MARKETS New Holland Hog Auction Lancaster, Pa. Monday, December 12, 1988 Hog Receipts: Today Last Monday Last Yeare TREND; Compared to last Monday bar rows and gilta 2.00-2.50, instances 3.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 Ear ly, 210-255 lb 41.00-42.50, couple lots 43.00. Late 42.50-43.00. US 1 215-240 lb 44.35-46.50. US 1-3 210-260 lb 40.50-41.50. Couple lots US 2-4 240-260 lb 39.00, One lot 288 lb 36.50, One lot 202 lb 37.00. Lancaster Hogs Lancaster Stockyards Sat., Dec. 10, 1988 Report supplied by auction 963 HEAD. US 1 215-245 LBS. 43.00-44.00. US 1-2 215-250 LBS. 41.50-42.75. US 1-3 205-255 LBS. 39.25-41.00. US 2-4 215-255 LBS. 38.00-39.00. SOWS; UNDER 500 LBS. 24.00-28.50; OVER 500 LBS. 23.00-26.75. BOARS; UNDER 270 LBS 25.00- OVER 270 LBS 22.00- 00. THERE WILL BE NO MARKET ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 OR SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31. PIG SALE Graded on USDA Standards First and Third Thursday 4 p.m. South Central Virgi nia Feeder Pig Sale, Farmville, VA All pigs from pseudo rabies tested herds. Phone Sale Day 804-392-5376 Home Phone 804-983-2869 Tele-Auction - No charge to be on conference call Walter M. Dunlap and Sons offers all cattle feeders two marketing days Give us a call for advice and marketing conditions. MONDAYS OR WEDNESDAYS Consign With Us For the Marketing Edge We are buying feeder pigs ★ ★ ★ Direct off the farm ★ ★ ★ Give us a call whether you are buying or selling yatjßatawßagagaaataattattetißggwawKaitatgaiawwnatßanwtM g HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 8 8 No Feeder Sale Fri., Dec. 23 8 I No Hog Sale Sat., Dec. 24 | 8 OPEN: Mon., Dec. 26 As Usual 8 8 I I Graded Feeder Cattle Sale g 8 Fri., Dec. 30 at 11:00 A.M. 8 | CLOSED: No Hog Sale Sat., Dec. 31 | jj Open Same As Usual Mon., Jan. 2, 1989 | *SaCKSKSMSBtIBCaKXWI«XHI«XB(I«S«>MIOtS«IWSKM(SCB(Mi Walter M.Dunlap L«ni»ft*r Stockyanrt Tel* (7171!307-»iae AnOW Mn# CommfcwMon HrAbr«w*t Peoria Hogs Peoria, Illinois Thursday, December 15, 1988 FEDERAL-STATE MIDSESSION AND CLOSE HOGS: 2400 TRADING MODERATE BARROWS AND GILTS .50 TO 1.00 HIGHER COMPARED WITH WEDNESDAY. 840 1493 811 US 1-3 220-250 LBS. 42.00-42.50 80 HEAD 42.75-43.00 2-3 240-260 LBS. 41.50-42.00 260-280 LBS. 39.50-41.50, SOWS: UNDER 500 LBS. .50 TO 1.00 HIGHER OVER 500 LBS. 1.50 TO 2.00 HIGHER 16%. US 1-3 325-500 LBS. 29.00-30.00 500-650 LBS. 31.50-32.00 BOARS; OVER 350 LBS. 27.50 UNDER 350 LBS. 26.50-30.00 HOG 214 HC 42.00-43.00 HD 42.00- HE 42.00-43.00 HI 42.00- HJ 42.00-42.50 HK 42.00- HQ 41.50-42.00 HR 40.50- VV 29.00-30.00 WW 29.00- XX 31.50-32.00 YY 31.50- ZZ 27.50-27.50. New Holland Feeder Pigs New Holland, PA December 14, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction 1203 HEAD. I’S & 2’S: 30-39 LBS. .72-1.20; 40-49 LBS. ,62-.87; 50-59 LBS. .62-.74 2’S & 3’S: 30-39 LBS. 76- 98, 40-49 LBS .52-.68. PIGS staVe graded sale FRI., DEC. 23 1:30 P.M. Carlisle LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. Now holding two tales each month every 2nd I 4th Fridays. Exit 12 Off Mi (717) 2494511 or Evenings Jim, 249-2359 GRAIN, CATTLE AND HOG FUTURES MARKETS ORN FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. THUR. DEC. 259'/i MAR 89 270*/. MAY 275 JUL 276V4 SEPT 259 SOYBEANS 261% 272% 277 279% 263% MON. FRI. 769% 773% DEC, 781% 785% MAR. 788% MAY 785% 786% JUL. AUG. 730 728% SEPT, 696’/. 701 697'/j CHICAGO CATTLE NOV. FRI. MON. TUBS. DEC. 71.82 72.42 72.45 72.37 72.97 FEB. 89 71.57 72.15 72.05 74.72 72.47 APR. 73.75 74.15 74.07 73 55 74 70 JUNE 72.50 73.00 73.05 71.40 73.60 AUG. 70.60 71.05 71.05 74.32 71.47 DEC. 41.60 42.77 42.52 FEB. 89 44.75 45.87 46.05 APR. 43.42 44.62 45.00 JUNE 47.80 48.45 49.42 JUL. 48.07 48.82 49.30 wtm* aug. 4745 4820 48 30 FUTURES MARKET TRENDS GRAIN AND LIVESTOCK ACRES CORN UPDATE: Com futures closed higher again today posting gains from 1-1/2 cents on the December to 4 cents on the September in response to surging soybean and meal prices. Further support was tied to ideas the Soviets would soon be' in a position to purchase U.S. com in addition to soymeal. Gains were held in check by large scale com mercial selling throughout the ses sion based on ideas no com purch ases would be made until after some decision on export bonus wheat. December ended the day at its session high of $2.66-3/4. ACRES SOYBEAN UPDATE: Soybean futures closed sharply higher fueled by a strong rally in meal. Talk that the Soviet Union was expected to bid Home And Youth Homestead Notes Home On The Range B 6 Cook’s Question Comer B 8 Kid’s Komer 4-H Happenings Farm Women Features Heilman Book Christmas Special 814 National 4-H Roundup D 2 Columbia Co. 4-H Dairy Adams Top Producer A 32 York 4-H Dairy A 33 Latuch Tops Somerset DHIAA3S Top Fayette Producer A 35 Perry DHIA 822 Franklin DHIA 823 Lancaster DHIA D 9 York DHIA Dl3 (Dally closing bids; Friday, Dec. 9 through Thursday, Dec. IS) 265% 275% 281 282% 265% 266% 277% 283 285% 269% 268% 279 283% 286% 269% THUR. WED. TUES, 765% 775% 787% 793% 792% 782 737 702% 778% 790% 796 794% 785 737 705 777% 782% 780% 770% 728% WED. THUR. This market information provided by ACRES ACRES it a copyrighted market information service developed by the American Farm Bureau and available to Pennsylvania farmers on a daily basis through Pennsylvania Farmers' Association Farm Management Services For additional market comments and trading service contact PFA Commodity Futures Service <717)761 2740 on 200,000 to 500,000 metric ton nes for shipment Fcbruary/April propelled meal better than $5.00 higher in the front three options. Further support was attributed to a lighter than expected rainfall in Brazil and a drop in the U.S. dol lar. January closed out the day 12-3/4 cents higher at $7.78-1/4 after briefly touching $7.79 short ly before the close. ACRES WHEAT UPDATE: Wheat futures prices ended the day fractionally lower after trad ing higher throughout most of the day. March again failed to pierce strong overhead resist ance at $4.30 which prompted some pro fessional sales. Further pressure was attributed to the continued absence of export bonus news out of the Soviets along with a slight in ibis ,B 2 I < \ " V t 14,* 0 Til I* o 't t i *•:* >| e • Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17,1988-A3 WHEAT DEC. MAR. 89 MAY JULY SEPT. SOYBEAN MEAL DEC. 246.70 243.80 243.90 249.20 JAN. 89. 247.60 244.80 245.10 250.10 MAR. 246.60 244.70 244.70 250.20 MAY 243.20 243.20 242.20 246.20 JUL. 238.00 238.50 237.50 240.20 AUG. 229.50 229.00 228.00 230.00 SEPT. 219.90 220.00 221.00 224.00 CHICAGO HOGS issue Four Sections ,810 816 818 A 27 D 2 FRI. MON. TUES. WED. THUR, 428% 429 411% 384% 387% 427 426% 408% 381% 385 427 427% 412% 386% 389% FRI. MON, TUES. FRI. MON, TUBS. WED. THUR. increase in World Production fig ures. Today’s failure to rally on spillover from the soy complex was bearishly construed. There is still a soil moisture problem in parts of the hard red wheat region which could lend support in the coming sessions. December lost 1/4 cent and ended the day at $4.26-3/4 while July lost 1/2 cent and closed out the day at $3.86-1/4. The USDA announced after the close that it had targeted Egypt for 300,000 metric tonnes of export bonus: ACRES CATTLE UPDATE: Live and feeder cattle futures closed higher today supported by a firm cash market tone and active cash connected buying. Some pos itioning was featured in advance (Turn to Page Al 9) Departments Editorial AlO Farm Calendar AlO Farm Forum ; AlO Classified Ads 824. C 5 Mailbox Markets Dl9 Sale Reports D 23 Public Auction Register D 25 Business News D 6 Colwmis Farm Management A3O Now is the Time AlO On Being A Farm Wife 3 Microwave Minutes B 4 Have You Heard B 5 Ida’s Notebook 815 Back Home 812 Flock Forum q 2 Foraging Around C 3 Swine Management D 4 1 426% 427% 411% 386% 390 428% 429% 415% 389 393 WED. THUR, 249.60 250.10 250.50 247.70 242.50 232.50 224.70 43.00 45.92 44.82 49.30 49.47 48.30 43.20 46.20 45.05 49.45 49.50 48 42
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