Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 08, 1989, Image 58

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    BtMjneatur famiog t Satorday.Aprtl 9, t 969
JUNIATA Once again the
Pennsylvania dairy industry is
seeking candidates to serve as
county Dairy Princesses in their
local areas throughout the state.
All single young women from a
dariy background or with an inter
est in the dairy industry should
consider devoting a year of their
spare time helping to further the
interests of their home county and
the dairy industry in their home
The Juniata County Dairy
Promotion Committee has
announced that the 1988 Juniata
County Dairy Princess will be
selected in June. The date, time
and location of the pageant will be
announced at a later date.
(Continued from Pago B 16)
touch to their farmhouse, they use
old bam wood for closets and cup
boards. Old shutter hinges and
door knobs found in the bam are
placed on the house doors. They
stripped a painted wagon wheel
stored in the attic, threaded the
chain of an antique ceiling light
through it and left the light hang
below the wagon wheel for an
autfaetic old-fashioned light
It’s being together that Beth
clings to. But Floyd admits she
need not worry about him giving
up farming. Recently he toured a
large steel plant “I couldn’t work
there even if they paid me $25 per
hour,” he said. “What do you see
that gives you satisfaction at the
end of the day? A hunk of steel?"
He speaks of the contentment
that plowing a field and feeding
calves brings. “You sec things
growing. You get rewards for your
But being a hardworker doesn’t
keep Hoyd from vacation breaks.
Spray weevils early
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When you spray your alfalfa for weevil prior to first
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Alfalfa weevils begin feeding prior to Arsf
cutting. This can hurt tonnage, quality and stands.
Spraying early not only prevents all this, but it means
that you won’t have to worry about it after f rst
cutting—when you may not have time to spray at all.
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The best choice for early alfalfa weevil control
Because you have more to do than worry about weevil.
Furadan is a restricted use pesticide Read and follow label directions I
Furadan and «MC are trademarks of FMC Corporation L J
• 1988 FMC . V /
For Dairy PriricCss
The 1989 winner will serve the
dairy industry of Juniata county
for one year commencing on July
1, 1989. She will make appear
ances at schools and grocery
stores and have the opportunity to
speak to various farm and non
farm groups throughout the coun
ty. In addition, she will represent
the dairy industry in parades and
at fairs and will represent Juniata
county at the Pennsylvania Dairy
Princess Pageant in Harrisburg in
September. She will also attend
three days of training at Shippens
burg University in July.
The Pennsylvania Dairy Prin
cess receives a $1,200 cash award
with $5OO and $4OO going to her
two alternates. The State title is
He and Beth enjoy annual snow
mobiling jaunts to Canada and
New York.
While they arc gone, Floyd
completely trusts his high school
hired hand. Dean Berger, to take
care of the dairy herd.
“He’s a good hired hand; other
wise, I couldn’t do all I’ve got to
do. He doesn’t stand around look
ing for something to do.”
A nephew of the Kurtz’s takes
care of the registration bookwork.
“I don’t have the patience to stand
out their and do all the markings,”
Kurtz said, “so it’s good he enjoys
it or it probably wouldn’t get
One thing that deeply disturbs
Beth is the attitude that some peo
ple portray by saying things such
is “He’s just a farmer.” She said,
*People don’t realize everything
farmers do and need to know to do
heir job or they wouldn’t say that
I’m proud of my husband and
jroud that he’s a farmer.”
honorary and'thcre is no interrup
tion of school or employment
commitments. The State pageant
is coordinated by Pennsylvania
Dairy Princess and Promotion
Any single woman who has
completed her junior year in high
school, is not over 24 years of age,
never married and whose parents
or guardians are or have been
engaged in dairy farming within
the last three years is eligible to
compete for the title. A young
lady is also eligible if she, herself,
is a full time employee on an oper
ating dairy farm or is the owner of
at Kast two animals of the six
major dairy breeds in a bona fida
4-H or FFA project prim’ to May
1. 1989.
Anyone interested in entering
the Juniata County Dairy Princess
contest, or would like more infor
mation, should contact Vera Sup
plec, phone S3S-5926, by April 1,
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The high-scoring individuals In the Lancaster County
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