AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17,1988 Viar Monday, December 12, 1988 & Bon. Utility 43.50-47.25. Yield Grade HOGS 134... US No. 1-3 225/270 lbs. _ _ . _ _ _ m _ Report Supplied by PDA No. 1.1200/2000 lbs. si. bulls 55.00-60.00. barrows and gilts 40.00-41.00,2-3 220/270 QT II FAIvM i.R. SL A T if AVA f* CATTLE 216... REPORT IS SUP- Feeder Cattle: Medium & Large Frame No. lbs. 37.00-39.00. |! A Merry Christmas $ DEC. 19-25, 1988 Still frightful: Christmas is whiteful! Missouri imposes $1 a year bachelbrs tax Dec 20 1820 Solstice begins at 10 28 A M EST, Dec 21 Halcyon Days kingfisher lavs eggs and nests afloat at sea hence calm seas Full moon on Dec 23 (Fn ) called Full Cold Moon Average length of days for the week 9 hours 5 minutes Louisiana and Arkansas are the first to observe Christmas as a legal holidav, 1831 // it mipiis Christmas night mips unit do well Ask the Old Farmer: I recently tame across the expres bion, Beware the pogonip Can\ou tell me its origin 1 A N , Concord, N H Pogonip is frozen fog The word is ot Him man Indian origin and is i.scd especially to dearth the fine ui iwedlt s of frozen fog that ounr in the mountain valh i/s of western United Stale s The Indian s behend that Imathing tin f og Lould in/ure the lung s Home Hints A few drops of oil ot cinnamon in \our vacuum cleaner hag makes the air smell festive and dean OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST i V + ' New England: Very : old with snow snou and more utld Bundle up for a Christmas Eve snowstorm Greater New York-New Jersey: Partlv sunnv but ver\ cold a snowstorm before Christmas, then clearing Middle Atlantic Coastal; Flumes and frigid Clear and cold Snow then clearing late in the week Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Snowstorm, brief clearing and more snow with sun to follow for Christmas (All Rights Reserved Yankee Publishing Incorporated, Dublin NH 03444) SELL IT WITH A LANCASTER FARMING CLASSIFIED KING’S AUCTION KIRKWOOD Kay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 12:00 Located Rt. 472 5 mlloo couth of Querryvllle or 6 mlloo north of Oxford corner of Rt 472 and Noble Road at Rouee Tobacco Station. Lloyd H. Kraldar Auctioneer AU-000513L No out of state checks ALL TRUCKERS AND FARMERS WELCOME OUR BUSINESS IS SERVICE TO FARMERS Let us help you build a successful marketing program! Call: 717-761-2740 800-382-1356 Grains & Livestock • Forward Contracting • Hedging Services CFS PFACOMJWDjTY^ FRIDAY, JAN. 13 ■ 1:00 PM ON THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE Sale To Start Promptly Every 4 Weeks Located 4 miles east of former loca tion, 1 mile off 472 midway between Quarryville & Oxford, PA, 1 mile south of Kirkwood, turn west off 472 at Union Church (Street Rd.) 1 mile to crossroad turn left, 2nd farm on right. Hill Road. Watch for sale signs. Validated Brucellosis Free Herd #169 Qualified Pseudorabies Free Herd #55 50 to 60 Head We will no longer have White Dia monds, It will be the next generation or F2’s crossbred to Chester White. Very nice gilts. Vaccinated for Lepto, Erysiplas, Rhinitis, E’Colt, Pasteueralla Hand mated with Breeding Dates Local Truck Available No Hogs Sold On Commission JOHN B. STOLTZFUS R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa. Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer AU22SL NEXT SALE FRI., FEB. 10, 1:00 P.M. Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. FROM ALL OF US TO ALL OF YOU Clay Aument Harry I. Bear Henry R. Brown Bonnie Chamberlain James C. Dunlap Walter M. Dunlap, Jr. Eugene Ellis Donald Godfrey Enos K. Good Glenn C. Hart ? WALTER M. DUNLAP AND SONS I FARMERS - THANK YOU FOR EXCELLENT SUPPORT!! If We Had A Little Support From Each Farmer In The Area, It Would Equal A LOT. However, If Each Farmer Says My Crop Won’t Make Or Break The Auction We Won’t Get ANY. THANK YOU BUYERS FOR YOUR SUPPORT and the start of a good season! Just please tell these far mers the truth about what we are doing - our community does appreciate the truth. We would like to receive as much tobacco as possible on the floor before Christmas. We are expecting some important visitors over the holidays. WE CANT IMPRESS UPON YOU HOW MUCH WE NEED A FULL HOUSE. With only a half full warehouse on Monday, we were able to get you a price increase of 10$ per lb. - MY WHAT WE COULD DO WITH A FULL WAREHOUSE! If we show enough volume it could break wide open after the new year. JUST DONT CONTRACT YOUR TOBACCO! You never worry about decreasing demand in a year like this. Farmers contracting at $1,25 per lb. almost ruined a chance for a price increase. Con tracts at any price will spoil the chance for more price increase. STAND ON YOUR TWO FEET! There is unbelievable demand. On last Monday’s sale ALL the buyers were offering $1.33 per lb. for all good tobacco and on Wednesday prices moved to $1.35 and $1.40 per lb. for good tobacco. Bottom grades were also strong. Sev eral outgrade brought $l.OO per lb. All this tobacco is already shipped. We look toward the new year with incredible excitment. Who said we can’t match Burley prices of $1.63 per lb. this year? But don’t contract. These buyers then would have the upper hand. If you take tobacco to a receiving station, load your low grade tobacco on so it’s the first tobacco off. Isn’t it nice to know you have a place to go if they reject your tobacco? We will receive your tobac co with a smile because remember, WE ARE WORKING FOR YOU!!! Did these buyers work for you in the tough years and will they work for you in the future? Who will cause a price increase like we did for you last week? All in all, it’s good to see 609 growers smiling again this year We will be receiving tobacco each and every day from Dec. 19 to Dec. 23 and Dec. 27 to Dec. 30 for a gigantic sale to be held on Jan. 2 at 9:30 a.m, We are now dealers of 3 compartment bale boxes, tobacco seed, and cotton baling twine. PLIED BY THE AUCTION ...Choice slaughter steers 67.00-69.00. Choice si. heifers 64.00-67.00. Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 46.00-SO.OO, Cutler Prosperous New Year Ken Hershey Frank Hoover Leon G. Hoover Lois L. Hoover Roy Hoover James Hunsicker Walter Kellenberger Mary Kimball James Kneisly NEXT SALE MONDAY, JAN. 2 - 9:30 A.M. 1, 300/450 lbs. steers 74.00-109.00. CALVES 200... Choice vealers 95.00-100.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs. 100.00-145.00. and Sam Lapp Ivan H. Nolt Leon “Bird Dog” Nolt James Nixdorf Donald E. Ober Reba M. Ober Ed Prosser Joe Rieff Titus “Onk” Reiff Office Hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m 19 Meadow Lane, Paradise, PA 17562 RY-000007-L Connie Santarelli Joyce Smoker Kenneth L. Smoker Omar Smoker Gary Spangler Abram Stoltzfus Earl M. Stoudt Steven W. Strauss Raymond Zimmerman
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers