A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 17,1988 Maryland Governor Announces Plans _ and calls for construction of a two- tions to have first-class modem ANNAPOLIS, MD. Uover- s tory, brick and concrete 46,000 facilities vital to their missions in nor William Donald Schaeter square foot addition to the Depart- protecting the public,” the gover announced today Board of Public ment 0 f Agriculture headquarters nor sa id. Works approval of a $7.13 pillion building at 50 Harry S. Truman "Maryland government has construction contract to build a p ar j cwa y > Annapolis. been in the weights and measures laboratory addition to the Mary- The laboratory addition will protection business since colonial land Department of Agriculture a n ow the Maryland Department of p mes a nd today’s state chemist (MDA) headquarters in Agriculture to move its State section traces its origins to 1833. Annapolis. Chemist and Weights and Mea- j t j s important that both of these Chaired by the governor, the sures testing labs from outdated functions have the best testing Board of Public Works also com- f ac iiities on the University of facilities possible to keep up with prises Comptroller Louis L. Maryland’s College Park Campus, the vast technological changes in Goldstein and Treasurer Lucille It will also prov ide additional our soc i e ty and industry,” he Maurer. The board is empowered laboratory space for the Depart- added by the General Assembly to ment ’ s Pesticide Regulation and Typical of the work that will be approve major construction con- P i ant protection sections. done die new facilities is the tracts, equipment purchases, prop- «rhi s laboratory addition to the erty transactions and other pro- Maryland Department of Agricul- tore will allow two of the agency’s oldest consumer protection func- Bitlers Named To NMPF curement actions. The contract totals $7,131,400 Advisory SOUTHAMPTON (Bucks) David and Phoebe Bitler of Fleet- wood were elected to serve a one- year term on the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) Young Cooperator Advisory Council. The announcement was made Nov. 28 at the organiza- Greencastle Livestock Green castle, P«. Thursday, December 15 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE: 380. Cows 1.75-3.50 higher, few Select & Low Choice 1100-1200 lb. steers 69.25-71.75; few Select6s.2s-68.25; few Standard 53.85-59.00; few Select & Low Choice heifen 62.50-69.00; cows Breaking Utility & Commercial 47.75-51.75; Cutter & Boning 47.00-51.75; Canner & Cutter 42.75-47.25; shells 39.50; YG 1. 1100-1700 lb. bulls 54.50-59.85. FEEDER CATTLE: Med. 1,300-625 lb. steen 68.00-86.00; lot Large 2, 900 lb. 56.75; few Med. 1, 350-700 lb. heifen 60.00- Med. 1, 300-625 lb. bulls 68.00- CALVES: 549. Standard & Good7o-100 lb. vealers 64.00-71.00; UlUity 60-90 lb. 58.00- hoi. bulls 80-85 lb. 72.00- 90-125 lb. 100.00-162.00; heifer* 100-125 lb. 100.00-115.00. HOGS: 13. Few US 1-3, 360-610 lb. sow* 26.25-31.00. FEEDER PIGS: 30. No market test SHEEP; 43. I lot Large Choice 113 lb. shorn lamb 71.00. A multi-pest resistant variety. Excellent tolerance to anthracnose, pea aphid bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, Phytophthora root rot and Verticillium wilt. Good winterhardiness, fast recovery and high yield potential Topped a 72 variety test, yielding 7.6% more than the test average in lowa State University 1896-87 trials. In 1987 Penn State/USDA alfalfa trials "at Rock Springs and Hershey, PA, Verta+ produced yields 5% and 7% over the base average. “The Performance Name In Agriculture" Council lion’s annual meeting in Anaheim, Calif. The Young Cooperator Advis ory Council is responsible for planning and overseeing the National Young Cooperator pro gram, which is held in conjunction with NMPF’s annual meeting. The program is designed for farm couples under age 36, who are selected by their respective dairy cooperatives. Sponsored by Atlantic Dairy Cooperative, the Bitlers were elected to represent Region I and to serve as secretary of the Advis ory Council. One of five nation wide divisions, Region I includes dairy cooperatives located in the Northeast, from Maine to Maryland. The Bitlers are the sole owners of their 349-acre farm. They milk approximately 90 registered Hol stein cows and raise an additional 85 young stock, as well as purebred dairy bulls and dairy beef. David and Phoebe earned their trip to NMPF’s annual meeting by placing first in Atlantic’s 1988 Young Cooperator Contest. They are currently serving a three-year term on Atlantic’s Young Cooper ator Consultant Committee. NC+ HYBRIDS District Sales Manager Barry L. Hoke 244 Moyer Ridge Dr. Manheim, PA 17545 Home Ph.(717)665-2009 Answering Service (717) 665-9347 FS ■ B WE mnminnnniminuniiiMiiiin unmim » x wr a? • , ' ’ jm tmt . * ■ mamas H.D. PEGRAM TOBACCO WILL BE BUYING YOUR TOBACCO PAYING TOP DOLLAR RECEIVING IN THE HINKLETOWN AREA 717-354-9715 For New Ag Laboratory testing and calibration equipment used to check scales, meters and the vast number of other measur ing devices used in wholesale and retail commerce throughout the state. The state chemist section of MDA tests human foodstuffs, pet foods, feed fertilizers, soil condi tioners, pesticides and many other products to insure they confirm to label guarantees and safety standards. The laboratory addition was planned as phase two of the origi nal MDA complex which was built in 1982-83. “One of the goals of the Mary- 133 Rothsville Station Rd. • Liutz, PA 17543 Phone 717-626-4705 SHIP PARTS DAILY COMPANY 88 & 89 land Department of Agriculture since its founding in 1972, was to combine all its administrative and master laboratory functions into one modem complex,” said Sec retary of Agriculture Wayne A. Cawley, Jr. “Thanks to Governor Schaefer and the Board of Public Works, we will not realize the last major step in that process.” The contract was awarded to Eugene Simpson & Brother of Alexandria, Va. Design of the laboratory addition was done by Richter, Combrooks, Gribble and Henry Adams, Joint Venture of Baltimore. Mon.-Fri. - 7 AM - 5 PM Sat. - 7 AM - 11:30 AM Sun. Closed - Lord’s Day Store Hours ''WORK
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