Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 15, 1989, Image 54

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    Bio-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 15,1989
Readers Write
I’m Michael Holcombe, 5 years
old and living in Berks County
with my father, James; mother,
Karen; and four-year-old sister,
Our house is on a hill in the
woods and we can see the deer
from my parents’ bedroom win
dow. We live near Pop-pop and
Grandma Holcombe and visit them
often. Sometimes I go along when
Pop-pop fixes fence to keep his
Learn to avoid dangerous situations like this one. Weaving down the middle of the
road on a bike is careless and can cause accidents.
Children practice bike safety on roads by riding with the traffic, using hand signals,
obeying signs and weiring helmets.
Michael Holcombe
Angus cattle in the pastures. I have
sent a picture of Pop-pop on his
John Deere checking the fences.
We have a John Deere mailbox
I like to draw and paint. I was
given the artist in resident’ award
at my preschool graduation in
May. Kindergarten starts in
I’m learning to play the piano
and will soon be playing duets with
my grandma.
My name is Lizzie Esh. I am 10
years old. My birthday is January
15, 1979. My parents are Henry
and Katie Esh. I have 3 brothers
and 1 sister. Their names are John,
13; Bcnucl, 12; me, 10; Henry, 8;
and Anc, 4.
Wc have 43 cows and some
calves and heifers. We have about
30 chickens. We have 3 little kit
tens. We have a driving horses,
named Betty and Sunshine. We
have 7 mules named Pet, Pete,
Pearl, Polly, Jewel, Jenny and Jane
and 1 dog named Rosie. And 1
dove named Blue Boy. I like Kid’s
Bye, Bye,
Lizzie Esh, Strasburg
/' ' '*
Dear Readers,
My name is Susan Baumgard
ner. I am going into seventh grade.
My parents are Robert and Sharon
Baumgardner. I have 2 brothers
and 1 sister; Me, 11; Andrew, 9;
Erin, 7; and Lee, 2.
I live on a 145 acre dairy farm in
York County. Andrew and I hlep
our parents milk 50 cows. We have
a lot of heifers and heifer calves to
take care of.
We also have about 50 chickens.
We hatched out some peeps this
spring. I have a dog named Lassie.
She is eight years old. We have
four cats, 2 are snow white and 2
gray and white ones.
We also have a big garden, and
some fruit trees.
I go to Kralltown School. I like
to read Kid’s Komcr each week.
Susan Baumgardner, Dillsburg
Be A Safe Biker
Biking is the second most popu
lar participatory sport in the United
States. But biking can be
*9 *,
Bikes arc vehicles, not toys,
once they’re taken out of the back
yard or your driveway and on to
the road. Operating your bike
makes you a driver, not just a rider.
Like drivers of other vehicles, you
should act responsibly and know
the rules of the road.
Ride with the traffic and obey all
traffic signs. Know and use the
hand signals for right turn, left
turn, and slowing down. Keep both
hands on the handlebars except
when signalling.
Be visible, be alert, be predict
able and be defensive are four bike
How many peas could a pea
picker pick if a pea picker could
pick peas? The answer It could, it
does and the number is about
10,000 pounds of peas per hour.
The machine that pickes an
amazing amount of peas in an
amazingly short amount of time 1
works much like the more familiar
com and wheat combines. As thd
PSC-156 Hi-Ton pea combine
from FMC Corporation moves
through the Held, it strips the pea
pods from the vine, gently shells
Pea Picker
♦ ♦ * ♦
f ’
My name is Eli Beiler. I am 11
" years old. I am in the seventh
grade. My birthday is on July 27.
My parents’ names arc Ben and
Kane Boiler. I have 5 brothers and
3 sisters. Elam, 21; Gideon, 18;
Sadie, 16; Stevie, 14; and me, 11.
John, Lydia, Mary and Bcnucl arc
We have 32 cows and we have a
lot of while pigeons.
We have a little pony. His name
is Lucky. We hitch our pony to the
cart and ride him.
We have 8 work horses. Their
names are Pearl, Polly, Beau,
Maple, Charlie, Beauty, Patsy and
Bort. We have 3 kilter s. Their
names are Barbie, Mary and
safety tips worth remembering.
Your bike should be equipped with
reflectors, a headlight and a flag
for better visibility. But avoid bik
ing at night. The accident rale -u
night is 20 times higher than the
daytime rate.
Most bicycle accidents occur at
intersections, and most occur only
a few blocks from home for
instance, when you’re exiting your
driveway. Watch for oncoming
cars because most of them won’t
be watching out for you.
Because head injuries account
for three out of every four fatalities
in bike and car accidents, safety
experts advise wearing a helmet
Follow the biking rules, ant
enjoy a safe summer.
the peas, deposits them in a
5,000-pound capacity hopper and
simultaneously shoots vines, plant
leaves and empty pods back into
the field.
* * * *
If food companies had to
harvest peas as they did 40 years
ago, a can or package of peas
could cost as much as five dollars.
Next time peas grace your dinnei
table, you may be grateful thej
were brought to you in part by the
“world’s largest pea picker.”
By now,
Eli Beiler