HAY STRAW AND GRAIN SALES EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 12:00 O’CLOCK NOON AT GOODS AUCTION, 111 NORTH MAPLE AVB LEOLA, PA. A.H. 000014-L Terms: Cash No Out-Of-State Checks We Do Order Buying To Established Credit Mitt « tt) HJaUI UIU) M Manor Hills Orchard 8 All PUBLIC * § OH AUCTION S 23.6 ACRE FARMETTE & (19 S farm MACHINERY & M ® JUICE MAKING EQUIPMENT % Saturday, 01 % NOVEMBER 19. 1988 « |u Real Estate to be sold at 1:00 01 ftj followed by Machinery Located at R.D. #2 Columbia, PA, along Seitz Rd.tu tit Take Rt. 30 to Prospect Rd. exit, go south on Prospect™! ■"* Rd. to Seitz Rd. to auction site. 11l 0) *■* >u Real Estate Features: (jj : W 23.6 Acre Farmctte located In Manor Township ... f*S 2'A Story Frame House w/Vlnyl Siding & Wraptfl ia Around Porch Converted Into Two Nicely RcmodeledlM 1 ® Apartments. ™* its ala . w Apartment #1: 2 Bedrooms, Modern Kitchen, Llv-’t: - I fj] big Room, Full Bath, Utility Room. *a3 I lk . Apartment #2: 3 Bedrooms, Modern Kitchen, Liv-IM ; V ing Room, Full Bath. | Oil Hot Water Heat, Well Water, Septic System. .J; Approx. 1203’ of Road Frontage Along Seitz Rd.fa) IM Other Buildings: is 1 Frame Bank Barn wATHe Silo used for Implements* and other storage. (■9 32’x24’ Hip Roof Barn having 2 Bay Sales Area. (9 i • y 10’xl2’ Master Built Refrigerator. Stainless Steel am Work Bench Area currently being used as a process rg (fl room. (Q 49 Farm Features a 6 Acre Vineyard with 11 Grape 49 Varieties (Table Grapes); 4 Acres Strawberries; 4«|. V] Acres Asparagus; 6 Acres Raspberries; Sweet & Sour^al Ug Cherry frees & Other Fruit Trees. Manor Hills Orchard is ont of tho largest table grapefjft producers in the stale of Pennsylvania. 4® Open House Dates: Sat., Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. ® M 5-I*3 p.m. each day. For additional appointments call ||] daytime 717-285-4345 & evenings 717-569-1181. Terms: 10% Down Auction Day, Balance 45 Days.i^jj |ta Blakinger, Byler, Thomas >u 43 Dan Blakinger 717-299-1100 Metal Storage Bldg., Chemicals, Bitterman Scale - Q 300 Lb. Capacity, Kubota Digital Scale - 30 Lb. Ca-q] pacity, Tcknika Cash Register. 1 Juice Equipment 8, ft* Mcarelli Crusher Stemmer, Mearelll Hydraulic (jjj, Grape Press ■ Basket, Zambelli T-120 Must Pump, |i( | 49 Transfer Pump, Stainless Tank, Plastic Tanks, Bot- 49 1 iu tics, Bottling Manifold & Tank, Filter Bags. ata Miac. 49 Straw, Pruners, 5 Castored Skids For Cooler, 549 Folding Tables, International Harvester Tractor - . Model 284 Class I 3-pt Hitch, 3-pt Cole 310 Singled) Bottom Plow, 3-pt Cole Cultivator, 3-pt Disk s’, Disk s’, Fuerst Harrow, Spring Tooth Harrow S’,4«J Flail Mower 3-pt Hitch (SO Wide Woods, 3-pt Woodsitt Rotary Mower 6', 3-pt 6’ Blade, Berry King Straw ’JM berry Mulchcr, 3-pt Cole Single Row Planter Wlth’ J,< M Attachments, 3-pt Tool Bar T, 3-pt Maschio 2 HeadPj) ,1- Row Crop Tiller, 3-pt Powell Transplanter With Wa- >u 43 ter Tank, M G S 6xB’ Trailer, 110 Gallon 27> Boom 43 Sprayer, 80 Gallon Solo Mist Blower 3-pt, 3-pt Middle aia 43 Buster, Cub Cadet Model 682 17 HP Hydrostatic "H IJj Drive Tractor, 52” Mower for Cadet, International 43 -j. Dump Wagon, Ball Hitch Trailer 4xB’, SO Gallon >u VjMlghty Mac Sprayer, 20 Gallon John Deere Sprayer 43 4B 49 VI M#sB, 4’ Spring Tooth Harrow. m Terms: Cash or Approved Check. |l. ** AUCTION FOR: V « BURT F. HOFFERTH MADALYN H. HOFFERTH Wj im Phone 717-569-1181 Eve. M 285-4346 Day , "j W AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: ‘ W AM J. OMAR LANDIS AUCTION SERVICE Ml ."JAY M. WTTMAN AU001127-L W P.0.80X 501, EPHRATA, PA 17522 Ml 717-738-7920, 717-665-57311 (|| “Our 3»nrle»» An Ofttn Copied, «u HI , But Navr Duplleapd” W naa mv na>a,mm>a « ««aua PUBLIC SALE Wood Working Tools - Dried Lumber - Craft' Items - Electronical Parts & Accessories Saturday, November 5,1988 10:00 a.m. Located In Lancaster County, PA. 2 miles North of Intercourse, 3 miles Southeast of Leola, along Route 772. Sale Items Grizzly 4 bag dust collector, like new, used 18 months: Grizzly 18” band saw; Hillside 6x198” belt sander; Delta 54 ” spindle shaper - router combination; Grizzly heavy duty 14” drill press; Dewalt 12” radial arm saw; Crafts man 18” jigsaw; 1” A.M.T. belt sander; Craftsman saber saw; Black & Decker hand router; Bostitch T2B air stapler, 2 air paint sprayers; electric wood carver, small dust col lector; Edison 3 wheel band saw; large port able air compressor; furniture clamps; 2 Dayto sets 8-6”, carbide tip; 2 -10 -12” blades, car bide tips; lot of extra blades, mostly carbide tip; Lawnmate portable trimmer; Clean Ener gy waste oil space heater; Franklin woodstove; electric motors; 2 Singer sewing machines in cabinets; stereo with speakers; new flex pipe. Lumber Ix 6 - 14’ length rosewood pine, approxi mately 50 pieces; sugar pine, Ix 6 -10 -12,10 to 16’ length, approximately 250 pieces; No. 2 pine, 14 ” and 6 quarter random length and width; pile hedge boards; a lot of electronical parts (collection and hobby). Completed Craft Items Owner: FANNIE BEACHY [Auctioneer: . mJ [Steve Jr. Petersheim: 215-593-AUCT * « [Lie. #AU-001349-L Food By Weavertown Youth* 4 */* CHARLES BLAISURE FARMS SALE REAL ESTATE & MODERN. FARM MACHINERY MESHOPPEN TWP. MESHOPPEN, PA FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 1988 11:00 A.M. SHARP Absolute Auction of 2 Farms Si Farm Machinery located ■ Two mite* W. of Mssheppsn Via U.S. Rt 8, nnr Myo Botch and Suaq. Rivor, 12 ml W. of Tunkhannoek and 22 ml E. of Towanda. REAL ESTATE OFFERED AT 1:00 P.M. Farm No. 1 ■ The former Fassett Farm - 2 ml. W. of Meshoppen will be the place of the complete auction. This farm, 280 A, 150 tillable river flats, 130 pasture and woods Lge barn, 240x260,225 cow stalls, 100 heifer stalls. Surge 6 sbtll quto milking parlor, Glrton 2500 gal. bulk tank, Star Seal silo 20x100-8 unloader, Star 24x100 silo top unloader, 30x60 concrete staved silo, and barn cleaner. Two modem farm houses- one reserved by Mr. Fassett for life time use. This top production farm Just recently out of production Farm No. 2 ■ The former Dietrich Farm located on Rte 6 on Russell Hill just across from West Gate Village. No. 2 Farm, 420 A, 220 tillable, 200 A pasture, woods, and ponds. Barn, 60x110,70 cow stalls, 2 Cornell bam cleaners, trailer hook up available. This (arm is a very productive farm with a spectacular view. Either farm ideal for Dairy, Beef, or Horse Farm. Each farm to be sold separately to the highest bidder. Farm No. 2 will be sold at No. 1 location. Real Estate terms • 10% down day of sale - balance within 30 days. Farms shown by appointment Mon. and Tues., November 7th and Bth - call M.L Bunnell - 965-2375. FARM MACHINERY - 11:00 AM. J.D. 4440 tractor, J.D. 2020 w/146 Loader, J D 4430 D tractor, IHC Farmall 504 2/loader, Ford 7000 Tractor. New Holland #B9O-2 row head chopper & 880 w/pick-up head. J.D. 6600 combine w/4 row haiad and J.D. 14 ft. pick-up head, J.D. 5200 self-propelled chopper w/4 row C head, N.H. 320 Baler w/kicker, N.l. manure spreader, Bnllion harrow, Manure pumps, Van Dale liquid manure tank, Ca lumet liquid manure tank. Fox 1016 Dump table, J D. Transport Harrow, IHC 510 Grain drill, J.D. Gravity flow wagon. Hesston 1014 Haybine, J.D. 30 ft. Elevator, stone picker, 2 hay wagons, 2 Knight seif-unloading wagons. N.l. Rake, Fox pick-up head, N.H. Skkfstar loader, Electric feed cart, Miller disc, J.D. self-unloading wagon, Farmhand rake, Chisel plow, IHC 720-6 A 6 bottom Auto reset Tr-plows, Grace 16 ft. Hay wagon, Richard ton 1200 Dump wagon, N.H. 30 Blower, N.H. DlOO Backhoe for skldster, J.D. 7000 Com planter, Taylor-Way 60042 Chisel plow, 1976 Ford F7SO Dump Gram body- no motor - Ford F 250 buck AS-IS. All of the above equipment is In good condition and used all season. Terms • Personal Property - Cash or approved check on day of sale. LUNCH SERVED UNITED STATE BANKRUPTCY COURT CHARLES D. BLAISURE, DEBTOR Bankruptcy No. S-84-00573 BKC Thomas C. Gibbons Merton L Bunnsll-Salss Mgr. 4 Auct III4L Springvlls, Pa 1M44 Phene; 717-H5-237S Wayne Wsaver-Auet MML Wsymsrt, Pa 1M72 Phene: 717-7K-SIM Chris Poulssn* Clerk FRI. NOV. 11 - 9AM Farm lane on right Jim Cramer, Eq., Truck, Trailers, Hogs & Owner. Blaine N. Rentzel, Family Cow. Rt. 30, 2% Auct mis. E. of Rt 15, turn S. on —..... Granite Station Rd. ™ aI N 2LIL I (RescueMission),’/, mi.to »° nal Proportv ’ AntK ’ ueB ’ PUBLIC AUCTION Tues., November 15,1988 LOCATION: S. Lebanon Township, Lebanon County. Take Rt SOI North from Schaefferstown toward Myerstown. Turn left (West) on King Street just before Railroad overpass. Take King Street West approx. 2V4 miles to farm on left and 2 tracts of land on right DAIRY FARM- Consists of approx. 95 Acres all tillable w/35 A Alfalfa balance com. Approx 2100' of road frontage Modem dairy cow facilities w/100 cow round roof free stall bam joined to a modem round roof bank bam w/48 free stalls, modem milk house and parlor complete w/2000 gal. Mueller tank and double six automatic milking parlor. Virginia style heifer bam 18’x60’ new in 'B4, combination free stall and heifer bam So’xl2o’, Ouanset SOVISO' equipment and gram building, com bam w/attached slant roof, 5 bunker silos 2-11SttS’, 2-116'x20’, and 1- 116'x16’ all w/concrats floors and sides, 700,000 gal. capacity In ground manure lagoon. DWELLING- Exc. cond. 2 yr. old brick and aluminum. Ranch style, 3 bdrm. house w/cuslom eat-in kitchen, dining area, living rm., 114 baths, Ist floor laundry, and office, full daylight basement, electnc baseboard heat, and whole house fan ventilation. Note: This dairy (arm is in high state of cultivation. The facilities accommodating approx. 150 milk cows daily. This is an ideal opportunity to purchase a modem dairy farm at auction. Inspection anytime by appointment. Call auctioneers or owners For (arm plot plan, pictured brochure, and details Call or Send to Kline 1 Kreider Auctioneers, 345 W. Mt. Any Rd., Stevens, PA 17578 - 717-733-1006. WYOMING COUNTY TRACT #1: Consists of approx. 15 Acres, high producing land, all tillable, Zoned Industrial w/approx. 1263' of frontage along King Street and 1430' along PA Railroad. TRACT <2; Consists of approx. 32 Acres high producing land Vi in Alfalfa '/■ in Corn all Zoned Industnal w/approx. 1603' of PA Railroad frontage and 50' R fN to King Street. * All parcels of Reel Estate and Farm will be sold separate Terms 10% day of sale, balance due on or before March 1,1989. Terms By Owners: LEON E. & DONNA L. ZIEGLER 717-274-5230 Barn No. 717-273-6105 House No. Auction Conducted By; Randal V. Kline, Lloyd Kreider Roy Good, Jr., Auctioneers #AU-000499-L - 717-733-1006 SOUTH CENTRAL CK CATTLEMENS Graded Feeder Calf Sale Weikert’s Livestock Buying Station at Thomasville FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1988 7:00 p.m. Blaine Rentzel, Auctioneer PA Lie. #761 Lancaster FamUng Saturday, October 29,1989-031 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00 P M ol each week s publication VALUABLE LEBANON COUNTY REAL ESTATE 4 * <*A 95 ACRE LIMESTONE DAIRY FARM (Zonad Agriculture) and 2 SEPARATE TRACTS REAL ESTATE (Zoned Industrial) 2:00 P.M. Auto. Comer of Okf Coto brook Rd. A Rt. 441 acre* from Wyeth Laboratory, ROI, Marietta, PA. Ken A Diane Parks, Owners. Jacob A. A Brian L. Gilbert, Aucts. FRI. NOV. 11 -11 AM Real Estate, Farm Machinery. Charles Blaiaure Farms. 2 mis. W. of Meshoppen via US Rt 6, near Myo Beach A Susq. River, 12 mi. W. of Tunkhannock A 22 mis. E. of Towanda Merton L. Bunnell, Sale Mgr. FRI. NOV. 11 - 11:30AM Nittany-Crest Farms Milk ing Herd A Springing Heif ers, 60 head HoTsteins, 6 heifers. Centre Co., 6 mis NE of Bellefonte, PA (or Pleasant Gap), along Rt 64. Barry A Deb Kerststter Mark Glick, Auct. . n 'M FRI. NOV. 11 - I:3OPM State Graded Feeder Pig | Sale, Carlisle Livestock I Mkt, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81. 717-249-4511 Eves. Jim {249-2359. I FRI. NOV. 11-S:3OPM HH. * Antiques, Tools. Gap Auc tion near town dock oppo site Minit Market in Gap, PA. Ira A Dale Stoltzfus A Luke Witman, Aucts i THURS. & SAT. NOV. 10 & 12 - 6PM & 10AM Respec tively. Real Estate, Garage Inventory & Accessories, Coins, etc Comer of 6th & Armstrong Sts., Halifax, 'along Rt. 225 N. Mr Gerald Mile, Owner. Edwin Shoop & Dave Deibler, Allots. FRI.&SAT. NOV. 11 & 12- 4:3OPM & 9AM Respec tively. Real Estate, Anti ques, HH, Cars. Helen Crouse Estate 64 E. Mam St., Schaefferstown, PA, > Lebanon Co Rt 897 Ben .Habecker, Sylvan Witmer, I Aucts SAT. NOV 12 - 9AM 3'/i HP Myers Hit & Miss Engine, Auto-Body & Machinist Tools, Personal Property, Cars Circle View Dr, Brownstone Ridge, RO2, New Holland. PA By Clarence M Freeman Estate. Jay M Leary & Assoc, Aucts I SAT. NOV. 12-9 AM Farm Machinery, Hay, Straw, Calf Hutches, Antiques, Collectibles, Books, Maga zines, Appliances, HH, Lawn Items, etc TumN off Rt. 35 in borough of Free burg, PA, Snyder Co , onto Water Street (white top road) and continue N 2V4 mis. to Dock Hill Road or turn S off Rt 522 at Keis ters Middleburg Auction onto White Top Road and travel V 4 mis. to Dock Hill > Road Then take Dock Hill Road '4 mis to Lauver Road Make left on Lauver Rd. and go to first farm Paul R. & Eleanor E Lauv er. Owners. Dale L Longa cre Auctg. SAT OV 12'-9AM Real Estate & Contents. Rt. 183 N of Strasstown, Berks Co., PA, for 1 mi to cross road, turn left onto Club Rd. go mi to Degler La. turn left and go to property on right Dwight D Miller, Auct.
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