DMancastir Fanning Saturday, January 28,1989 Improving Reproductive Efficiency Producers have lots of ways to measure reproductive efficiency -- pigs/litter, litters/year, pigs/sow/ year, pigs/crate/year, total herd feed conversion and profit, to mention a few. All pf these are useful. But none of them tells the whole story. Whatever numbers you chose to monitor herd perfor mance, remember that there are two major overhead expenses you must cover; 1) the breeding herd and 2) the facilities. The breeding herd may be effi cient, but you may be short in the total number of sows you’re breeding. That means the facility cost will be high for each pig sold. This is a significant problem for almost every producer I visit that has a “reproductive problem" in his herd. Another problem that occai sionally happens is that you may be able to keep the facilities at capacity, but you’re breeding herd might be abnormally large and inefficient. The point is it’s important to be sure that the farrowing house is full and the breeding herd is effi cient Here are a few tips on get ting that done. CULLING The goal behind any culling system is to improve genetic merit in the herd. Unfortunately, it sel dom happens that way. First, reproductive traits are influenced more by management than gene tics. Second the boars maintain most of the genetic material in the herd, especially when you’re sav ing your own replacement gilts. And finally, most sows are culled for reasons other than productivity. Be cautious not to over-cull, since you will farrow a greater percentage of gilts. The peak per formance of a sow occurs in the 3rd through 6th parity, so it’s important to maintain the bulk of your sow herd in this age bracket if at all practical. GILT POOL MANAGEMENT Three secrets to a well managed gilt pool; 1) know when you’ll need the gilts 2) Have enough gilts available 3) breed or sell all gilts (of breeding age) in the pool within 30 days. The steps you can follow to meets these goals; 1. For every sow you expect to cull, move 3 to 4 gilts from the fin ishing floor to the breeding bam. 2. Be sure gilts have fence line contact with the boar. 3. Sell any gilts that don’t cycle within the first 7 to 10 days. 4. Keep the gilts that cycle and breed them 3 weeks later (on their second cycle). This system automatically selects for early estrus. It allows you to sell the non-cycling gilts at a typical market weight. And it permits breeding on the second heat. Pork Prose by Kenneth B. Kephart Penn State Extension Swine Specialist Many systems, instead, main tain one or two gilts for every “empty crate.” Gilts are bred on their second service or whenever an empty spot needs filled. The non-cycling gilts go to market at 280 to 300 pounds. The result is gilts are not selected for early estrus. Feed expenses are often higher. And the non-cycling gilts 'are discounted at the market because they’re heavy. OVER-FARROWING An example of over-farrowing is farrowing 14 to 15 sows for a farrowing room that contains 12 crates. The “extra" sows are weaned at day 2 or 3, pigs are fos tered to other sows, and litters are standardized at about 12 per sow. The space, labor and feed for the extra sows will cost about $BO/sow. That’s equivalent to $8 to $lO for every additional live pig, and for most producers, that’s a good investment. But to get it done, the gilt pool has to be man aged closely. HEAT DETECTION Keep groups small (less than 10). Rely on die boar and yourself for spotting sows in heat. Watch timid sows closely. Check heat twice per day. OPTIMAL TIME FOR BREEDING The ideal time to breed the average sow is about 28 hours after the beginning of estrus. Sows should be bred roughly 12 hours after they first come into heat and again about 12 hours later. Because gilts exhibit heat for a much shorter time than sows, they should be bred every 12 hours from the time you first see them in heat. NUMBER OF SERVICES For the sow: two services pro vides a big boost in conception rate and litter size compared to one service. Three services may yield a slight benefit in conception rate over two services. More than three services is not a good invest ment Sows should be bred to two different boars, in the event that one boar is sub-fertile. For the boar: Anytime you use a boar more once a day or more than six times per week, you risk a drop in conception rate and litter size. As a rule of thumb, wften weaning a group of sows, provide one boar for every two to three sows. HANDMATING VS PENMATING The two drawbacks to handmat ing are, of course, time and space. I don’t think I’ve every met a pro ducer that questioned die merits of handmating. The problem for many of you is finding the time. But if you can take the time, you can potentially overcome the typi cal problems observed with pen mating - boar overuse, sows missed, and poor matings. If hand mating is just not possible fix' your operation, then provide the next best thing by rotating boars at least Pork Industry Forum Planned DES MOINES, IA More than 500 pork producer leaders and elected producer delegates from across the country will join together at Kansas City’s Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel for the 1989 National Pork Industry Frum, March 1-3. During Pork Forum ‘B9, the National Pork Producers Council, National Pork Council Women, Pork Act Delegate Body and the National Pork Board will hold their annual meetings and take action on many important issues. These sessions provide ongoing grassroots producer input into domestic and international con cerns of importance to the pork industry. The central theme, “Commit ment to Quality,” will carry through all aspects of the event emphasizing the industry’s priori ties in planning for the 21st Century. Len Dawson, former Kansas once per day. EFFECTS OF HIGH TEMPERATURE Sows exposed to high tempera tures (90 degrees F) during the first two weeks of pregnancy will often show reduced conception rates or decreased litter size. Boars with only a 1 degree ele vation in body temperature, can have a 70% reduction in sperm output. Recovery time is 6 to 8 weeks. If you haven’t figured it out already, these are awfully good reasons to put drip coolers in the breeding bam. One observation that’s some times confused with high tempera tures is seasonal infertility. Sea sonal infertility seems to be asso ciated more with decreasing day-length than with high temper ature. Research shows that breed ing late summer to early fall may cause an irregular return to estrus, with little or no change in litter size. PREGANCY DETECTION The two classical methods of detecting pregnancy are return to heat and ultrasound. By observing for return to heat, you’ll find the sows early (day 21). It’s accurate (up to 100%). And you can re breed right away, or cull the sow if desired. But it’s somewhat labor intensive. Ultrasound, requires less time and is nearly as accurate as check ing for heat return. Unfortunately, you can’t use the method until day 30, and sows can’rbe re-bred until their second estrus at day 42. Compared to checking for heat retrun, this will cost you close to $lO, for every non-pregnant sow you find. For the producer that doesn’t use either of these methods, he can only hope that most sows settle the first time. If he doesn’t find them until the day they come into the farrowing house, he knows he’s shot at least $5O. SUMMARY 1. Have an effi cient gilt pool. Do whatever it takes on your operation to keep those farrowing crates full. Con sider “over-breeding” so you can "over-farrow.” 2. For group weaning situa tions, remember the “Two-to- Three“ rule of thumb: Two to three services per sow, and two to three sows for every boar. 3. Check pregnancy as soon as practical. Checking for return to heat takes more time than ultra sound, but it pays dividends in feed saved. City Chiefs football quarterback and well-known sports broadcas ter, will be the featured Forum luncheon speaker on Friday, March 3. A special program to honor Pork Industry Hall of Fame recipients, Paul McNutt, lowa City, lowa, and George Brauer, Oaicford, 111., along with Distin guished Service Award winners. Annual Keystone Pork Congress Scheduled HARRISBURG The eleventh annual Keystone Pork Congress will be held February 15, 1988 at the Penn Harris Inn in Camp Hill. This year’s KPC will feature a trade show with more than 40 exhibits, a “Pork Bowl” contest for 4-H and FFA mem bers, educational seminars and the annual banquet of the Pennsylva nia Pork Producers Council. Dr, Chicken Stud Farms On The UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre) Stud farms are just for champ ion race horses and prize bulls, right? Not anymore. Think chickens. According to Penn State scien tists Dr. Roy Hammerstedt, pro fessor of biochemistry, and Dr. Guy Barbato, assistant professor of poultry science, commercial chicken stud farms are definitely on the horizon. The two research ers have even started a prototype on Penn State’s University Park campus as part of their research on the effects of freezing on the pre servation of rooster semen. The 600 birds in Hammerstedt and Barbato’s chicken stud farm came from strains developed at the University of British Colum bia and the University of Minne sota where researchers bred them according to how well the rooster semen froze. With the aid of a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the two Penn State scientists are now comparing the biochemical and genetic traits of the lines that freeze well with the lines that don’t “I don’t think we’ll find any thing like a ‘freeze gene,”’ Ham merstedt says. “But 1 do think there may be compensatory enzymes in certain chicken lines, for example, that enable their sperm cells to better withstand the stress of freezing and thawing and still remain fertile.” Hammerstedt, who has studied the basic biochemistry of semen from a variety of animals during the last 20 years, is looking for biochemical traits that enhance freezability as well as the best freezing methods. Barbato, a poultry specialist, is studying the ways in which the desirable traits are inherited. Although scientists have deve loped successful techniques for freezing horse and cattle semen, no one has developed commercial techniques for chickens. Barbato notes, “If you talk to some people in the field, they say it is impossible to freeze chicken sperm.” The ability to freeze rooster semen would enable breeders to increase efficiency and maximize genetic progress. Barbato explains that a prize rooster might be able to keep 10 to 12 females fertile. “That rooster really only makes a small genetic contribution to the Marvin Gamer, SL Joseph, Mo. and Keith Myers, Grundy Center, lowa, will take place during the National Forum Banquet on Fri day evening. Pork producers not directly involved as voting delegates are welcome to attend any of the dele gate meetings to watch key indus try decisions being made. Roy Shultz, practicing veterina rian from Avoca, lowa is the fea tured speaker on the educational program and will discuss “Herd Health Programs”. Invited ban quet speaker is Ed Johnson, presi dent of the Agri-Broadcasting Network in Columbus, OH. For a program copy, contact your coun ty extension office. To make ban quet reservations, call Stephen Burkholder 215/682-2871. Horizon next generation,” he notes. “By being able to freeze his semen, you are able to go to 100 or 200 hens. You can mail the semen to California or to Australia or Bra zil, or to Third World countries that are having trouble improving their genetic stock. “Freezing semen maximizes genetic progress and if we are able to maximize progress, we can directly influence the cost to the consumer.” Barbato and Hammerstedt agree that when a reliable and eco nomic method of freezing rooster semen is found, chicken stud farms, similar to theirs, will be the natural result. These stud farms will, however, differ significantly from horse and cattle farms. Barbato says, “Frozen semen is actually used to produce cows that are used for milk production. That is just completely unrealistic for chickens since the U.S. produces more than 5.5 billion chickens a year.” He sees artificial insemination with frozeii genetically superior semen obtained front chicken stud farms as a tool for breeders who then will supply chicken produc ers with superior stock. Hammerstedt points out that the Penn State research will have other applications beyond chicken stud farms as well. Since sperm are single cells, the researchers will be able to use them as a model for other cells or even whole organs. He notes, “There probably is a common set of physical prop erties that allow a cell to freeze.” Learning those properties will be useful to those who want, for example, to preserve human organs for transplant by freezing. 1989 Farm Show Turkey Winners Turkey Large Young Turkoy Tome 1. Bolton Turkey Perm: 2. Bolton Turkey Farm, 3. Bolton Turkey Farm. Large Young Turkey Hene 1. Konhaus Farms: 2. Strockland Farms; 3 Bolton Turkey Farm. Medium Young Turkey Hene 1. Konhaus Farms; 2 Konhaus Farms; 3 Konhaus Farms. Dressed Capone 1. Susan Glouner; 2. E. Ruth Peifer, 3- Mervm Reiter. Dressed Capons FFA Members a Schools 1 Kevin Sangrey; 2. Keith Eshelman, Champion Dressed Turkey Bolton Turkey Farm Best Dressed Turkey Display Bolton Turkey Farm Best Dressed Capon Butsn Glouner Best Dressed Capon • Jr. Class Kevin Sangrey