-t' * ■v' 1 , .*< 7/V’ r^»* 0“' , ! t*. ‘J,* ap MU||| mcftf ■ L 919 USE COUNTER: BECAUSE YOU CAN'T AFFORD A PERFORMANCE GAP IN INSECT CONTROL. Every season, a complex of insect pests is waiting to attack your corn crop. So you need the best protection you can get with COUNTER' systemic insecticide-nematicide. NO PERFORMANCE GAP COUNTER consistently controls more major corn pests than any other product. And you can’t afford to risk a performance gap in your insect control. (See chart.) COUNTER controls a broad spectrum of pests, * -V ZfPj including corn rootworms, wireworms, white grubs, nematodes and other insects that can attack your crop and reduce yields. And COUNTER give you guaranteed cutworm protection. See your local - ;ng Cyanaifiid AgriCenter™ dealer for details on this product guarantee. Banded or in-furrow, year after year COUNTED BRli^ k “"cJliCp feC-Asj -‘l**' *■ ** ,%■ u ?' yj CONSISTENT PERFORMANCE fkm SjifiiK aSS&MtI |||gp^||| ir+% V s'A, * r “ \ >■' ' %%i r , -SB.,*”-' tJT „ ’ *