Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 22, 1989, Image 57

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    Question Comer
ANSWER Mrs. Lewis Kofron, Clayton, DE,
requested a lemon pudding cake. Thanks Patricia Wax,
Carlisle, who sent in one and also a recipe for a cake top
chocolate pudding, which is like the lemon pudding cake
only chocolate. She writes that it produces a wonderful
fudgy bottom with a moist chocolate cake top. Since we
already published lemon pudding cake recipes, only the
chcolate one is being printed.
Cake-Top Chocolate Pudding
Mix, bake and serve from one casserole. During baking, a
cake layer forms on top and a fudge sauce on the bottom.
3 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
'A cup milk
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar, divided
3 tablespoons plus I 'A cup unsweetened cocoa,
2 teaspoons baking powder
Vi teaspoon salt
1% cups hot water
% cup sliced almonds
Chilled heavy cream, milk or vanilla ice cream
In oven, while preheating to 350 degrees, melt butter
in deep 2-quart casserole. Add butter and vanilla to milk
in measuring cup; set aside. In the casserole mix well:
flour, Vz cup sugar, 3 tablespoons cocoa, the baking
powder and salt. Stir in milk mixture just to blend.
Sprinkle evenly with remaining 'A cup cocoa and Yt cup
sugar. Pour on water and bake on middle oven rack for
20 minutes or until crust has formed. Sprinkle with
almonds; bake 10 to 15 minutes longer or until pick
inserted in cake layer comes out clean. Spoon at once
into dessert bowl, covering cake part with the fudge
sauce. Pass cream. Makes 8 servings.
ANSWER Fay Leslie requested a recipe for Fun
nel cakes. Thanks Karen Burkholder for sending one.
1 egg
Vi cup milk
(Continued from Page B 8)
Funnel Cakes
Lebanon Seeking
And Little Miss
The Lebanon County Dairy
Princess Committee is looking for
young women, ages 16-24, from a
dairy background to compete for
1989 Lebanon County Dairy Prin
cess. They are also seeking little
girls, ages 4-6 years old to vie for
the title of Little Miss Lebanon
County Dairy Princess. Any little
girl whose parents are involved in
dairy farming may compete. The
1/2 cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
Vi teaspoon salt
Beat egg and add milk. Sift together flour, sugar, bak
ing powder, and salt. Gradually add egg and milk. Beat
until smooth. Holding your finger over the bottom of the
funnel, fill the funnel with batter. Drop the batter into hot
fat (375 degrees), swirling it into circles from the center
out. If the batter seems thin, add a bit more flour.
Make each cake about 3 inches in diameter. Fry until
golden brown. Sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar. Serve
ANSWER —Mary Hammond. Wellsboro, rquested a
yogurt recipe. Thanks Mary Bow, Annville, and Mary
Fisher, Quarryville, for answering.
Rosie’s Yogurt
4 cups instant powdered milk
4 cups water
1 can evaporated milk
1 cup boiling water with
1 teaspoon gelatin dissolved in water
3 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 cup warm water
Stir together in the above order. Pour into a gallon
glass jar or other suitable container. Cover and let set in
a warm place for 12 to 24 hours.
little girl will receive a banner and
crown. She will be asked to make
some appearances with the Coun
ty Dairy Princess during the com
ing year to hand out promotional
The Lebanon County Dairy
Princess Pageant will be held June
24 at Annville Elementary School
at 7:30 p.m. Angela Hoover,
Lebanon County’s 1988 Dairy
Lancaster Farmtofl, Saturday, April 22* 1989-89
Dairy Princess
Princess, will crown the winner
who will be eligible to compete
far Pennsylvania Dairy Princess
by attending three days of training
at Lycoming College, Williams
port in July with all county dairy
princesses. The winner will
receive numerous gifts and bene
fits of tremendous personal
growth, development of self
confidence & speaking ability, the
opportunity to travel and meet
new Mends.
Any single woman who has
completed her junior year in high
school, is not over 24 years of age,
never married and whose parents
or guardians are or have been
engaged in dairy farming within
the last four years is eligible to
compete for the title. A young
lady is also eligible if she. herself,
is employed on an operating dairy
farm or dairy farm store; or herself
be the owner of at least two ani
mals of the six major dairy breeds
in a bona fide 4-H or FFA project
prior to May 1, 1989.
Young women and little girls
who are interested in entering the
contest or who have questions
should contact Sheryl Horst at