Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 08, 1989, Image 49

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    Spring Safety
It’s spring, and with it comes
hope and renewed life. Unfortu
nately, in our community, many
are suffering from the loss of a
14-year-old killed in an bicycle
auto collision.
I’ve written about bicycle safety
in other years, but feel the need to
repeat this important message. If
you are a parent of a child wwho
rides a bicylcle, please read on and
please take action! There really are
a lot of bicycles on the go.
Consider these facts:
>l. More than 100 million bicy
cles are in use on American streets
and highways.
Chore-Time Poultry
Feeders Save Labor
New Model H 2 is all plastic and has no grill. Its starter windows are
at the top of the cone to completely flood the pan for easy chick starting.
V,. '*>.
NEW Chick Starter System With Chick Starter Windows Closed
Fills The Pan And Pots The Right Amount New H 2 Plastic Pan Maintains The Proper
Of Feed On The Floor Without Excess Feed Level For Great Feed Conversions.
Either pan used with Chore-Time’s MEAL-TIME Feeding concept can
improve feed conversion by 3 to 5 points. Contact us today and learn
how you can benefit from a Chore-Time feeding system.
Get The Complete System - Feeding, Ventilation, Watering
From Us. Your Authorized Master Distributor
139 A West Airport Rd. y J
Lititz, PA 17543 x %yio- /
By Michelle S. Rodgers
Berks Extension
Home Economist
•2. About 7 out of 10 young
sters, ages S'to 16 ride a bicycle.
•3. The predominant victims of
bicycle accidents are children
betweeen ages S and 14
•4. Four times each hour of each
day during a year a bicycle driver
is injured.
•5. One bicycle driver is killed
every 11 hours in a traffic crash.
•6. Two out of every three bicy
cle accidents occur to drivers who
have failed to follow the rules of
the road!
The’ arrival of spring is a long
awaited occasion for all kids, and
especially those who got new bicy
cles few Christmas. The excitement
and Feed.
Feed costs soar and you’re looking
for every possible way to reduce man
hours. Chore-Time’s pan-type feeders
offer you the capability of cutting
costs while increasing productivity.
New rustproof Model 2000
automatically fills pan to attract
day-old chicks then adjusts itself
to low feed level as birds grow.
(717) 569-2702
Dealer Inquiries Invited
builds as they look forward to
. jumping on the ol’ hike and head
ing down die street toward free
dom. Perhaps that crazy and
carefree attitude contributes to the
' number of accidents that occur.
And despite the recent bicycle
accident and death in our commun
ity, I recently was driving home at
night only to come upon a bicyclist
with no lights, reflective clothing
or reflectors other than those on the
wheels. I arrived home minutes
later with my heart rate slightly
elevated and determined to get the
message out to parents about
increased need for bicycle safety.
These safety thoughts come to
my mind as I make plans to enjoy
the spring weather on my own
bicycle. It certainly is a great way
to exercise and soak up the wanner
temperatures outside. I spent many
days of my youth perched upon a
bicycle and I- loved it. However,
out on the farm there was a lot of
wide open space to ride without
worry about traffic. Still the big
thrill was to be allowed to “ride on
the road“. This was approved after
a good track record as a driver had
been established.
Being a good rider, however, is
not enough, particularly when
faced with the statistics that I
reported earlier. Whether in the
llort-W. 7:30-430
Sal 130-1130
- country, suburb, or city it is impor
tant to teach kids die basics of
being a bicycle driver as well as
being a rider.
A bicycle drive is required to
follow all Pennsylvania motor
vehicle laws just as acar is. Being a
rider on the other hand Implies that
the bicycle is a toy to be played
with however the child wishes.
One of the best ways I know of
to teach young lads to learn about
bicycle safety, while having fun
with kids their own age, is through
the 4-H Bicycle project Activities
that can be included are learning
Lancaster County Swine
The organizational meeting of
the Lancaster County 4-H Swine
Club will be held at 7:30 p.m. on
Thursday, April 13, at the Farm &
Home Center.
The county-wide club has con
solidated all existing community
4-H swine projects into a program
that has improved educational
efforts, member recognition, and
community support.
The evening’s program will
include an official sign-up, distri
bution of project books, explana
tion of goals, election of officers,
and introduction of leaders. Pre
sentations by Greg Hamish and
John Hess, Manheim FFA mem
bers will be a highlight of the
Kuhn EL 35 Power Tiller.
A tough tiller for a tough job.
The EL 35 Power Tiller is “user engineered” for better soil manage
ment and bigger yields.
• DURABLE - heavy-duty blades, enclosed drive line and rugged
gearbox take shock loads and resist wear
NO MAINTENANCE - all gear construction eliminates chains,
sprockets for maintenance-free operation *
• CHOICE OF SIZES - for 12-35 h.p. tractors in 6 working
widths from 30" - 60"
• VERSATILE - perfect for landscaping, nurseries, commercial
gardening and orchards
7 30 AM
to 5:30 PM
7 AM to 12 Noon
110 South Railroad Ave. • New Holland, PA 17557 • Telephone (717) 355-2122
UncatHf Ftnrtfnfl,Saturdiy, j
the rules ofthe road, bicyci& main
tenance, games to play with bicy
cles, and group activities like trail
rides and bicycle parades.
If you or someone you know is
interested in learning more about
being a safe bicycle driver, contact
your county extension office. As
you give the bicycles a yearly
inspection in preparation for the
summer months ahead, review
bicycle safety tips and laws of the
road. Whether you are riding a
bicycle or driving a car, remember
that spring is a lime of renewed life
... let’s work to keep it that way!
The club will hold five meetings
each year, as well as a roundup and
sale in August and a recognition
banquet in October. Members of
the club will have the opportunity
to participate in livestock and
meats judging programs, pork
bowl and public speaking competi
tions, and the Pennsylvania Farm
Show junior swine events.
Lancaster County youth
between the ages of eight and 19
years are invited to attend the orga
nizational meeting. Feel free to
bring your parents and friends, too.
For additional information, con
tact Chet Hughes, Penn State
Extension livestock agent, at
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