A4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17,1988 N.E. Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, Dec. 13 Report Supplied by USDA PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE “A" BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED TO RETAIL STORES: EX. LARGE 1.00-1.04 1.02-1.03 .99-1.03 .99 1.05-1.12 1.10 1.07-1.09 N. HAMP. MOSTLY R.I. MOSTLY VERMONT MOSTLY MAINE National Egg Market Thursday, December 15, 1988 NATIONAL EGG MARKET - AT A GLANCE: Prices trended higher in the North Atlan tic region and the Midwest, unchanged elsewhere. The maricet tone was fully steady to firm. Demand at all levels was moderate to good, best where features were active. Supplies were short and actively sought to adequate and confidently held Breakers continued to pay higher prices for shell eggs and offerings were limited. LANCASTE] Everett R. Newawanger, Managing Editor Patricia S. Purcell, Staff Writer Lou Ann Good, Staff Writer Uaa Rlacer, Staff Writer iORRESPONDENTS Joyce Bupp, York County Seven Valleya (717)428-1865 Ginger Myera, Adama Ultleatown (717)359-7542 Bonnie Brechblll, Franklin Chamberaburg (717)369-2916 Mary Myera, Perry Elliottaburg (717)582-4047 Craig Blngman, Snyder, Union, Juniata Beaver Springe (717)837-0085 Betay Yoder, Huntingdon Huntingdon (814)667-3413 Carolyn Gillea, Crawford Meadvllle (814)724-4269 Randy Welle, Indiana Marion Center (412)397-2529 Marianne Walker, Center Warrior* Mark (814)692-2216 ■ Linda William*, Bedford Bedford (814)623-5745 Helen Kelchnsr, Columbia Berwick (717)752-4619 Beth Huber, Maryland Frederick (301)694-9329 Sharon Schuster, Maryland New Windsor (301)635-2654 Sue Crow, Maryland Ksnnedyvill* (301)648-5687 Karl Berger, Special Maryland (301)473-5178 SUBSCRIPTION mrOBMATK Subscription Price: $lO.OO per year; $lB.OO - 2 years $25.00 per year outside of; PA, NJ, MD, DE. NY, OH, VA & WV $4B 00-2 Years Lancaster Farming (ISSN 0023-7485) is published weekly for $lO 00 per year, $lB 00 - 2 years by Lancas ter Farming, PO. Box 6091 E. Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522. Second Class postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522. POSTMASTER. Send address changes to LAN CASTER FARMING, 1 East Mam Street, P O Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone Uncaster (717)394-3047, Lititz (717)626-1164 or Ephrata (717)733-6397 For address change form or new subscription see near Mailbox Markets. Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative J.L. Farmakis, Inc. Phone (203)966-1746 PUBLISHER'S LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is stnctly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent Issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. LARGE MEDIUM SMALL .94-.9S .76-.80 .4S-.52 .96-.97 .7S-.79 .50-.51 .92-.96 .76-.80 ' .48-.51 .92 .76 .48 1.00- .79-. BS 1.05 .85 1.01- .83-.56 Eastern PA & New Jersey Poultry Report Wednesday, December 14, 1988 Prices were unchanged to lower. The undertone was mixed and dependant on the egg maiket and the amount of rescheduling that occurs. Current availability ranged adequate to fully adequate. Finished pro duct cleared easily. LIVE LIGHT TYPE HENS: AT FARM 7-10 MOSTLY 8-9 F. 0.8. PLANT - MOSTLY. Heinsey’s Poultry Root*, East Petersburg Tuesday, December 13,1988 Muscovy Ducks, Drakes Range .80-.98. Hens .56- .68. Pekin Ducks .30-.42. Pullets 5-7# .30-.48. Red Fowl: 4-4.5# .20-.32; 5-6# .30-.54. Crossbred Roosters: 4-6# .30-.72; 7-12# .3S-.82. Crossbred Fowl: 5-9# .30-.44. Banty Roosters 2.00-5.00 ea. Banty Hens .75-1.25 ea. Guinea Pigs .50-3.25 ea. Goats 30.00-48.00 ea. Guinea Fowl .75-1.00. Geese 9-15# .60-1.02. Pigeons 1.50-1.85 ea. White Pigeons 3.50-4.75 ea. Rabbits: 4-6# 1.10-1.72; 7-11# .90-1.30. Leghorn Hens .12-.22. Bunnies .75-5.25 ea. Doves 2.50-3.75 ea. Chuktrs 4.00 ea. Silkies 5.00-6.75 ea. Total Coops Sold 642. .SS-.57 Delmarva Broiler & Fryer Market Thursday, December 15, 1988 Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds continues good to vety good. Supplies were adequate to short of needs. In the parts complex wings were tight and well cleared. The remaining items were gener ally adequate with legs and leg quarters showing some spot availability. Less than trudclot asking prices were unchanged to 1 cent higher at S 7 to 69 cents. Live supplies were generally moderate. Weights ranged light to heavy, mostly desirable. Slaughter schedules were moderately heavy. The undertone was steady to fully steady. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYBRS IN DELMARVA (000). ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WGT. ACTUAL AVG. WGT. 12/15 12/13 12/13 12/8 12/6 1967 1932 4.65 1997 4.68. NEW YORK MULTIPLE DROP BROILER REPORT: CURRENT BROILER/FRYER NEGO TIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA. BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE-' 57-68 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 63.64 NO. OF BOXES 9491. WANTED TO BUY ' CAPONS & GEESE Top Prices Paid . Call Eberly Poultry 215-267-6440 Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes From Frl., Dec. 9 to Thurs., Dec. 15 FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. WHITE JUMBO EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM PULLETS OFF GRADE BROWN EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUIS OFF GRADE UNDERGRADES AND CHECKS .27 .28 .31 .32 .35 BREAKING STOCKS: FRI. 48-50 LBS. 35.00-37.00; 50 LBS. UP 37.00-38.00; MON. 48-50 LBS. 36.00-38.00, 50 LBS. UP 38.0a40.00; TUES. 48-50 LBS. 39.0a41.00,50 LBS. UP41.0a43.00; WED. 48-50 LBS. 40.0a42.00, 50 LBS. UP 42.0a44.00; TOURS. 48-50 LBS. 43.0a45.00, 50 LBS. UP 45.0a46.00. New York & Philadelphia Frozen Egg Report Tuesday, December 13, 1988 The market tone was generally fully steady to firm as a reflection of higher costs on raw materials. Breakers were unaggressive as they looked at limited needs due to shortened holiday work sche dules. Mott end users had sufficient pro duct to satisfy their needs. Floor stocks were for the most part in good balance with needs. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) U.S.D.A. INSPECTED CLASS TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) WHOLE 44-46 MOSTLY 45 47-55 BLENDS (/) - MOSTLY - 51-60 WHITES 39-41 MOSTLY 40 42-48 YOLKS (MIN. 43% SOLIDS) SUGARED 58-61 MOSTLY 59-60 62-70 SALTED 53-56 MOSTLY 54 - (/)-WHOLB PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER. GENERAL LY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. NE Chickeji Parts Thursday, December IS, 1988 Buying interest slowed on most items; still active on wings. Cutlets were fully adequate for the light to fair call. Whole 4>reas(s were in dose balancc'but generally' adequate. Legs and leg quarters increased in availability and were fully adequate overall. A seasonally active call for wings easily cleared supOlies at higher trending prices. Giblets were fully adequate to ample. TODAY’S NEGOTIATED SALES AS OF 11:30 A.M., PRICES PAID PER POUND ON ICE PACKED PARTS DELIVERED IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUANTITIES: ITEM CURRENT NEGOTIATED TRADING BREASTS SKINNED BONE LESS 190 RIBS ON 96-98 LINE RUN 95 LEGS 37-38 LEG QUARTERS 30-31 WINGS 67-69 BACKS i NECKS ( 10-12 LIVERS 15 GIZXARDS (HEARTS) 35-40 Includei New York City Metropolitan area. Northern New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Philadelphia Eggs Thursday, Dec. 15, 1988 Report Supplied by USDA MARKET COMMENT: PRICES WERE UNCHANGED TO HIGHER. TRADE SENTIMENT WAS FULLY STEADY TO FIRM. DEMAND FOR BOTH GRADED AND UNGRADED EGGS WAS MODERATE TO GOOD, SLIGHTLY LESS ACTIVE THAN EAR LIER IN THE WEEK AS MANY BUY ERS SECURE EGGS FOR CURRENT AND NEXT WEEK DELIVERY. SUP PLIES WERE BARELY ADEQUATE TO ADEQUATE. PRICES TO RETAILERS: SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, CON SUMER GRADES WHITE EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED STORE DOOR: EXTRA LARGE .62-73; A LARGE .60-.71; A MEDIUM .51-.63. New York Eggs Thursday, December 15, 1988 Prices were higher Trade sentiment was primarily firm. Cartoned egg demand was best where features were a factor, moderate to good elsewhere with some reports of slightly diminished orders as compared to early week. Supplies were occasionally short to adequate and most distributors car ried increased floor stocks. A EXTRA LARGE .73 .75; A LARGE .70-.73; A MEDIUM ,63-.66. 1.00 .93 .72 1.00 .93 .72 1.03 .96 .75 Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, N.J. Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL .20-.50. LEGHORN FOWL .15. MIXED FOWL .15. ROASTERS .40-.70. GEESE .20-.35. BANTAMS .30-.75. ROOSTERS .40-.90. TURKEYS .30-.55. BUNNIES (each) .25-1.85. DUCKS .30-1.00. RABBITS .60-1.85. PIGEONS 1.50-2.60. GUINEAS 1.10-1.20. WHITE JUMBO X LGE. .72-.80; 48-.70; MEDIUM .32-.55, BROWN JUMBO X LGE. .95-1.09; .80-.97. New England Shell Eggs Wednesday, December 14, 1988 Prices were unchanged to higher on cartoned sizes, unchanged on the balan&o Trade sentiment was steady to linn. Mo^' ment at all levels was moderate to good. Supplies were short to adequate and pre miums were generally required to acqujng additional eggs. y, PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS FQfc LOOSE BROWN EGGS AT FARM, CASES EXCHANGED, GRADE YIELD BASIS. CENTS PER DOZEN: JUMBO .79-82; EX LARGE .74-.T7; LARGE .68-.71; MEDIUM .50-53; SMALL .22-.25. BOSTON: PRICES TO RETAILERS - SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, CON SUMER GRADE BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN: A EXTRA LARGE .89-.95; A LARGE .82-89; A MEDIUM .66-71. New Holland Dairy New Holland Sales Stables Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1988 Report supplied by auction REPORTED RECEIPTS OF 203 COWS. 71 HEIFERS, AND 2 BULLS. MARKET STEADY. L(SAD OF Wise. FRESH COWS, 1135.00- LOAD OF NY FRESH COWS, 950.00- 160.00, SPRINGERS 830.00- LOAD OF PA FRESH COWS. 910.00- LOAD OF NY FRESH COWS, 870.00- .SPRINGERS 885.00- LOAD OF PERRY CO. FRESH COWS, 710.00-1275.00. LOAD OF 21 HEAD COWS. 410.00-1050.00. LOAD OF 57 HEAD COWS. 420.00-1040.00. LOAD OF 91 HEAD, PUREBRED COWS. 650.00-2900.00; CALVES 175.00- OPEN HEIFERS 650.00- SPRINGING HEIFERS 1125.00- LOCALLY CONSIGNED COWS: 410.00- SPRINGING HEIFERS: 650.00-960.00 OPEN HEIFERS: 400.00-600.00. BULLS: 700.00-750.00. 1.04 .97 .76 1.07 1.00 .79 LARGE LARGE
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