“PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURE - THE KEYSTONE OF OUR ECONOMY” The results you may achieve with your Harvestorc® Sy item depend primarily upon your management skills and may vary from successful results achieved by others. Any application to a particular fanning operation requires the advice of qualified experts and is subject to limitations of good management, weather and other conditions present at the individual location. Mill Creek, PA 717-413-4940 John Yoder, Mgr, PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS THE 1989 FARM SHOW VISIT OUR NEW EXPANDED EXHIBIT! (#269-273) New Enterprlee, PA 814-7 M-2354 Ken Bupp, Mgr. - Proud to be part of SUB-STATIONS SERVING YOU FROM Newville, PA Columbua, NJ I CPDVrrr rc TWIT KTTVt 717-776-3397 609-295-7136 I iiUV Ji*r. Maynard McCullough, Mgr. Charlea Van Mater, Mgr.