Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 15, 1989, Image 36

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    A36-Lancasler Fanning, Saturday, April 15,1989
York Holstein Breeders
(Continued from Page At)
new technology, confronted with
the same industry suspicion which
greeted A.l. and bulk tanks. But,
controversial or not, BST, if and
when approved by FDA, could be
available for dairy farmer use
within the year. The university is
taking no position on the product,
but making available to farmers
compiled research findings.
BST is a natural protein hor
mone needed by all mammals,
produced in the bodies of both
cows and humans, and is naturally
found in milk. It helps to coordi
nate how energy from feed intake
is utilized in the animal’s system.
After extensive testing, no
increase has been found in the
levels of BST in milk from treated
animals over the BST levels in
milk from non-treated, control
animals. Since it is a protein, BST
is not orally active if ingested by
mouth, nor is it harmful if acci
dentally injected.
Frequency of dosages range
from daily to monthly, depending
on how each firm producing the
product establishes usage. How
ever, says Dr. Muller, dosage
intervals of two to four weeks
seem most palatable. Adaptation
of cows to the periodic injections
has not been a problem.
Production response per head,
from compiled statistics of seven
separate research stations, ranged
in the area of 8 to 11 pounds milk
increase per day, and within three
to four days of BST administra
tion. A 15 percent increase, or 8.4
Ag Teachers
In Workshop
BLUE BALL The Lancaster
County Vocational Agriculture
Teachers Association sponsored a
welding workshop in cooperation
with M.H. Eby of Blue Ball on
Wed., April 12.
The workshop involved a tour
of the aluminum trailer manufac
turing plant and hands-on instruc
tion by welders employed by Eby
using MIG welders. Company
representatives from Century
Manufacturing and Keystone Gas
made presentations about equip
ment available from their
The workshop was planned by
the ag teacher group to better pre
pare them in the new fields of
agriculture mechanics. Because
the teachers are training students
for a vocation in a field of agricul
ture it is important for them to be
up to date with the new technolo
gies in today’s agriculture indus
tries. Several schools are consid
ering adding MIG type welders to
their agriculture curriculum.
Bill Shrum, human resource
manager for M.H. Eby, stressed
the constant need for workers with
sound mechanical abilities. He
encouraged the ag teachers to
expose their students to a variety
of mechanical skills such as MIG
welding. Several agriculture stu
dents from local high schools have
worked with employees at Eby on
an On-The-Job Training Co-Op
A number of workshops have
been planned by the LCVATA in
an effort to stay on the “Leading
Edge” of the new fields of agricul
ture. Students interested in a
career in agriculture should con
tact their local agriculture prog
ram instructors.
pounds milk per head per day, was
an overall average production
response to BST.
BST efficiency was greatest
when administered beginning at
80-90 days into lactation, just after
production peaked. With an esti
mated 215 days remaining in a
305-day lactation, at an additional
8.4 pounds per day, an average
gain of 1800 pounds per lactation
might be expected with BST.
Most successful response was
in mature cows, those in second or
greater lactations, ranging from 6
to 13 pounds per day increases.
First lactation cows show less
overall average response, from 1
to 6 pounds per day increase, pos
sibly due to continuing body
growth to maturity.
Feed intake, however, must be
increased 5 to 10 percent, to com
pensate for the greater energy
needed by the cow to produce
additional pounds. Without
increased feed levels, animals
draw extra production resources
from their own body reserves.
And, a delay in administering BST
until about 90 days helps avoid
putting the cow in a negative ener
gy intake position during the first
months of heavy production after
There are concerns for delayed
FEED SAVINGS: On-bum remits ihow a feed (airing* of V 4
lb. per 100 bird* per day - over $lO,OOO per year Mvlnge
on a 100,000-Wrd houee. Year after year.
EASY ADAPTABILITY: Our* adapt* ea*ily to
exiding cage *y*tem* you may already have. Or
choo*e from our wide (election of cage *tyle*.
5-YEAR WARRANTY: Oun gives you a
S-year warranty on auger and trough. Theirs
doesn’t. In fact, their dealers derive a lar<-
percentage of their income from pe- 1
Ours don't.
Our control lets you program feeding
time to the second, to match the
exact time of one circuit Control
number of feedings, time of each
feeding - also 10-second "Stimula
tion Cycles” between feedings, to
minimise separation, and Improve
your birds' feed intake.
“Push-pull” Power Unite
with Vs or Vi HP motor are
located in a cage, have
hardened eteel gearc for
trouble-free operation.
Watering From
breeding, due to the added draw
on body resources for greater pro
duction. However, BST in no way
affects the endocrine system con
trolling reproductive hormones.
Body reserves, noted Dr, Mull
er, must be restored during late
lactation arid the dry period. With
BST usage, dairy producers might
have to redo feeding programs to
provide higher energy intake to
end-lactation, dry, and “close”
“BST management strategies
are similar to those used for all
high production cows,” he
Economics of BST will have to
be weighed in each individual
dairymen’s management situa
tion. It requires no capital invest
ment outlay, but does impact costs
through increased labor, feed, and
cost of the product itself. Other
profitability factors include herd
health, milk price, rate of industry
acceptance and long-term
While researchers have no sure
fire way of guaging dairy industry
acceptance, projections are for IS
to 25 percent early acceptance of
BST increasing to up to SO percent
within five years after and, if,
approved for use.
A 25-percent adoption rate of
Chore-Time*s ULTRAFLO® feeder
can free you from your chains
We have probably been too modest up to now about the merits of our new generation
ULTRAFLO® cage feeder vs. the old style chain feeders some of our competitors are
still trying to sell you. In fact, the only negative comments about ourfeeder come from
our competition, not our customers. So we would like to point out the bare facts:
Get The
BST, at the average lactation
increase of 1800 pounds, would
increase production nationwide by
an estimated 3 percent. Likewise,
a 50-percent adoption rate, about
the industry usage rate of DHIA
testing, would boost production
about six percent.
FDA approval is expected when
safety for use on cows, as well as
safety for meat and milk con
sumption by the public has been
satisfactorily demonstrated, and
the product is deemed an effective
industry production tool.
Continuing wariness among
TROUBLE-FREE DESIGN: Our leader has only two moving
putt - the one-piece auger plu* Mch drive wheel; their chain
hae more. Our comets am heavy 12 ga. line plated tubing tor
“ and short life.
Complete Ventilation,
Us Torn Authorized Master Distributor
139 A West Airport Rd.
Lititz, PA 17543
(717) 569-2702
_ .. Jai meeting were, from left,
Ramsay, Veda and son Scott Cooper, who opened their
60-head stall barn for the annual gathering. Scott, a recent
Delaware Valley College dairy science graduate, manages
the registered Holsteins, with a herd average of 18,600
milk, 722 fat, 600 protein, while Ramsay handles crops and
Our auger travels at 80 FI
so birds are limited from eai
until it stops; birds will hi-gt
feed from chain feeders,
causing uneven nutrition.
•lowly revolves, remixing old ai
new feed; theirs leaves most
feed to get stale.
BILLED-OUT FEED: Our auger i
a grid to prevent birdt from raking,
and throwing out feed; neither ct
diek tytteme prevent feed waete.
COST SAVINGS: Oura mvc* v.
amount* of energy cost* since it’* easier
to propel and run* only half as long m
LOW MAINTENANCE: With our 5-year \
warranty on auger and 20 ga. trough (one I
competitor ha* only 22 ga.) - plue no 1
comer wheel mechaniim* to wear out -
ours saves you maintenance cotta.
dairymen over the impact of BST
approval was evident in a lively
question-answer session which
wrapped up Muller’s presentation.
Consumer perception and accep
tance of BST treated milk,
decreasing milk prices with pro
duction increases, cow health and
cost effectiveness are concerns
dairymen are wrestling with as
apparent from the discussion.
However, when questioned,
other say they are ready to at least
give BST a try in their manage
ment program, when - and if -
FDA gives the OK.
10 million Wide are already
on our leader worldwide.
Also, it wae proven in 5 year*
of on-term tevting before
Mon.*Frl. 7:304:30
Sat 8.-00-11 JO