Westminster Livestock Auction Hagcntown, Md. Tuoday, August IS, 1959 Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER COWS: HIGH YIELD 51.00-53.00, UTILITY 47.00-51.00, CAH NERS 44.00-48.00, SHELLY 44.00 DOWN. BULLS: YG#l 64.00-66.00; YGV. 2 55.00- FED STEERS: 1100-1200 LBS. CHOICE 72.00-73.00; SELECT 63.00- STANDARD 55.00-61.00. FED HEIFERS: 1000-1250 LBS. HIGH CHOICE 68.25-69.50; STANDARD TO LOW SELECT 55.00-60.00. vfeAL CALVES; 140-250 LBS. GOOD TO LOW CHOICE 85.00-95.00; STAN DARD TO GOOD 74.00-85.00; CULLS Hip'll swTsh for broilers 18 J*4 Houses Sold In The Last 6 Months! Here Is Why Area Broiler Producers Are Switching To sulSsh: □ Growers Are Getting Best Results In Feed Conversion And Weight Gain With Swish Cups, And Earning Top Bonuses. □ The Patented Valve Is Reliable And Keeps The Cup Clean And Litter Dry. □ Swish Cups Are Designed To Provide Higher Volume, Fresher And Colder Water During Hot Weather. □ Swish Cups Are LESS EXPENSIVE Than Nip A cup drinker is the most natural way for a bird to drink Compared with a nipple, birds dnnk more water from a cup This makes heavier birds which increases consumption since it’s fresher, cooler, and more appetizing. 3. Unlike nipples which can get too low or too high, our system is more forgiving of uneven floors. If birds can reach into the cup, they can drink. 4. Our system provides easy access to water for brooding birds as young as one 1. On most of our systems, the water day old. Float balls snap onto trigger to supply is thru a pipe at grpund level, so automatically raise water levels and the water stays cooler and much more attract young birds. refreshing. 5. Nipples frequently dribble water qn 2. Compared with “bell type” dnnkers the floor and bell waterers collect dust and others with standing water, our cups into the water. Compare our benefits let each bird trigger its own fresh water, with theirs. We also offer a deep cup for GSBBjSWffISH Self-Cleaning Cups Are Available In Continuous Lines or 8 Ft, Drinkers And our cups perform better than other brands. We believe there are several reasons for this; Get tie Complete 11%. Too* Antlkoilsed * SSm agri systems 85-100 LBS, 80.00-88.00; 50-80 LBS.. 72.00- WEAK AND ROUGH 65.00 DOWN; FARM CALVES, HOLSTEIN BULLS 95-120 LBS. 95.00-111.00; 85-90 LBS. 86.00-95.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 111.00; BEEF X BULLS 86.00-106.00. BUTCHER HOGS: US#l AND 3 215-250 LBS. 47.00-48.00; US#2 AND 3 215-260 LBS. 42.00-46.50; 195-210 LBS. 42.00- SOWS 300-500 LBS. 37.00- 500-700 LBS. 35.00-37.00; BOARS 32.00-33.00. STOCK CATTLE. STEERS: 300-500 LBS. 78.00-87.00; 500-700 LBS. 75.00-83.00; 700-900 LBS. 70.00-86.00; 900-1050 LBS. 62.00-70.00. HEIFERS: 300-500 LBS. 78.00-84.00; 500-700 LBS. 65.00-78.00; HOLSTEIN X 700-800 LBS. 58.00-60.00. BULLS: 200-300 LBS. 90.00-95.00; 300-500 LBS. 80.00-90.00; HOLSTEINS NORTHEAST AGRI SYSTEMS, INC. FLYWAY BUSINESS PARK 139 A West Airport Rd. Lititz, PA 17543 (717) 569-2702 300-50* LBS. 70.00-76.00. LAMBS': CHOICE SO-120 LBS. 57.00-62.00; 50-80 LBS. 70.00-74.00; GOOD 80-120 LBS. 53.00-57.00; FEED ERS 50-80 LBS. 60.00-68.00. SHEEP: 21.00-29.00; YEARLINGS 35.00-44 00. GOATS: LARGE 60.00-79.00; MEDIUM 45.00-60.00; SMALL FLESHY 32.00- THIN 25.00 AND DOWN. PIGS AND SHOATS: BY THE HEAD, 15-30 LBS. 10.00-15.00; 30-40 LBS. 15.00- 50-70 LBS. 20.00-26.00, BY THE LB., 1 LOT. 71 LBS. AT 41.00; CUU.S 50-80 LBS. 25.00-32.00. STOCK BOARS: 200-250 LBS. 31.00- 140-200 LBS. 28.00-31.00. ile Drinkers. use with roasters to help keep your floors dry 6. Other cups don’t offer the unique “swishing action” ours do So feed can accumulate and get other brands of cups dirtjeand packed with stale feed Birds just naturally prefer a clean cup (See illustration in box above for how our cup was designed to be the only self cleaning cup available today) CHORE-TIME/SWISH - we believe it’s the best watering system available. See back of sheet for the systems we offer for various applications. lug, Ventilating, Watering From WSH Master Distributor fa/w \\Sf/y Morrisons Cove Livestock ■ Martlniburg, Pa. Monday, Auguit 14, 1989 Report tupplled by auction CATTLE: 149 STEERS: HIGH CHOICE & PRIME 69.50-72.50; CHOICE 6S.QO-69.00; GOOD 60.50-64.75; STAN DARD 56.00-60.25. HEIFERS: CHOICE 66.50-68.75; GOOD 54.00-62.75. COWS: UTILITY & COMMERCIAL 50.25-55.75; CUTTERS 47.50-50.00; CANNER & LOW CUTTER 41.50-48.75. BULLOCKS: GOOD & CHOICE 61.50-65.75. POULTRY WATERING SYSTEMS STORE HOURS: Moh.*FH. 7:3(M:30 Opan Saturday* By Appolnlmant Uneasttr Firming, Saturdiy, August Ilf, 1989-Al7 BULLS; YIELD GRADE NO. 1 57.75-61.25. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS GOOD 71.00- STANDARD ’ 62.00-70.50; BULLS GOOD 68.50-82.50; STANDARD 58.00- HEIFERS GOOD 65.00- STANDARD 56.00-64.50. CALVES: 319. PRIME 98.50-106.50; CHOICE 91.50-97.50; GODD 85.50- STANDARD & GOOD 78.50- 90-110 LBS. 82.50-94.50, 65-90 LBS. 68.50-87.50; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 94.50-122.50; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. 88.50- HOGS: 70. US#l-2 48.75-50.00; US #l-3 47.50-48.25. .SOWS: US#l-3 32.00-36.50. BOARS: 28.00-32.50. FEEDER PIGS: 29. US#l-3 20-35 LBS. 16.00- PER HEAD; 1-3 35-50 LBS. 26.00- PER HEAD. SHEEP: 35. SLAUGHTER LAMBS CHOICE 62.00-67.50; GOOD 58.00- SLAUGHTER EWES 25.00- GOATS: 22.00-76.00 PER HD. 3 LOADS OF ALFALFA HAY, 90.00-110.00; 5 LOADS OF TIMOTHY HAY, 23.00-57.00; 2 LOADS OF STRAW. 50.00-70.00. '| in nf Dr o p n ™ n t eß quic-cush’n bumper hitch A NEW WORKING BUMPER WITH STYLE AND CLASS) • Savaa time...on* trip to drlvatraln with 4' >pring hookupl No running back and cuahkrn loro and rttl forth, .(winging, axtandabla towbar lor widnt hookup rangal • Takes "Jerk" out of towing.- cushion springs mlnimlza surge .. saves your back! • Reduces stress on complete I *» r ~* regular modal qulc-cuah'na For furthar information aaa your daalar or call or write. DM INC.* • RT. 106 E. • BOX (5 • GOODFIELD, IL 61742 PH. 206/166 2233 - )()0 stww Drive ill Cedir Slaat • No parte to break or wear out ..all staal with removable 6 ga. lace... no poly partal • Varaatlllty...mounte on full •Iza 2WD or 4WO plckupa to pull grain wagom, horn trailere, ate. Standard and haavy-duty > unlta lor 2-whaal and ' 4-whaal d'lva lull tlz« pickup trucks and heavy duty 'stubby units lor straight trucks.