17540 717-606-3486 1-800-633-2676 GOOD FOOD OUTLET Located At Good Food, Inc. W. Main St, Box 160, Honey Brook, PA 19344 218-273-3776 1-800-327-4406 Farm Drainage & Soil Conservation... We Are Fully Equipped To Install Tile With Laser Beam Control • Improved Land Use and Efficiency • Better Soil Conservation • Deeper Root Development • Increased Crop Yield • Longer Growing Seasons • Improved Plant Quality • Better Livestock Farming € COCALICO EQUIP. CO. ymuf' FARM DRAINAGE & EXCAVATING \' c J RD#4, BOX 317, DENVER, PA. 17517 P«: 215-267-3808 \y7 There, .under the protective canopy offered by clumps of gracefully arching dayljlies and swaying stems of fall asters (plus a few giant, volunteer stalks of rag weed), the old mother guinea would fill her nest with hope. Along about mid-summer’s battle with the ragweed, I would generally find the nest, cradling a clutch of a few dozen cream colored, brown speckled eggs. Sterile eggs they were, devoid of any sign of impending life, none That's Us I If your local store does not have it, CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURE & PRICES WE UPS DAILY -3#%PECIALS!M Golden Barrel Funnel Cake Mix (Just Add Water) 100 Lb. Bag Sugar - Call For A Sweet Pricel We Specialize In Soil Conservation And Land Improvement Work We’re Equipped With: Dozers, Pans And Excavators To Handle Any Excavating Jobs, Such As Terraces, Waterways, Diversions, Ponds, Etc. ever to be tediously opened by a chick pecking its way to the light of day - Our last male guinea disap peared about four years ago. For another year or so, there had been two females, sharing the filling of a nest of futility. Eventu ally. one of them flew to the great poultry pen in the sky, leaving this solitary, lonely bird. She took up keeping company with the few remaining backyard chickens, who tolerated, but never really accepted, her overtures of friendship. Of course, that may have been due to her habit of trying to steal their chicks. Anytime a hen hatched out a few chicks, the guinea would be right there on the outskirts, trying to chase off the natural mother. She took her sur rogate role quite seriously, ready to chase off any cat, dog or human intruder getting too close to the infants. For two summers, our eldest took pity on the frustrated guinea hen, pleading that we acquire the Reg. $2.59 now $2.39 Lancaster mining. Saturday, August is, 1989-B5 bird some chicks of her own to at all. adopt Time, memory and good intentions never guite got together, until two weeks ago. Then I moved the computer key board, and a ragged-edged, classi fied ad run by a nearby hatchery appeared on the office desk. Just in time, too. The last hatch of the season had just taken place, so my order for a half-dozen of the tiny chicks went in right under the wire. All six of them could have fit into the palm of my hand. Four looked like baby pheasants, in shades of browns and blacks. The other two, however, were an off shade of white. Lavendars, they called them, a type of guinea that when mature is the color 0f.....we11, lavendar. “Purple peeps!” laughed the youngest. “You got purple peeps?” How to bring together the old would-be mother and these sik machine-hatched chicks proved to be a formidable problem. They were certainly much too tiny to be released outside, where a veritable army of bird*loving cats roams the premises. The old guinea, used to living virtually wild, coming and going as she pleased, was not going to take lightly to relocation inside any sort of enclosure. And, suppose she wouldn’t adopt them See the most exciting new coal stoves ever... The STRATFORD Largo Sanction of Glass Doors 253 L Old Phils. Pk. Smoketown, Pa. 17576 3 Miles East of Lancaster lues., Thurs. & Fri. 10-8; Wed. & Sat 10-5 _(717) 397-7539_ When in doubt, stall. Into a big cardboard box on the greenhouse bench went the fluffy balls of brown and “lavendar.” A shop trouble light, graciously loaned by the Fanner,'provided additional warmth. Two weeks later, the largest of the chicks were testing their wings and roosting on the box edges. After retrieving one found perch ing on the edge of a water bucket, it seemed time to make other arrangements. A screened topper for a pickup, no longer in use by a friend, offered a temporary “bond ing” pen for chicks and would-be mother hen. A typical fairy-tale ending has the guinea spreading her wings and die chicks diving beneath in a beautiful, touching, union of spir its. In reality, the guinea is still grumbling because we’ve penned her, and the chicks hover together in a comer, looking bewildered. So much for fairytale endings.