Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 29, 1988, Image 160
Purina • = Milking Completes. Complete Confidence. 'urina milking com roduct that best suits his herd. Purina com roduct options: FORM - Pelleted, course & meal BUFFER OPTION - Correct type & amounts of butterfat enhancers FF OPTION - “Fermentable Fiber” to help assure fiber requirements are met helping milk fat test. All Purina Milkin Research Proven. Ask Your Local Purina Farm Consultant Which Purina Com- Fits You WARRIOR’S MARK FEED CENTER P.O. Box #l3O Warrior* Mark, PA 16877 814/632-5490 FARMER’S UNION CO-OP 30 East Wallers Avenue Greencastle, PA 17225 717/597-3191 WEST WILLOW FARMERS’ ASSOC. R.D. #1 West Willow, PA 17583 717/464-3386 K & K FEED, INC. R.D. #4 • 23 N. Park Street Richland, PA 17087 717/866-2324 H.R. WENTZEL SONS., INC. Box 6 Bloomfield Ave. Newport, PA 17074 717/789-3306 BERRYMAN’S MILL, INC. Box #lBl, Rt*. 75 Port Royal, PA 17082 717/527-2274 • Trade Mark • Ralston Purina Co. esig: Maxi Highest energy Purina milking ration means highest milk production potential. Test Cow High energy milking ration formulated to meet high producing cows’ requirements. Milk Special Intermediate energy level providing both per formance and lower feed costs. Pipeline Special Lower energy product designed for complete & balanced nutrition. Lower out-of-pocket costs. >lete feeds allows the dai >letes Are B Com Best! See Your Purina Dealer Today! THE OXFORD GRAIN & HAY CO. 1212 Railroad Ave. Oxford, PA 19363 215/932-8521 ALBRIGHT'S MILL P.O. Box #195 Kempton, PA 19529 215/756-6022 KSSAtaiS Paradise, PA 17562 717/442-4183 717/768-3301 Unlonville, PA 19375 215/347-2377 ANTHONY’S FEED MILL P.O. Box 212 Strausstown, PA 19559 215/488-6211 \ AG CENTER, INC. 517 St. Mary's St. Lewlsburg, PA 17837 717/524-7810 UMBERGER’S MILL R.D. #4 - Box #545 Lebanon, PA 17042 ed T Tech Complete WHOLE COTTONSEED - Available in Test Cow and Milk Special Feeds “S” OPTION - Floating Fiber Option Using Higher Fiber Ingredients Without Sacrificing Energy; Reduces Cost eked Bv The Purina Guarantee And GLENVILLE FARM CENTER Glenvllle, PA 17329 717/235-1290 TRI-COUNTY AG CENTER, INC. P.O. Box 316 McVeytown, PA 17051 717/899-6772 DETRICH ELEVATOR, INC. 5458 Cedar St. Williamson, PA 17270 717/369-3724 WILLIAM GOWER & SON Rt 1, Box SO Williamsport, MD 21795 301/582-2818 rHECK H BDAWn 239 W. Main St. Knoxville, PA 16928 814/326-4178 HIGH BROTHERS 441 Csntervllla Road Gordonvllla, PA 17529 717/354-0301 Your Needs >roducer to select the >letes al Feeds designed with you in mind. o off( ;r other M.G. HENNINGER & SON, INC. Bsrrysburg, PA 17005 717/362-3333 WOODSTOWN ICE & COAL CO., INC. 50 East Grant Street Woodstown, NJ 08098 609/769-0069 OLEY VALLEY FEED RD2 • Box 271 A Otey, PA 215/987-3568 SPENCER’S MILLING SERVICE 306 S. Rodney St. Clayton, DE 19938 302/653-8011 NISSLEY FEED CENTER Mill Rd., Box 377 Morgantown, PA 19543 215/286-9029 PURINA MILLS, INC. 5£