Philadelphia Vegetable Market October 26, 19U PARTLY CLOUDY 43-57. ARTICHOKES SUPPLIES LIGHT CA cuton 36s 15.00 48i 13.00 ASPARAGUS SUPPLIES INSUFFI CIENT TO QUOTE BEANS ABOUT STEADY varioua buihel conuinen Round Green type unless otherwise stated FL hand picked 17.00- GA 13,00 VA 14.00-15.00 BEETS SUPPLIES INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE BROCCOLI ABOUT STEADY carton bunched CA 14s mos 10.00-12.00 18s 10.00- 11.50 ME 14s 9.00-10.00 BRUSSEL SPROUTS 25-lb canon CA 11.00 CABBAGE ABOUT STEADY 1-3/4 bushel carton & crate medium Green unless otherwise stated Nj 550-650 Red 800 PA 650 MD 600-650 WI RED 8.50 NY 50-lb sacks large 550 RED 750 CARROTS ABOUT STEADY 48-1 lb film bags in film sacks CA medium-large 10.00-10.50 SO-lb sacks loose jumbo CA 600-700 one label high as 11.00 Miniature type carton bunched 24s 10.50 CAULIFLOWER ABOUT STEADY CA carton film wrapped 12s 850-10.00 mos 9.00 CELERY ABOUT STEADY CA carton 1 1/2 dozen 10.00-10.50 2 dozen 10.00- mos 11.00-11.50 2 1/2 dozen 10.00- 3 dozen 10.00 Hearts 12s 11.00 CHINESE CABBAGE ABOUT STEADY celery crate NJ 600-700 50 lb canon Nappa CA 14.00 WGA crate 18.00 Bok Choy 16.00 CORN wirebound crate approximately 4-1/2 doz FL White ord cond 3.00 CUCUMBERS LOWER 1-1/9 bushel crates & cartons Waxed medium unless BRING OUT THE BEAUTY IN YOUR BEAST WITH PRO; LEAN PIG STARTER PLUS. It has more of everything weaned pigs need for superior health and appearance. More, in fact, than its popular predecessor Protean Pig Starter Pellets Higher energy and quality protein in each bite for faster growth More milk nutrients for more weight gain per pound of feed consumed.. More vitamins and minerals, including the maximum allowable selenium level. And it’s pelleted, so they eat more, gain more, waste less and use less per pound of gain For better looking pigs and profits, ask for Pig Starter Plus at your local Agway store or from your Agway Salesperson ©l9BB Agway Inc otherwise stated VA 900-10.00 fair quality 600-700 FL 900-10.00 fair quality 650-700 Ige 400 sml 600 GA 900-10.00 TX 900-10.00 fair quality 500 EGGPLANT Bushel carton & 1-1/9 bushel crate FL few 800-10.00 GA 800-10.00 NJ few 600 ENDIVE ABOUT STEADY 1-1/9 bushel crate A carton NJ 500 FL 600 CA ctn 24s 950 ESCAROLE ABOUT STEADY 1-1/1 bushel crate & carton NJ 500-600 mos 500 FL 600 CA carton 24s 950 GREENS ABOUT STEADY crate approximately 1-1/2 bushel bunched unless otherwise slated NJ Collards A Kale 500-600 mos 500-550 Mustard, Turnip Tops 500-600 Rape 500 PA Collards,& Kale 500-550 Mustard, Turnip Tops 550 CA Broccoli Rabe 20-lb carton bunched 18.00-20.00 loose one label 23.00 carton 24s Swiss Chard including Red 900 Red Kale 15.00 LEEKS SUPPLIES INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE LETTUCE ICEBERG ABOUT STEADY carton 24s unless otherwise stated CA 800-900 mos 800-850 one label 10.00 film wrapped 900 30s 600-700 NJ 600 LETTUCE-ROMAINE SLIGHTLY LOWER CA 24s carton 12.00-13.00 one label 800-900 crate 15.00 NJ crate A car ton 24s 700 LETTUCE-OTHERS BIG BOSTON CA 24s 750 NJ crate 24s 500 8188 24 quart basket NJ 550 LEAF CA carton 24s 950-10.00 Red 950-10.00 FL 5/9 bucln 400 NJ ert 24s 600 LETTUCE-PROCESSING No supplies OKRA Too few sales to quote ONIONS-DRY ABOUT STEADY 50-lb sacks US#l or generally good quality and condition Yellow unless otherwise stated CO Spanish Hybrids jumbo 850-900 mostly 900 ID-OR Spanish hybrid* colossal 10.00-10.50 jumbo 900 NY Globe type luge 1.50 small-mediian 600-100 Red 25-lb seek* lame 100 ONIONS-GRKEN ABOUT STEADY NJ 4/5 bushel crate bunched 48* 900-10.00 MEXICO canon bunched 48i 800-900 PEAS-GREEN No fuppliei PEAS-SOUTHERN SUPPLIES INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE PEAS-SUGAR ABOUT STEADY 10-lb carton per lb CA 200 GUATEMALA 200- 220 PEPPERS ABOUT STEADY 1-1/9 bushel crates & cartons California wonder type Green unless otherwise stated CA extra large 10.00-11.00 large 900-10.00 one lot 800-850 NI medjge 550-600 mix ed Red med-lge 550- 600 Red Ige 800 PUMPKINS LOWER price per bin PA 60 to 70 count 65.00-75.00 RADISHES ABOUT STEADY carton Red 30-6 oz film bags OH 300 FL carton Red 30-6 oz film bags 250-300 mos 300 24 8 oz film bags 700 SQUASH ABOUT STEADY 1/2 bushel canons GA Zucchini sml-med 500-600 mos 500 med 300-400 mos 400 Yellow Straightneck sml-med 600-700 FL Zuc chini 600-700 med 400-500 Yellow Straightneck med 500 NJ 1-1/9 buert But ternut SOO SWEET POTATOES ABOUT STEADY 40-lb carton US#l NC Jewel type 10.00 fair quality Ige 600 NJ 950-10.00 TOMATOES ABOUT STEADY 25-lb canon Pink to Light Red 85% US#l or better unless otherwise stated SALES BY OTHERS CA Sx6s 10.00 6x6s 800 fair quality Sx6s few 800 6x6s 600-700 FL sx6* 900-10.00 6x6* 800-900 AL sx6s 10.00 6x6* 900 REPACKED LOCALLY FL sx6* 12.00 6x6* 11.00 CHERRY TYPE 12-1 pint flats CA 800-900 TURNIPS ABOUT STEADY topped 25-lb medium PA 450-500 Agway Farm Enterprise Service Shippensburg Produce Auction (717) 530-1700 Shippensburg, PA Average Prices Of #1 Produce OCT. 20 AND 25 Report Supplied by Auction APPLES: RED & YELLOW DELI CIOUS. STAYMAN, ROME AND YORK, 1.75-4.25 V, BU. BROCCOLI: 7.00-10.00 BU. CABBAGE: 4.00-5.50 50 LB. BOX. CAULIFLOWER: .40-1.10 HD. CIDER: 1.10-1.50 GAL. EGGPLANT: 2.00-3.00 'A BU. GOURDS: 2.50-4.00 BU. GRAPES: 3.00-5.75 '/. BU. INDIAN CORN: LGE. .70-1.50 BUNCH; MINI .20-.30 BUNCH LIMA BEANS: 8.00-10.00 V, BU. MUMS: .75-3.00 EA. PEPPERS: 3.00-5.00 BU. POTATOES: 5.00-6.00 50 LBS. PUMPKINS; (NECK) .30-1.00 EA.; (FACE) .50-1.25 EA.; (MINI) 3.00-4.50 'A BU; (BIG MACS) 2.00-9.00 EA. SQUASH (WINTER): 3.00-4.00 BU. STRING BEANS: 4.00-7.00 'A BU. SWEET POTATOES: 4,00-6.00 'A BU. TOMATOES: LG. 15.00-18.00 25 LBS. BOX; MD. 10.00-12.00 25 LB. TURNIPS: 2.00-4.00 'A BU. Philly Potato & Onion October 26, 1988 PARTLY CLOUDY 43-57 ONIONS-DRY ABOUT STEADY 50-lb sacks US#l or generally good quality and condition Yellow unless otherwise slated CO Spanish Hybrids jumbo 850-900 mostly 900 ID-OR Spanish {agway) Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, October 21,1MM1S hybrid* coiotul 10.00-10.50 jumbo 900 NY Globe type Urge tJO small-roediuir 600-800 Red 25-lb Sack* lugs 800 POTATOES ABOUT STEADY 50-Ib sacks US#l lize A washed or fanuhed unlei* otherwise iteted Round While* LI S7S-600 Urge 7-750 mostly 725 ME 525-575 luge 700 CANADA CD#l Prince Edward lile large 700 New Brunswick 575-600 Round Red* NY 700-800 Russell 50-lb carton count ID 70-80* 14.00 90s 12.50- 100 s 12.00 120 s 10.00-11.00 WI Norkotah 70s 11.75-12.00 90s 11.25-11.50 100 s 975-10.00 120 s 925-950 WA Norkotah 80s 11.50-12.50 90s 10.50- 100 s 900-10.00 1220 e me North Jersey Livestock Hacketlstown, NJ Tuts., Oct. 25, 1988 Report supplied by auction CALVES .35-1.47V4 . COWS .26-.50'/.. EASY COWS .02-.38K. HEIFERS .40-.65V4 . BULLS ,48V. -.70. STEERS .48-.65. HOGS .2S-.38. ROASTING PIGS, EACH IZOO-23.00. BOARS 24.00. SOWS .22-.24. SHEEP .09-.48. LAMBS. EACH 32.00-60.00. LAMBS, PER LB. .37-.59. GOATS, EACH 4.00-97.50. KIDS. EACH 1 1.00-49.00 TOTAL 1,645. BAGGED PEANUT HULLS At $72/Ton Delivered* LESTER SMUCKER 215-445-6019 * Cash & Quantity Price Free Delivery Reasonable Distance VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 2 tractors & possum belly trailers. We will transport cattle. Call and make arrangements to haul cattle anytime. L. Robert Frame, Manager Paradise, PA 717-442-4181 215-458-8518 215-458-5060 Siif ßXi, II? Hay Loaders Accumulators Allen Rakes & Tedders Model 100 “TRACTOR MOUNT” Hay Loader David O. Fink RD' 1 Box 429-F Germansville, PA 18053 215-767-1408