Ida’s Notebook Ida Hisser The calendar tells me it is time to prepare for planting the garden. I’m hoping the weather agrees. Last week I took inventory of my big can of seeds. We’re told not to use old seed but I do and have not had any big trouble. The other year my husband bought five pound of hull pea seed for me. It will take a few seasons to empty the big bag of pea seed. Often I will gather seed from dill, parsnips or chard and finally ten years later throw them away as they do reseed themselves. In the bottom of my seed cache, I have persimmon and pawpaw seeds from two great aunts. They are stored in tiny cloth bags with drawstrings that they sewed by ** 1 -' Buy This Spring FORD FINANCE or LEASE *0.0% up to 48 mo. 5.9% 24 mo. 7.9% 36 mo. 8.9% 48 mo. 9.9% 60 mo. Available to qualified buyers 'Oapanding On Tractor Modal Growing* - IWVKWIiJM flwfcnr hand. bom over a hundred years ago. Nowadays, the seeds would prob ably be put in a plastic sandwich bag and pressed shut quickly. There are very few things that I need to buy this year. A pound of tiny yellow onions, a package of parsley seed and one of red radishes. Somehow, I’ve managed to accumulate more green bean seed than I’ll need in three years. Speaking of beans, I did have a problem with my edible soybeans last year. 1 planted a row twice and only had two plants that grew. I had even gone to the trouble of put ting up a poultry netting fence ahead of time to protect them from the rabbits. At least the fence kept Ihe m gjgwMfiM For • Mowers • Tillers • Riding Mowers • Lawn Tractors • Yard Tractors • Lawn & Garden Tractors • Lawn & Garden Diesels • Small Farm Tractors • Mid Size Farm Tractors • Large Farm Tractors • Large Farm Tractors • Industrial Loaders • Landscape Tractors • Landscape Attachments • Mowing Attachments • Farm Attachments • Skid Loaders Much More Lane. Ford Tractor Is A Full Service Dealer Genuine Replacement Parts Factory Trained Mechanics and Take Advantage Of One fif The New Holland Programs WAIVER FINANCING Make Your Deal Take Delivery NOW No Payment! No Interest Until SEPT. It PAY Lawn and Garden CASH You but tha tractor GET THE Arrange your MOWER FREE own financing + and save Finance 0.0% for 18 mo. rjOA Ta 5.9% t° r 24 mo. O/O 1U 7.9% for 36 mo. 20% Waive Payments _ J „ Until May 1989 Depending on model 4, mo y LGTD ,. lt , LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR. INC. The Counties Oldest & Largest Ford Tractor Dealer 1655 Rohrerstown Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 Ag Week At Delaware Mall DOVER, DE Do you know what gel seeding is? Do you know where the first broiler chicken was raised? Do you know what a wick bar is? Unless you’re in the business of fanning, you probably don’t know the answer to any of these. That’s what Ag Week at the Mall is for making the general public more aware of what agriculture in Delaware is all about. my peanut plants from being eaten off. I haven’t bothered to start many plants indoors as they usually pro duce much later than plants that I can buy. One year I raised 18 pep per plants from seed and then in the fall, after I’d frozen several quart, I still had a five gallon bucket of green peppers to give away. I will admit that my neighbors grabbed them up quickly and solved my problem of what to do with them. Another year of gardening! It is justlike farming- you never know what to expect. Some years a good harvest and others drought, hail and flood. I have experienced all of them. This year’s celebration of Dela ware’s leading industry will run March 31 through April 2 at the Blue Hen Mall in Dover. Gov. Mike Castle proclaimed Delaware Ag Week March 19-25 as a way of urging all citizens to recognize the importance of agriculture and its related industries to the state’s economy. Those dates also correspond with National Ag Day which is traditionally celebrated the first day of spring, March 20. The American Council on Agriculture has a host of events planned in Washington, D.C., for that celebration. The Delaware Department of Agriculture is sponsoring Ag Week at the Mall for the second year in a row. A host of agricultur al organizations, associations and businesses will have exhibits open during regular mall hours. Exhibi tors include the state’s 4-H Grange and Future Farmers of America clubs, Delaware State’s College of Agriculture and Natur al Resources, University of Dela ware Cooperative Extension Ser vice and the Department of Agriculture. CHELATION THERAPY THIS MAY BE YOUR ANSWER TO: Heart Prob lems, High Blood Pressure, Poor Circulation, Arthritis, Diabetes, Leg Cramps, Numbness, Tingling, Cold Hands And Feet & Atherosclerosis. All of these conditions may be helped by Golden Pride Formula #l. This aids in removing approximately 50 detrimental factors includ ing lead, mercury and calcium deposits from the arteries. It also lowers triglycerides and cholesterol. This chelated formula called Golden Pride Formula #1 is available in a pleasant-lasting form containing honey, royal jelly, bee pollen and the chelating agent EDTA. Start to erase years of damage to your sys tem. Good nutrition can deviate many health problems. The following are just a few testimonies of some of the many persons using Golden Pride Products. Dear Golden Pride. I had a massive heart attack in January 1979. It was put on medication and wore nitro patches for six years. Then I developed diabetes and the doctor put me on micronase for 2 years. My medical bills ran $l3OO a year. I also had lower back trouble, numbness from my waist to my elbows and needles in my fingers. I was stooped over (and) could not straighten up. The longer I took the medicine the worse I was feeling. It got to the point when I went to the store, I would look for a chair so I could rest as I was exhausted. I was introduced to Golden Pride (in) September 1986 and started to take For mula 01 and 02 After six days, I got up one morning and had some energy, I could not believe it I continued on 01 and 02 about four months and I felt so much better that I started to drop my heart pills a little at a time Last I dropped by diab etes pills and the nitro patches. Now I have added Formula 03 and 04 I went to the doctor for a check-up, all tests came out perfect I Thanks to Golden Pride l l praise the Lord for giving man the wisdom to make these products Dear Golden Pride : For more than a year, I suffered from severe pains in my legs, hips and feet To ease the discomfort, I relied heavily on over-the-counter Ibuprophen tablets, keeping them with me at all times. In October of 1988, my daughter gave me a bottle of Golden Pride's Green Barley insisting that I try it. At first the green “cocktail" was a little hard to take, but I soon learned that the benefits far outweighed the slight unpleasantness. Within days, I stopped taking the Ibuprophen tablets altogether In fact in the five weeks that I've been using the Green Barley, I have,taken only two Ibupro • phene tebletel I am very pleased with your wonderful product and plan to continue using it faithfully!ll am now also takmg the Formula 01 and I feel better every day' Thanks agaml “New” Green Barley Dried Juice of young Barley plants with Brown Rice & Kelp. A rich source of nature's wealth in our day of fast foods, chemicals and preservatives For Information or products call or write JESSE WEAVER 1431 Brunnerville Road, Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-5503 #1 Formula' 1 #2 Formula 2-76+ 100% High Desert #3 Bee Pollen 130 mg #4 Propolis. Fiber Cap... #7 - Bee 111. Green Barley, Tablets or Powder $29.95 Orders Postpaid Distributorships Available Lancwter Farming, Saturday. April 1,1989-813 Several commodity groups are tentatively planning cooking demonstrations that* will include taste testing for consumers. Among them, the Delaware Potato Board. Craft demonstrations such as broommmaldng and weaving are also planned. Another special treat will be a petting zoo for children. The Future Farmers of America will have a large tent set up in the Blue Hen Mall parking lot stocked with lovable farm critters. For children who have never seen or touched a live calf, chicken or sheep, it’s a great opportunity to see them up close. Ag Week at the Mall will cul minate a month of activities aimed at promoting agriculture. The Department of Agriculture spon sored a seminar March 4 for agri cultural associations designed to help them promote their products, and the Council of Farm Organi zations held its annual Ag Indus try Dinner March 11 to honor legi slators for helping keep agricul ture alive in Delaware and to honor the state’s agricultural pro ducers and manufacturers. 1988 Robert Haines December 1988 Dons Wheatley $17.95 $14.95 $5.65 $15.75 $12.95 $17.95