There’s something satisfying about that morning when the winter wait’s over and you start breaking ground for a new growing season. At Farm Credit, we know the feeling. Because we’re owned and controlled by farmers. And because weVe just finished the groundwork to make our services faster. More economical. And more responsive to you than ever before. We’re adding the business technology to cut paperwork. And we’re expanding our services, so you can come to us for all your farm loans. Loans to buy acreage or build on it. Production loans for seed and fertilizer Equipment loans for new machinery And our people will be there for you season after season, plowdown to harvest. People who understand farming from the ground up. Our changes aren’t earth-shaking. They’re simply ways to set up the best possible conditions for growth. And whether it’s done with a plan or a plovy that’s what breaking new ground is all about. S!