ERY LITTLE INTEREST HARVESTORE SYSTEMS Immediate No interest 'Die results you m«y achieve with your Harvestore® System depend primarily upon your management skills and may vary from successful results achieved by others Any application to a particular farming operation requires the advice of qualified experts and is subject to limitations of good management, weather and other conditions present at the individual location. New Enterprise, PA 814-766-2364 Ken Bupp, Mgr. THERE’S THESE DAYS. construction on 2059 or larger structures. until September 1990! (This is not a lease.) Call for details. SUB-STATIONS SERVING YOU FROM In fact, as little as o% Newvllle, PA Columbus, NJ CFDTnTr 7G THB 1 TTV'Vt 717-775-3397 M9-29&-7136 iO in* AAI, Maynard McCullough, Mgr. Charles Van Mater. Mgr.