A2O-Lancaat»f Farming, Saturday, August 19,1989 Almost two-years-old, Evle Martin, daughter of Clinton and Donna Martin, Schaefferstown, gets the proper wagon logo from Stacy Klinger, Centre Co. Dairy Princess. A dad-powered wagon makes it easier on these little feet. Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighiy-Four, Pa. Monday, August 14, 1989 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 329...PDA,..Comp*red with last Monday’i market: Slaughter cowi .SO to $l, spot* $1.50 higher. Few Choice •laughter iteeri 69.50-70.00, Select 64.00- Standard 56.00-62.00, few Utility S2.SO-SS.SO. Few Choice >l. heifers 66.00- few Select 60.00-62.50, Stan dard 54.00-58.50, Utility 49-S3.SO. Break ing Utility & Commercial il. cows 48.00- few SS.OO, Cutter & Bon. Utility 45.50-SO.OO, Calmer & low Cutter 39.00- Sheila down to 22.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 1000/2050 Ibf. il. bulls 57.00- No. 2, 900/1400 lbs. S2.SO-S6.SO. Feeder Cattle: Medium and Large Frame No. 1, 300/400 lbs. steers 94.00- 10.00, 450/SSO lbs. 75.00-90.00, lot Large #2,800 lbs. Sl.OO. Med. & Large Frame No. 1, 400/600 lbs. heifers 74.00- few 27S lbs. 91.00. Medium Frame No. 1. 300/425 lbs. bulls 84.00- 4SO/SSO lbs. 78.00-BS.OO, lot 900 lbs. 60.00. CALVES 241... Few Choice vealers 94.00- 10.00, Good 80.00-93.00, Standard & Good 90/120 Ibt. 70.00-82.00, 60/85 Ibi. 61.00-74.00, few Utility 50/70 Ibi. 35.00- Farm Calvei: Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs. 86.00-122.00, few 130.00. Holstein heifers 85/120 lb*. 82.00-115.00. Beef cross 80/115 lbs. bulls & heifers 80.00- HOGS 113... Barrows and gilts about steady. US No. 1-2 220/250 lbs. 47.00- 1-3 220/260 lbs. 46.00-47.10, 2-3 215/250 lbs. 44.50-46.00. US No. 1-3 300/550 lbs. sows 30.00-34.00, 2-3 340/600 lbs. 28.00-30.50. Boars 28.00- FEEDER PIGS 15... Few US No. 1-3 30/45 lbs. feeder pigs 14.00-19.00 per head. GOATS 29... Large 40.00-58.00, Medium 28.00-38.00 all per head. Ag Progress Days 1989 The view from on top of a large combine. ~u % - MoMat cov tal and Na Milking the t Wicoff, child rei