Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 05, 1989, Image 46

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    BMancastar Fanning, Saturday, Auguat S, 1989
Some In The Range
Peachy Pies Using
Summertime Fruit
Summer is the ideal time to
experiment with pie making. The
abundant fruit offers a variety of
flavors and textures. Tart and tan
gy, crisp and sweet, you’re find
many fruit pies that can be made in
season and out of season if you
freeze or can them.
Readers have submitted some
old-time favorites such as ground
cherry pie and rasberry chiffon pie.
If you’d never tried them, take
advantage of the season and bake
them today.
3 cups ground cherries
1 cup apples
'A cup brown sugar
1 cup water
2 tablespoons clear jell
Mix the following ingredients in
a large kettle. Cook over medium
heat, stirring constandy until mix
ture thickens or boils. Pour into
unbaked pie shell. Bake at 350
degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.
Sprinkle with crumbs made from
the following mixture:
3 cups flour
l'/i cups brown sugar
VA cups white sugar
'A pound margarine
Dorene Carman
1 quart black raspberries
1 cup water
Cook raspberries slowly with
water for 5 to 10 minutes. Put juice
and berries through a fruit press to
get raspberry juice and pulp.
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
'A cup cold water
3 eggs
V> cup sugar
'A teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup raspberry juice and pulp
Softer, gelatin in cold water. In
top of a double boiler, cook until
custard consistency, the egg yolks,
slightly beaten, in % cup sugar,
lemon juice and salt, stirring con
stantly. Add softened gelatin in the
hot mixture and stir until dissolvd.
Then add raspberries. Cool and
when mixture begins to thicken,
fold in stiffly beaten egg whites to
which V* cup sugar has been
added. Fill baked pie shell and
chill before serving. Spread a layer
of whipped topping over the top of
Mount Joy
Recipe Topics
If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please
share them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask
that you include accurate measurements, a complete
list of ingredients and clear instructions with each
recipe you submit. Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good,
Lancaster Farming, P.O. 80x'609, Ephrata, PA 17522.
4 quarts sliced peaches
3'/j cups sugar
'A cup plus 2 tablespoons
'A to '/] cup lemon juice,
1 teaspoon salt
Mix all together and put into 4
1 -quart containers. To use partially
thaw, then spread into 9-inch pie
shells. Dot with butter and place
top crust on. Bake undl juice bub
bles and is thick. (1 quart for one
9-inch pie). Bake at 450 degrees
for 40 to 45 minutes.
Naomi Hackman
6 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon sugar
'/« teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup boiling water
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons cornstarch
VA cup sugar
Juice and rind of one lemon
2 egg whites, beaten
Boil water, yolks, cornstarch,
sugar and lemon together until
thicken. Remove from heat Fold
in beaten egg whites. Pour into
baked pie shell. Cover with
crumbs and brown in oven at 400
4 cups sliced plums
Vi cup sugar
'A cup flour
'/ teaspoon salt
A teaspoon cinnamon
Combine sugar, flour, salt and
cinnamon. Add to plums and place
in 9-inch pastry shell. Sprinkle 1
tablespoon lemon juice over
Vi cup flour
'A cup sugar
2 teaspoon cinnamon
'A teaspoon nutmeg
'A cup butter
Mix ingredients until crumbly.
Mound crumbs in center of pie.
Place pic in heavy brown grocery
bag. Cover pie loosely. Fold over
end twice and fasten with paper
clips. Set on baking sheet. Bake 1
hour at 425 degrees.
Remove from oven. Let rest a
few minutes before removing bag.
Serve warm.
Preserving Fruits & Vegetables
Quick Casseroles
Arlene Hershey
IVI cups flgur
'A teaspoon salt
'A cup shortening
I'A tablespoon butter
Combine ingredients. Chill
dough in refrigerator IS minutes.
Roll to 'A -inch thickness. Place in
pie plate.
4 medium tart apples, peeled,
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup whipping cream
1 egg
V* cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour
V* teaspoon salt
Combine cream, egg, sugar,
flour, and salt Pour mixture over
apples and sprinkle with topping.
Walnut Crumb Topping:
V* cup whole walnuts
'A cup brown sugar
'A cup flour
'/ cup butter, melted
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Combine ingredients until
crumbly. Sprinkle on top of filling.
Bake at 450 degrees for 10
minutes; reduce heat to 350
degrees and bake 35 minutes
Carol Tice
G rants vide, MD
2 packets artificial sweetner
Soften gelatin in '/« cup water,
meanwhile, line 8-inch pie pan
with 2 sliced peaches. Dice
Pie making can be as easy as dipping Ice cream In a cookie pie crust and topping
with fresh fruit.
I'A to 2 tablespoons cold water
4 peaches
Vi cup nonfat dry milk
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
V* teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon lemon juice
'A cup water
remaining peaches finely, set diced h mixture
aside Add A cup boiling water dvCf sliced heS- Chi „
and dry milk to softened gelatin; Maple Lawn Farms
beat S minutes at high speed. Stir v New p ark
in lemon juice, vanilla, sweetner
(Turn to Pag* BS)
Featured Recipe
Max and Eleanor Isenberg never overlook an opportunity to prom
ote dairy products. Eleanor enjoys pulling on a cow costume and
appearing at unexpected places to teach people the importance of buy
ing items with the real seal.
If you stopby the Isenbergs, you’re sure to be served a meal contain
ing plenty of dairy products.
Eleanor submitted this recipe, made in honor of former Jimmy Car
ter, who visits the Isenberg’s neighborhood annually. Fortunately, the
recipe calls for several dairy products earning a seal of approval from
the Isenbergs and the Carters who are peanut fanners. To learn mote
about the Isenbergs, look for their story in this section.
First layer:
1 cup flour
Vi cup butter
Vi cup dry roasted peanuts, crumbled
Mix ingredients and press into a 9x13 pan. Bake 20 minutes at 350
degrees. Cool.
Second layer
8 ounces cream cheese
'/> cup peanut butter
1 cup confectioners’ sugar
Cream together. Fold in 1 8-ounce container of whipped topping.
Third layer;
IV* cups milk
1 box instant vanilla pudding
1 box instant chocolate pudding
Fourth layer
1 8-ounce container whipped topping
Grate chocolate bar and sprinkle on top
Garnish with peanuts
Refrigerate until ready to serve.
home on the range
Pie making can be complex or as simple as filling a cookie crust with
ice cream topped with fresh fruit