Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 05, 1988, Image 146

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    E4»unc«tter Farming, Saturday, November 5, 1988
PRV Update y Piglet Diseases
(Continued from Page E 2)
another piglet disease moving into
Pennsylvania. Caused by a bacteri
a, it occurs in acute and chronic
forms and usually gains a foothold
within the first week of life.
In the acute form, the disease
produces diarrhea and the baby
pigs excrete blood very early. As
the disease progress the farmer
may see the buttocks smeared with
bipod or a tar-like substance.
Conversely, “The farmer may
even find pigs dead in the litter and
they may not have shown any
signs,” said Ingalls.
The disease’s chronic form is
the harder of the two to diagnose. It
strikes at about one or two weeks
of age. The piglet begins to lose
condition, becomes unthrifty, and
its hair gets rough. It may not ever
Here’s A
Apply lime on
Lime can be applied a
winter months are ideal
firm and the freezing am
disseminate the lime in tl
Blue Ball, Pa. (717)354-4:
Bad Water Will Lower Your Income
I By removing nitrates, bacteria &
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■MI a healthier herd. Acid in water increase
herd health problems
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We can remove these nitrates, bacteria
& sulfates and put your pH to near neutral
Call Us Before You Buy
And See Our Many Happy Users
Leola, PA 717-656-8380
If no answer, call early in CONDITIONING
the morning or evenings. J|\JQ
get diarrhea. In addition, it could
strike only one or two pigs in the
litter, causing the farmer to believe
th|eir deaths resulted from
jHere again, as in the coccidiosis,
prevention is the best treatment
Putting sows on a vaccination
program is a good idea so that the
piglets can receive antibodies
through the colostrum immediate
ly! Ingalls suggests putting them
on antibiotics about two weeks
before farrowing.
jPiglets should receive an anti
toxin after farrowing and be put on
creep feed with antibiotics.
On rare occasions Clostridium
Prefinges infects older pigs. Some
times sudden death will occur, but
usually the animals develop a
chronic condition.
Reproduction Problems
The last disease that Ingalls dis
cussed that affects piglets was
Mastitis Metritis Agalactiae
(MMA), which causes a lack of
milk in the sow. There is no one
common cause for the condition.
Rather it can be one or a combina
tion of: endocrine disturbance,
genetics, infection, environmental
stress, dietary deficiencies, inges
tion of mold toxins, and
A preventative program would
include measures such as good
sanitation, proper bedding, good
genetic resistance, anti-infectives,
and vaccines.
Transmissible Gastroenteritis
Transmissible Gastroenteritis,
or TGE, was the topic discussed by
Craig Pfeifer, D.V.M., from Min
nesota. A disease that strikes all
Congressman Bob Walker
Standing Up To:
• Cut Government Waste
Bob Walker is one of the few Congressmen with the courage to cut wasteful government
spending. His amendment to strike the Foreign Assistance provision from a supplemental
appropriations bill resulted in a savings of 5650 million taxpayer dollars.
• Fight The Drug War
Bob Walker is the author of the Walker drug-free workplace amendment which prohibits
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• Strengthen Our Education System
Bob Walker has voted consistently in Congress to strengthen our nation's educational
system. He supported the School Improvement Act, which funded several major education
programs, and he is an original co-sponsor of the proposed College Savings Bond Act, which
would allow families saving for college to earn tax free interest.
Standing Out:
“If every member of Congress voted as carefully as Robert Walker, we
would have a balanced federal budget, tower taxes, and a healthier
economy ”
“The GOP’s watchdog in the House.”
“A Parliamentary Wizard.”
types of hog units, including con-
finement or outdoor facilities, it is first few days, whereas the chronic
worse in confinement units form strikes piglets that are about
because of the cycling that takes three to four weeks old.
place on this type of operation. “Immunity begins with the colo-
TGE is caused by a virus that \ strum,” said Pficfer. “Also with
can be destroyed by detergent, milk that contain antibodies from
heat, drying, and sunlight. It vaccinated or exposed sows.” Far
spreads from pig to pig through mers can help prevent TGE also by
fecal matter as well as orally. Diar- vaccinating the piglets within two
rhea occurs within 18 to 30 hours to three days.
after exposure. Vomiting and Through work he has done,
severe dehydration follow as the Pficfer finds that a killed vaccine is
disease progresses. more effective than the modified
The acute form occurs in the live vaccine.
Voluntary Restraints Keep Meat
Imports Below 1988 Trigger
requir “ f sident b to rc S
. unports of ccrtum incdts beef
Z^ qUOtaS °' veff mutton and goat - i?S
, U.S. Department’ of Agriculture
milHnn rwi 1,525 j 4 estimates that annual imports will
mdhon pound*-100,000 pounds or exceed a trigger level set
below the level that would require at beginning of each calendar
qU j TI tA C. T* l ® trigger level, determined
Lyng said that the United States b y formula in the Act, is 1,525.5
will not have to impose restnc- million pounds for 1988.
hons because Australia and New n* trigger level and first quar-
Zealand, the two largest suppliers terly estimate for 1989 will be
of imported meals, have voluntari- announced on or about January 1,
ly agreed to limit their meat jqgq
v f !s
Paid for hy the Boh Walker for Congress Committee
Ray Dunlap. Chairman Samuel Mummaw, Treasurer
David Keating, National Taxpayers Union
The Washington Post
The Wall Street Journal
• <