DSRmcMttr Fanning Saturday, October 29, 1988 Public Auction Register Closing Date -.Monday, 5.00 P.M of each week's publication SAT. NOV. 12 - 9AM 3rd Annual "The Keystone Show - , Penn-Jersey Eq. Dlrs. Assoc. Show & Sale. Sheraton-Lancaster (for merly Host Inn), Rt. 30 East. Public Show and Sale Hours; 9a.m.-3:30p.m. Public Auction 5:30 p.m. SAT. NOV. 12 - 9AM Gap Community Relief Sale. 2 mi. east of Intercourse, Pa. at Rt. 340 & New Holland Road. Sale is sponsored by Amish and Mennonite Churches to help raise money for the Mennonite Central Committee for World Wide Relief. For more information call Joe Engel. SAT. NOV. 12 - 9AM Anti ques, Collectibles, Machin ist's & Woodworking Tools. Sugar Valley. Clinton Co. From I-80 Exit 27, take Rt. 477 S. to Loganton, PA. Then Rt. 880 SW approx. 3 mis. to Booneville. Mar garet R. Schrack, Owner. Dockey, Dockey, Deppen, Aucts. SAT. NOV. 12 -10 AM Rancher On 3/4 Acre Lot, Personal Property, Anti ques and Quilts. Located along Wentzel Road, 1 mi E. of Terre Hill in East Earl Twp., Lane. Co., PA. By. Edith H. Good. Leßoy S & Paul W. Horst, Auct. SAT. NOV 12 -10 AM 30 Acre Farm, Farm Eq.. Anti ques, HH, Mobile Home 1161 Forest Hill Rd., Clay Twp., Lane. Co., PA. By: Leon J. & Joan R. Morkey. HORST Aucts. SAT. NOV. 12-12 Noon NYBCA Western Region Sale of 550 Head. Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange, Canandaigua, NY. SAT. NOV. 12 - 2PM 20 Acre Country Farmette Newport Rd , Manheim, PA. From Manheim take Doe Run Rd. E. to Penryn Rd turn left onto Penryn Rd follow to square in Pen ryn Turn nght onto New port Rd. go '/. mi to prop erty one left From Lititz 501 North turn West on Newport Road, 1 mile past Elm Lane on right at Kay lor’s Garage Penn Town ship, Lancaster County, Penna By Glenn W & Joyce E Lehman J&P Auctions, Paul E Martin & John D Stauffer, Aucts SAT. NOV. 12 - 2PM Real Estate. East end of Far mersville Rd , West Earl Twp , Lancaster Co , Con estoga Valley School Dis trict By Elmer G & Ruth E Rutt Horning Farm Agy Inc. SAT. NOV 12 - 2PM 1988 Southeast District 4 H/FFA Club Calf Sale, New Hol land Sales Stable, New Holland, PA MON NOV 14-6 PM Lan caster Co. Tavern, Restaurant, Turnkey Oper ation Jennys Cafe, 102 Manhyeim Ave (Rt 72), Lancaster, PA, directly across from Lancaster Lin coln Mercury Kerry Pae, Aucts TUES. NOV. 15 - 2PM 95 Acre Limestone Dairy Farm, 2 additional separate tracts of land. South Leba non Twp , Lebanon Co Rt 501 N to Myerstown, turn left before railroad over pass onto King St. approx 214 mis. to farm on left By- Leon E. & Donna L Ziegler Kline, Kreider, Good Jr., Aucts. SAT. NOV. 5 -10 AM Farm Eq. 20 mis. N. of Allentown, 6 mis. E. of Rt 309, 6 mis. W. of Lehighton, off Rt 443 at Normal Square, turn N. to New Mahoning intersec tion turn left pass Mahoning Valley Fim House for approx. ’/< in to auct. Car bon Co, PAjßy: George & Mary KurlsjpL Robt. A. Amer, Auct Farm Machinery & Con struction Dispersal & Annu al Fall Farm Machinery Consignment AucL Burch Farm, on NY Rt 9H, 'A mi. N. of Rt. 66 & 9H intersec tion, 3 mis. E. of Hudson, NY. D. Luther Aucts. SAT, NOV. 5 -11 AM 32 School Buses. Skippack Firehouse Parking Lot. Rt 113 & 73, Skippack, Montg. Co. Pa. Kenneth A. Geyer, Auct. Co. SAT. NOV. 5 -11 AM Household, Equipment, Real Estate. Catawissa R.D. 3- Box 391 off Rt. 42 South of Bloomsburg to Numidia- Take Bear Gap Road app. 1.5 miles. (Fol- BorollneTarm Complete Milking Herd Dispersal Located Just off Rt. is at the stop light In Lawrenceville, Pa. take Fit. 49 half mile, first farm. Saturday. November 5 at 12:00 Noon 75- Milking Cows & Bred Hfrs.-75 7 Reg.- Balance Hi-Grades 1988 Rolling Herd Ave. 16,758 m. 3.9 T 655 F. Some Features: Barn #l2l Reg. Jetstream Grandau., Milking 66 Lbs. w/ 4- 354 d 19,220 m 3.9 755 F. 5- 356 d 18,894 m 4.3 804 F, Barn #5O Reg. Mars Tony Grandau. From #l2l Above Due Right After Sale w/ 1-9 280 d 12,881 m 4.0 51 OF, Barn #B6 Grade Fresh 9-21 Milking 83 Lbs. w/ 2-1 327 d 18,920 m 3.3 615 F, Barn #172 Grade Fresh 9-23 Milking 70 Lbs. Of 4.5% w/ 3-4 342 d 14,009 m 4.4 625 F, Barn #135 Spirit Dau. Eligible To Be Reg. Due 11-1 Had 2-10 305 d 16,660 m 4.4 725 F. Barn #2l Grade Due 11-12-88 w/ 5-0 331 d 19.970 m 4.1 819 F. Sells w/Dau.- #7l Due 11-6-88 w/ 1-11 309 d 16,356 m 3.9 646 F, Barn #49 Grade 2 Yrs. Old Due 1- Making At 2- . 19,000 m 3.5 675 F. Barn #55 Reg. Dau. From Elevation Dam Due 1-9-89 Has 3-3 308 d 15,896 m 4.2 666 F. Barn #7B Grade Jordan Due 11 -29-88 Has 3-3 327 d 19,468 m 3.9 756 F, Sales Mgr. Note; After a life t me of farming the Locey’s have decided to discontinue their milking herd. Approx. 25 are Ist calf hfrs., this is a high testing herd and has been culled hard. 4 cows fresh Sept., 15 due Oct. & Nov., 11 due Dec., 23 cows averaging over 4.2 this lactation, 7 more over 4.0%, 16 cows making 18,000 to 22,000. The cattle are housed in stanchions & milked in a parlor. A good honest herd to purchase some replacements. Interstate tested, preg. ex. charts day of sale. Terms- Cash or Good Check, Sale Under Cover Lunch Available Owners Roland D. & Alan D. Locey Ph. 717-827-2229 Ph. 717-827-2182 Auctioneer Art Kllng Sales Mgr. Gordon Wood Mansfield, Pa. Ph. 717-549-4901 For the Most In Advertising Coverage & Preparing Your Sale. Call Wood’s Auction Service. Daily and Livestock Sales low auction signs). Gary & Julie Steffen, Sellers. John Auto tore & John Jr. Aucts. SAT. NOV. 5- 11AM Farm Eq. 14 mis. W. of Watkins Glen, 8 mis. E. of Ham mondsport, 3 mis. N. of Bradford on West Lamoka Lake Rd. Ed & Linda Kiklo wicz, Owners. Allens Aucts. SAT. NOV. 5-12 Noon NYBCA Eastern Region Sale of 350 Head. Chatham Auction, Chatham, NY. SAT. NOV. 5-12 Noon NYBCA Southwest Region Sale of 550 Head. Angelica Sales, Angelica, NY. Catalogs FARMERSVILLE AUCTION TUBS., Nov. 1, 1988 2:00 P.M. In Farmersvllle, 3 mi. east of Brownstown, Lane. Co., Pa. General Household Goods Auction. See Lane. Newspaper SaL, Oct. 29 for listing. Furniture sells at 7:00 P.M. WE SELL ON COMMISSION cal. JOHN J. Run (717) 354-5095 Auctioneer: Larry Putt AU-2455-L Belleville Livestock Market I Herd Dispersal I 22 Head § Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1988 8 at 1:30 P.M. I Selling the top fresh cows and springers S from a good Snyder County herd. This I group of cows is averaging over 60 pound- S s of milk per day. Good type udders. 1 Reason for selling- owner discontinuing | milking. Heifer Sale Friday, November 4, 1988 6:00 P.M. i 250 head consigned already. From Clar ion County, good heifers from one herd - from started calves to bred heifers - vac cinated. Almost all heifers consigned now are vaccinated. 30-day health charts provided. For more Information call: Gene Gllck | Home 717-667-2703 | Auction 717-935-2146 0 At The Shady Lane Dairy Sales Inc.,'/. Mile West Of Quarryville Off 372, Oak Bottom Rd. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1988 11 AM 160 Head Registered-Hi Grade Holsteins 160 From Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth House And Family Smithburg, Md. Herd Consists Of 63 Head Milking Ani mals Of Which About 40 Cows Have Calved This Fall. Balance In All Stages Of Lactation. In The Past Years We Have Bought Many Animals From The House Family, Including Picking Out 3 Yrs. Ago A Herd Of 38 Head Of Cows Which Went To David R. Stoltzfus, Kirkwood, Which He Says Are Real Good And Have Done Very Well. A Lot Of Citation Breed Used Over The Years. Only 6 Cows Avg. 6 Years. A Long Time Home-Raised Herd. Phone Glenn 717-786-2750 Dave 717-786-1725 2 COMPLETE sCV HERD DISPERSALS %£? IS HERD I PUBLIC AUCTION VERNA A. KOCH ESTATE 86 ACRES WITH BRICK HOME ANTIQUES. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FARMALL M.. TOOLS SAT.. NOV. 26. 1988 at 10:00 A.M. Real Estate located between McKeansburg and Drehersville, East Brunswick Twp., Schuylkill Co., Pa. From Rt. 61 between Deer Lake and Port Clinton travel East on Rt 895 toward McKeansburg, turn off Rt. 895 at Pinecrest Tree Farm, travel-West for approx. V» mile to auction site. Real Estate consists of 86 acres, more or less, whereon is erected a 2'A story brick and alu minum siding home. Real Estate to be offered in entirity or in 3 tracts with subdivision approval by auction date. Tract 1 consists of 10 acres, more or less, with blacktop road frontage and a small creek run ning through property, whereon is erected a 2'A story brick and aluminum siding home with back enclosed porch and new roof. The home has 3 rooms and 'A bath on the first floor, 4 rooms and bath on the second floor, attic and basement, heated with an oil hot water heating system. Tract 2 consists of 46 acres, more or less, with 10 acres of woodland, 10 acres being leased and approx. 26 acres of open land. Tract 3 consists of 33 acres, more or less, of open level land with blacktop and dirt road frontages. This property is located in a nice quiet setting with great potential. Real Estate inspection by appointment, call (717) 943-2704. Terms are 10% down payment the day of auction, balance on or before 60 days. Real Estate will be offered at 12:00 Noon. Auction Ordered By: Richard L. Koch, Executor Bruce Waltman, Attorney Auctioneer: Dennis F. Wagner AU-001427-L Phone: (215) 562-7445 Complete Milking Herd And Springing Heifers For Thomas And David Holladay (15,873 Milk 3.6 Test 572 Fat DHIA) Herd Consists Of 63 Mature Cows Of Which Some Are Registered, Balance High Grades & 18 Heifers Due Now Till End Of Year. Several Cows Recently Fresh With Approximately 25 To 30 Cows And Heifers Due Next 2 Months. These Are Also Good Dairy Cows. All Home- Raised. Many Years Artificial Breeding. The Kind You Will Like. Also 20 Head Maryland. 15 VA Cows From 1 Herd. All Due Soon. 30 day, TB Blood Test, Pregnancy Checked. SHADY LANE DAIRY SALES INC. Quanyvllto, PA 81 Head HERD II
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