On being a farm i * Joyce Bupp -And other hazards Little bubbles of anticipation are busy running around inside me. They’re effervescent with eagerness about seeing old friends, perhaps making a few new ones and sfieer enthusiasm for the sense of excitement that goes with it all. “On the other hand...,” to bor row the favorite phrase from the lead character, Tevyev, in the musical Fiddler On The Roof. On the other hand, a sense of dread, of impending doom, stalks the bubbles of anticipation, like little monsters chasing Pac-Man CHORE-TIME (fig cow feeding «■■■■■■■* system WAYS WITHOUT SPENDING A BUNDLE - 5 WAYS TO MODERNIZE FOR BETTER DAIRY PROFITS If you want ways to boost your own NEW FEED BIN KEEPS and your cows' efficiency, our FEED FRESH to cut feed innovative equipment is what costs, boost appetites. Also you've been looking for. And it ||g£ he| P» cut labor requirements, won't cost you an arm and a leg, either. ■ ■ FLEX-AUGER® takes feed . . A from bm direct to feeders, or Let us help. Contact us or your fl io multiflO®. our circuit Chore-Time distributor now. B system. MOUNT OUR 36'' FAN up high to boost cow comfort (and yours). Our WM. oscillator makes fans cool a whole barn. [1 Your Authorized FARMER BOY AG Check Our 410 e Lincoln ave myerstown, pa i 7067 Warehouse Prices Dealer Inquiries BEST IN DESIGN, PRICE AND EXPERIENCE Invited around the video gameboard. Farm Show stirs in me a whole host of conflicting emotions. Balancing the anticipation, fel lowship and fun of competition is history. History supposedly repeats itself - which means the likelihood of something weird happening this week plays to pretty good odds. Often these occurrences are the sort of things that are taken in stride when The Farmer is home. Often, too, they’re stirred by the “typical” Farm Show weather. Of course, even without Farm Show, Swine & Poultry Systems Specialists 24 Hour Service the probability of cold, snow, sleet, ice and freezing rain in Janu ary is pretty high. One recent year, for instance, the water pipes in the dairy barn froze under the bam floor. This has happened only a few times in the eight years since the bam was built, and only when a certain, rare, combination of cold and wind direction combine. Farm Show week? Of course! Then there was another year in which my absolutely faithful, not jven-a-hint-of-a-problem car bat- Jtry died midway through Farm Show week. Still, in fairness, the weather loesn’t deserve all the blame. One vivid non-weather-incident nemory still "sends shivers crawl ng up my spine. We had piled the truck high with supplies, to begin moving in for the week’s duration. Bales of hay and straw were slacked tightly together on the back of the pickup and tied down securely for the 40-mile trip north. For some unknown reason, a tie-down rope worked loose moments after we entered the right lane of the interstate and were getting up traveling speed. It took but a second for several bales INC. PH 71 7-866-7565 to tumble from the stick and land in both northbound lanes. In one of those moments when you absolutely feel the sense of being guarded by a higher power, there woe no vehicles in either lane traveling behind us. And, even in the few seconds it took us to halt and back up, an alert track er had halted traffic and helped toss the bales - every one still unbroken - to the roadside. But the “Year of the Pigs” remains as vivid a Farm Show week in my memory as any I can recall. At age 12, our youngest had become intrigued with the hog business, and acquired for himself two gilts. Only in the vision of hindsight - which became painful ly clear about early January that year - did we realize that their visit with a neighbor’s boar had been incredibly ill-timed. Those baby pigs were due late in Farm Show week. Naturally, ahead of schedule. WEST CHESTER (Chester) The Chester County Cooperative Extension is offering a morning and an evening session of Basic Microwave Cooking on Tuesdays, February 21 and 28 and March 14. The morning session will be from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and the evening session will be from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Extension office on the third floor of the Dague Building, 235 W. Market Street, West Ches ter. There is a fee of $2O for each session, either morning or even ing. Fran Alloway, freelance home economist and instructor for the class, will teach the essentials of using a microwave oven. The clas ses will include basic cooking principles, actual meal preparation and methods for converting favo- Count on us from seeding to feeding From seeding through feeding you can depend on Pioneers brand alfalfas and silage Inoculants to help you be an efficient silage maker. Pioneer alfalfa varieties provide tons of protein yoar after yoar. And whan Inoculated wtth 1174 water sohiMo Inoculant and 1177 silage Inoculant, you can count on more nutritious forage for your livestock. PIONEER Pioneer invites all those attending thjs year’s Farm Show to visit their exhibit. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 7,1989-B5 on a cold, damp Sunday morning, piglets began labouring their way into the light of day. Unprepared, save for some hasty instructions given the day before, one young pig owner and his mother deliv ered, dried, tied cords, and begged heat lamps from dear farm-friends nearby. By evening, the second litter of piglets was arriving. Confidence which came with the success of eur first delivery lay shattered lours later, after the second gilt experienced serious problems and ost most of her babies. So, once again, we clip cows md collect papers, plan work ichedules and pack up half the household - and double check the tie-downs on the pickup loaded with bales. And hope the bubbles of Farm Show anticipation can manage to elude the more mon strous memories of history. Comforting, too is the know ledge that the only pig on the place is in the freezer. Basic Microwave Cooking Ciasses rite recipes to use in the micro wave oven. Microwave oven fea tures and cookware will be dis cussed and recipes will be distributed. Deadline for registration is February 10. For further informa tion, contact the Extension office at 696-3500. Stop by or give me a call to talk about how those products can provide you with top quality silage from seeding to feeding. Pioneer brand products are sold subiecl to the terms and conditions of sale when are part ot the labeling and sale documents Pioneer is a brand name numbers identity products •Registered trademark o f Pioneer h* Bred international Inc Des Moines lowa USA