Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 14, 1989, Image 50

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    Try These Bread
Baking Recipes
Counting grocery costs? Buying
cheap, untasty bread?
Here’s a tip—if you’ve never
baked your own bread, now could
be a good time to try.
Bread baking is a delight, an
experience no cook should miss,
and, what’s more, you save money
over buying name-brand loaves.
With these recipes, you’ll find
bread baking surprisingly simple
and the results will so far outrank
any bought product you’ll wonder
why you didn’t start baking
'A cup brown sugar or honey
'/i cup butter
3 tablespoons salt
3 cups scalded milk
1 tablespoon yeast, dissolved in
I'A cup warm water
2 cups cold water
4 cups whole wheat flour
11 cups high gluten flour
Stir sugar, butter, salt and milk
together until butter melts. Add the
2 cups cold water to bring tempera
tore to warm. Add yeast dissolved
in water. Using mixer, mix in
tbout 8 cups flour. Place dough in
greased dishpan. Knead with
hands adding a cup of flour at a
lime, until dough is no longer
sticky. Knead well. Cover, set in a
warm place to rise until double.
Punch down and let rise 'A hour.
Divide in 6 equal parts. Roll out on
greased board and roll up to make a
loaf. Place in greased pans. Let
rise. Bake at 350 degrees for
approximately 30 minutes. Spread
lop of loaves with butter.
A reader from Myerstown
2 packages dry yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
'A cup warm water
1 cup oil
3 teaspoons salt
'A cup sugar
4 cups warm water
14 cups flour, approximately
At 6 p.m., mix together the first
3 ingredients; let stand for 10
minutes. Add the remaining ingre
dients. Let rise until 9 p.m. Punch
down. Let rise until 11 p.m. Punch
down and form about 4'A dozen
balls, 2-inches in diameter. Place
in 10x15x2-inch pan. Let rise until
6 a.m. Bake at 350 degrees for 15
to 20 minutes.
Virginia Kalp
Recipe Topics
If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please
share them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask
that you include accurate measurements, a complete
list of ingredients and clear instructions with each
recipe you submit. Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good,
Uncaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata. PA 17522.
3 tablespoons potato flakes
1 cup flour
1 cup warm water
V* cups sugar
Let set at room temperature for 3
days or until it is foamy as it has to
ferment. Feed mixture with:
3 tablespoons potato flakes
1 cup flour
1 cup warm water
6 cup sugar
Let set at room temperature for 8
hours. Refrigerate. Use in 3 to 5
6 cups flour
'A cup sugar
1 tablespoon salt
I'A cups warm water
A cup oil
1 cup starter
Mix ingredients. Knead until no
onger sticky. Let rise for 8 hours,
shape loaves. Let rise until desired
jize or double in size (6 to 8 hours).
Jake 375 degrees for 25 minutes.
Contributor writes that dough
nakes good cinnamon rolls, plain
tot rolls and coffee cake.
Neva Rexrode
Franklin, W.Va.
'A dried apricots, chopped
'A dried prunes, chopped
A cup maraschino cheeries
2 cups flour
3 A teaspoon baking powder
'A teaspoon baking soda
'/• teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
1 cup low-fat yogurt
10 tablespoons butter, melted
'A cup sugar
'A teaspoon almond extract
Butter 9x5-inch loaf pan. Dust
«vith flour. Preheat oven to 350
legrees. Chop fruits and mix with
he flour. Set aside. Sift dry ingre
licnts. Set aside. Beat eggs. Stir in
/ogurt, melted butter, sugar and
»tracl. Stir in chopped fruit. Stir
n dry ingredients until lightly
Mended. Pour into prepared loaf
)an. Bake 55 to 60 minutes or until
>read tests done in center with
oothpick. (When using glass pan,
educe oven temperature 25
legrees and bake 5 to 10 minutes
onger). Cool on wire rack for 30
ninutes. Then remove from pan.
Angelique McDonald
Bedford Co. Dairy Princess
Oat Bran Recipes
Sugar Free Eating
Cholesterol Free Recipes
Valentine Specials
On The ftange
A slice of bread with some homemade Jam Is satisfying anytime of the day.
1/2 cups flour
Vs cup whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon fresh basil, finely
hopped OR
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 tablespoon fresh oregano,
inely chopped OR
1 teaspoon dried oregano
'A teaspoon salt
'A teaspoon baking soda
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
2 cups butter
1 cup dairy sour cream
4 cups milk
1 egg yolk, slightly beaten
2 tablespoons water
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Combine flours, baking powder,
herbs, salt and baking soda in a
large mixing bowl. Stir in cheese.
Cut in butter until mixture resem
bles coarse crumbs. Stir in sour
cream and milk. Mix just until all
ingredients are moistened. Knead
dough gently 10 times on lightly
floured surface. Roll out to 'A -inch
thickness. Cut with floured star
shape cutter. Reroll and cut scraps.
Combine egg and water. Brush
tops of biscuits. Bake on unbut
tered cookie sheet IS to 18
minutes, or until golden. Cool
completely on wire rack.
3/2 cups buttermilk baking mix
'/ cup sugar
% cup finely crumbled blue
'/i cup chopped walnuts
1 tablespoon chives
I'/] cups milk
1 egg, beaten
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine baking mix and sugar in
large mixing bowl. Stir in cheese,
nuts and chives. Combine milk and
egg. Stir into dry mixture just until
blended. Spoon batter into four
buttered 5% x3 '/* -inch loaf pans.
Bake 40 to 45 minutes, or until a
wooden pick inserted in the center
comes out clean. Cool in pan 10
minutes. Remove from pan and
cool completely on wire rack.
2 packages dry yeast
2 cups warm water
I ft cup brown sugar
'/ cup black strap molasses
1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons shortening
3 cups rye flour
3 cups while bread flour
Mix brown sugar, shortening,
salt and molasses together. Add
warm water. Mix yeast with half of
the flour and add to the liquid mix
ture. Stir in enough additional
flour to make a moderately stiff
dough. Turn out on a floured board
and knead until smooth and elastic.
Place in a greased bowl. Cover and
let rise for 2 hours.
Punch down. Put on a board. Let
rest for 10 minutes. Shape into 2
long or round loaves. Place each
loaf on a commeal covered cookie
sheet. Slash the top with a knife.
Cover, let rise 45 minutes to 1
hour. Brush with egg wash (Egg
wash is 1 egg beaten with 1 tables
poon water). Bake 375 degrees for
10 minutes. Egg wash again. Bake
another 35 minutes. The bread will
be fairly dark because of the sugar
Featured Recipe
This week’s featured recipe comes from Alvena Kneasel of
Lebanon. She pours her energies into promoting Penn State exten
sion services at the local, regional and state levels.
Alvena started her affiliation with 4-H by leading a cooking club
for 11 years and then switching to crocheting and computer usage
clubs. For the past IS years, she also has been using her cooking
expertise by baking for the Cornwall Lebanon School District.
“Imagine,” she said, “the combination of being a baker and a
Here’s one of her favorite desserts that is suitable for a diabetic
and sweet enough for the non-diabetic to enjoy.
For more about Alvena, turn to page 82.
Sugar Free Dessert
1 package sugar-free gelatin (strawberry-flavored)
1 package sugar-free vanilla pudding (do not use instant)
2 cups water
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Combine ingredients and cook until thickened. Let set to cool.
1/2 cups whipped topping
1 cup fresh strawberries
and molasses content. To make the
bread crusty, place a pan of hot
water on the bottom of the oven.
T.L. Martin
White bread:
3 cups milk
'A cup sugar
'A cup shortening
2 tablespoons salt
Cool to lukewarm.
3 tablespoons yeast in 'A cup
warm water
When milk mixture is cool, add
2 beaten eggs. Sift together 5 cups
whole wheat flour and 7 to 8 cups
while flour. Add milk mixture to
flour and also stir in yeast. Knead
and let rise for 20 minutes.
Punch down both bread doughs
and let rise again, until dough rises
to double in size. Punch down and
divide each of the doughs into 6
(Turn to Pag* B 8)