Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 19, 1989, Image 44

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    84-Lancast«r Farming, Saturday, August 19,1989
(Continued from Pago B 2)
took X-rays to see how effective
the radiation had been.
“It took so long to hear the
results,” Wanda recalled. '“We
feared the worst”
But when doetprs said X-rays
showed no sign of a tumor, the
Yoders rejoiced. Craig would not
need chemotherapy.
At first Craig returned for
monthly checkups. Then in 1986.
his severe headaches returned.
Doctors thought they saw some
thing on a CAT Scan, but they
weren’t certain if it was a tumor or
scar tissue.
A tough choice
Doctors gave the Yoders a
choice: Either put a shunt in his
brain to drain the pressure build-up
or try chemotherapy.
"lliat was the hardest decision,”
the Yoders said. “No matter what
we chose Craig would suffer. If we
chose the shunt that would drain
into his stomach, and if malignant
cells were present, it would spread
through his whole body and kill
him. If we chose chemotherapy, he
would become deathly sick.”
The Yoders chose chemother
apy. Wanda explained, “If we had
chosen the shunt and Craig died.
Last Call For Country Craft Exhibitors
HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.)
Exhibitors deadline has been
extended two weeks for the 2nd
tnnual Country Craft Market,
September 24 through 28 at Farm
Show Complex, Harrisburg. Show
director Kay Kishbaugh
umounced, “Last day for applica
dons and deposits is now August
, According to Kishbaugh, the
extension was made at the request
3f country artists and craftsmen.
“By signing up these late corn
ers, we can achieve a more
balanced show” she explaineld.
But the show director notes a limit
is still set on each category, with
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Yoders Triumph Over Illness
then we’d regret that we hadn’t
chosen chemotherapy.”
But Craig became so sick on the
chemotherapy that they needed to
discontinue it. “He had no balance
and no control over anything,”
Wanda said.
The Yoders remained calm dur
ing this turmoil. Letters came from
people they didn’t know. Prayer
chains for Craig’s recovery were
started in the U.S., Taiwan, Ger
many, and Norway.
Wanda told doctors, “He’s
going to be okay. I know he is.”
She reported, “Doctors, who
weren’t convinced everything
would turn out ok, patted my arm
and said. Yes, Mrs. Yoder. We will
do everything we can, but the rest
is up to a higher power.”
Since Craig 'couldn’t continue
with chemotherapy, doctors
resorted to placing a shunt in his
brain to drain the pressure. Imme
diately Craig felt better.
Amazed doctors told the Yod
ers, “You do have miracle care.
Someone was watching out for
Three years have passed since
Craig’s recurrence. He returns to
the surgeon and radiologist every
six months for check-ups. Wan-
space assigned on a first come,
first served basis.
The goal is 100 qualified artists
and craftsmen, Kishbaugh said.
Thirty signed up for the inaugural
show last year.
Country Craft market will be
open Sunday, September 24, for
the convenience of customers and
collectors, it also was announced.
No admission will be charged.
Remaining days of the craft
show will be held in conjunction
with the Pennsylvania All-
American Dairy Show that runs
September 25 through 29, also at
the Farm Show Complex. The
dairy show is expected to draw
Orders Postpaid Distributorships Available
da said, ‘To this day if Craig com
plains of a headache or if he’s
away and the phone rings, I think
of the worst But I don’t dwell on
' it. I remember all God did before
and what he is doing each day.”
Loren agreed. “You’ve got to be
positive. You’ve got to expect the
Despite the time and concern
Craig’s illness demanded of the
Yoder family, they still find time
for many church and community
The family is heavily involved
in dairy and beef promotion. Jay
lene just ended her reign as Mifflin
County dairy princess. She now
works as the Beef Industry Rep
resentative. In the fall she will
enter Penn State to major in dairy
and animal science.
Wanda is daily princess coordi
nator for 10 counties. She headed
the local committee for five years.
Marcia, now 16, is a high school
senior and works parttime in a loc
al grocery.
Craig, fully recovered with no
lasting side effects, enjoys swim
ming, volleyball and Ashing. “1
like farming,” he said, “except on
hot days.”
visitors from 30 states and Cana
dian provinces.
Kishbaugh emphasized that arts
and crafts should have a country
theme or design. Entries are now
being accepted for photography,
art, sculpture, jewelry, basketry,
weaving, wood work, assemb
lages and broommaking. Also
copper, tin, iron and leather crafts,
folkart, stenciling, rag rugs, flow-
Mrs. MUdrtd P. Knight
Life today
Serving The Industry For Over 30 Years
Factory Warehouse
• Weight-Tronlx
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• Grain Bins
• Feed Bins
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From 2Vz Ton
150 Ton
Every six months Craig returns
to the surgeon and to the radiolo
gist for check-ups. The treatments
did stunt his grovfth for awhile, but
now he is beginning to grow. His
hair, which he lost twice, isn’t as
thick as before. But the important
' thing is that Craig is healthy, with
no damage from brain surgery and
Loren is director of the soil con
servation board and sits on the
Union Township zoning board.
The family enjoys hosting
exchange students. They had stu
dents for one year and for six
month terms from Norway and
Germany, and several for shorter
“The exchange students become
part of our family,” Wanda said.
Loren flew to Germany to attend
the wedding of one of their former
students and now Wanda plans to
visit them this year.
Students also return to visit the
slates with their families. The Nor
way students’ parents has visited
several times and refers to the
Yoders 85-acre farm as “our
Last year, the Yoders received
the Dairy of Distinction award for
their dairy farm that has been in the
er arrangements, stained glass and
All items at the show must be
handcrafted. No imports or kit
produced items are eligible.
For more details, write Charles
Itle, Country Craft Show, c/o
Farm Show Complex, 2301 North
Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA
17110-9408. Or phone
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Plan Your Grain Handling AndX
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family for 35 years.
Although only a few refer to the
Yoders place as “our farm,” many
view Craig as “our boy."
Daughter Jaylene said, “We
couldn’t have pulled through (the
illness) without the understanding
and help of others.”
Her parents agreed. “The sup
port of family, friends and even
strangers was unbelievable.” they
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