Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 29, 1988, Image 148
D2B-Lancaster Farming Saturday, October 29, 19M AUCTION Saturday, November 5, 1988 at 10 A.M. Located at the Apichell Residence, Badman Hill - Between Paxlnos and Shamokln • off Route 61, turn at Miller Texaoo - Follow Auction Arrows. MACHINIST TOOLS MECHANIC & GARAGE EQUIPMENT VEHICLES • HOUSEHOLD GOODS Model #94 30-30 Winchester lever action w/3x9 scope - 1979 Ford Fl5O Pickup Truck, has new motor w/4000 miles, automatic-PS-PB, tilt, cruise, air, twin gas tanks and cap -1984 Dodge Charger, loaded, 44,000 miles. TOOLS Gorton Vertical Mill w/accessories - Southbend 5 inch Metal Lathe ■ Heavy duty 5 speed Drill Press - NEW 5 HP Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressor - 20 ton HYD Press - Parts Cleaner -10 ton Electric Log Splitter - Bench Grinders - 6’ Belt & 9* Disc Sander combination - Mechanics Toolws - Drills - Mill Ends - Parts Cabinet - VW Parts - Antique Car Parts Books • Work Benches - several sets of Rims - Sears Rowing Exercise Machine - Weight Bench and We>ghts • Kerosene Heater - Fishing Rods - Plus Other Good Items. HOUSEHOLD Maple Table & 4 Chairs - Pine Single Bed w/ Drawers -1909 Gas & Coal Stove - Dehumidifier - Old Wooden Planes - Indian Statues - Many other nice items. LEN & MARY LOU APICHELL, SELLERS 644-0751 Auctioneer: JOE KINN AU492L Danville, PA 275-0635 Statements made day of Sale take Precedence over written Material. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK AUCTION /pz'VSy of James C. Johnson Estate Valuable Garden Equipment & Tools * Saturday, November 5,1988 10:00 a.m. Small Tools Approximately 11:00 a.m. From Route 30 In Gap, PA, take Route 41 South to Octorara High School, take Highland Road' West to golf course & turn right on Schoff Road to auction site. 1988 14 HP Bolens Riding Tractor in Mint Condition Garden Equipment & Tools 7 HP Troybilt rototiller, used approximately 4 hours; 1987 - 5 HP Bolens 21" snow blower; Brinley seeder; Echo weed eater; 5 HP Briggs & Stratton 2500 Watt Winco generator 3600 rpm industrial; pull type lawn roller; gas cans; 1 ton chain hoist; Bolens mulcher; Yardman pull type lawn sweeper; plow; cultivator; rotary mower; small air compressor; Craftsman 10” radial arm saw; Black & Decker radial arm saw; New Tap & die set; Milwaukee sazall; Shop craft 10" table saw; Black & Decker router & stand; 2 Coleman lan terns; Black & Decker 6” bench grinder; Craftsman 3/8” cordless drill; Wagner hot air gun; Black & Decker 3V4 ” planer; Craftsman vibrating sander; Craftsman 3/8” electric drill; Black & Decker hedge trimmer; Sabre saw; Pioneer 16” chain saw; Remington chain saw; organizers; hammers; vises; hand tools; saws; several garden tools; tree trimmers: Wet & Dry shop vacuum; kerosene heaters; aluminum extension ladder; step ladder; sump pumps; hose reel & hose; variety of fishing gear. Household Goods & Furniture Square china closet with glass front & sides; redwood set; waterfall bed; dresser & bedding; recliner; chest of drawers; Singer sewing machine; 21 cubic in. Hotpoint chest freezer, 1 yedr old; 30" bottled gas range; refrigerator; nice wooden extension table & 4 mate chairs; Tupperware; pots & pans; a few dishes & glassware; set of copper bottom pans; iron skillets; canning jars and more. Auctioneer’s Note: ALL EQUIPMENT & TOOLS IN LIKE NEW CONDITION. DON’T FORGET THIS SALE. Sale By: Mary H. Johnson, Extrix For James C. Johnson Estate AnrtlnnoAPft* Ira & Dale Stottzfus AU-00907-L 442-4936 or 442-8254 CLIP & SAVE THIS AD Not Responsible for Accidents No Out of State Checks Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M ot each week s publication SAT. NOV. 5 - 9AM Trac tors, Farm Eq , Van. Trail er, Hand & Power Tools, Misc. For: Milton H. Levy, Kellers Church Rd., between Scott & Applebut ter Rds., IV4 mi. NW of Plumsteadville, PA. Henry K. Freed & Sons., Aucts. SAT. NOV. 5-SAM Farm & Horse Drawing Equipment, Antiques, H.H. Goods & Sm. Tools. Location: Along Landisville Rd. Pa. Route 283 Bypass Get Off At Salunga & Landisville Exit N. on Spooky Nook Rd., S. on Landisville Rd. Watch For Sale Signs. Burnell & Arlene Gaul, Owners. Shaf fner’s Auction Service SAT. NOV. 5 - 9:3OAM Farm & Irrigation Eq Robt. Miller, Allenwood- Lakewood Rd., Howell Twp„ Ramtown, NJ Nor man Parker, Mgr Lee Parker, AucL SAT. NOV. 5 -10 AM Trac tors, Trucks, Vegetable Equip., 2 Antique Cats. For C.S Heal, Inc., Salem Rd.. Burlington, N.J. Richard Allen, Auct. SAT. NOV. 5-10 AM RDI, Millerstown, Perry Co., PA. Sawmill Dispersal Donna F. Carvell Owner. Charles Byers, Auct. SAT. NOV. 5 -10 AM Gar den Eq. & Tools. From Rt 30 in Gap, PA, take Rt. 41 S. to Octorara High School, take Highland Rd W. to golf course & turn right on Schoff Rd to site James C. Johnson Estate Ira & Dale Stoltzfus, Aucts. SAT. NOV. 5 -10 AM Real Estate, Personal Property 6 mis. SE of Chambers burg. PA, 1 mi. W. of Duf field along New Franklin & Wiles Rd. Glenn & Nelle Mummert, Owners. Edgar J. Stull & Lynn Dietrich, Aucts AUCTION TRACTORS, FARM EQPT., VAN TRAILERS, HAND & POWER TOOLS, MISC. ITEMS For: Milton H. Levy, Kellers Church Rd. between Scott & Applebutter Rds., VA ml. N.W. of Plum steadvllle, Pa. SATURDAY, NOV. 5, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. Tractors- David Brown 780- 3 cyl. diesel Selectmatic P.S., 35 H.P., M.F. wheel & tire, David Brown 770- 3 cyl. diesel 12 speed w. hyd. side mower attach, less bar, P.S. M.F. 2135-4 cyl. gas new tires, 1973? Dodge Tradesman van ?, 1968 Jeep C.J. 5 w. P.T.O. & Auburn trencher, generator w/Crosley motor needs work, A.C. 60” brush hog needs bearing, Woods 60” fin ish mower, Mott 60” flail mower, 72” brush hog, J.D. 60” brush hog needs gear box, I.H.C. 3 bottom fast hitch plow, Ford 2 bot tom plow 3 pt. h„ Ford disc 3 pt. h., Ford 2 row culv. 3 pt. h., Ford 4 row corn planter 3 pt. h., circular saw, I.H.C. field culv., 2- M.F. push frames, Freeman loader arms & cyl., 46” bucket, cab protectors, 2 wheel 4’ x 6’ trailer, 2 axle farm trailer, 6’ & 9’ Mey ers blades manual operated, 68” bucket for M.F., 4 chain saws, 2 table saws, com pressors, engine hoist, Craftsman drill press, hyd. lift pallet truck, hyd. jacks, rot ary mowers, bikes, lots hand tools, chains, rope, Omega enlarger, hi. fi. sets, kitchen cabinets, file cabinets, 3 hospital beds 1 elec. Very, very partial listing. Cond.- Cash. No out of state checks. Auctioneers: Henry K. Freed & Sons 822-0723 Li.- A.U. 000293 L. Elsie I. Wagner Estate VALUABLE REAL ESTATE VA Story Brick Home w/Snack Bar Business. Nice Ballfield & Household Situated On Over 3 Acres Of Land. SAT., NOV . 19, 1988 10:00 AM. Located On Rt. 419, V 4 Mile North Of 1-78 Exit #6 In Village Of Schubert, Berks Co., Pa. Real Estate Consist Of VA Story Brick With Lg. Kitchen, Lg. Living Room, Full Bath, & 2 Bedims. On Ist Floor. 2nd Floor Is Two Lg. Bedrooms w/Closets & Storage. Property Has Septic System, Drilled Well, Oil Hot and Water Heat. Property Has A Snack Bar Busi ness. Located Along Rl 419. Behind Snack Bar Is A Large Beautiful Baseball Field w/ Scoreboard & Wire Backstop. Property Has Some Wooded Area. Property Also Has Two Drilled Wells. For An Appointment To See Property, Call (717) 933-8720 Or (717) 544-6576. Property To Be Offered At 12:00 Noon. Terms: 10% Down Day Of Auction, Bal. In 45 Days Or Less. Household Items: Glassware, 25” Color T.V. Oak Stand w/Drawer, Lg. Freezer, Bedim. Suite, Table Lamps, Frig. Ref./Freezer, Chest Drawers, Mis. Items. Terms By Mary Hower, Executrix Rev. Barry Wagner, Executor Esquire, Darryl Moyer _ Auctioneer Dwight D. Miller . jvwi AU2414-L (717) 933-5736 * Food Available SAT. NOV. 5 -10 AM Con signment Auction of Farm Tractors, Machinery, Con struction Eq. Rt. 38 & 388, Newark Valley, NY. Good rich Auct. Serv. Inc. PUBLIC SALE ] 18 ACRES WOODLAND ? SAT., NOV. 19, 1988 f 2:00 P.M. I Located along Hammertown Rd. (Near ? Edwards School), approx. 2 miles north of x. Churchtown, Caernarvon Twp., Lancaster \ Co., Pa. 0 Directions: From Rt. 23 at west end of | Churchtown take Churchtown Rd. north \ approx. 1/4 mile to Hammertown Rd. turn \ right proceed approx, two miles to site on \ left. Watch for yellow sale sign. | 18 ACRES WOODLAND t Ml with approx. 540’ of Road Frontaga f Zoned Agricultural ? OPEN HOUSE: Saturdays. November 5 $ and 12 from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. or call i 215-286-5880 for an appointment \ TERMS: 10% down day of sale, balance \ January 6, 1989. f NOTE: Sale to be held at the Church- | town Fire Hall, along Rt. 23 in Churchtown, v Pa. \ SALE FOR: \ SUSANNA SAUDER \ 215-286-5880 \ Atty. R. Douglas Good | Aucts* i Nevin Martin AUIO7BL \ Andrew M. Martin AAI77IL ? Not Responsible for Accidents % AUCTION COMPLETE LIQUIDATION OF NEW FIXTURES ft BUILDING MATERIALS OF 2 LG. SAMPLE CONDOMINIUM UNITS MONDAY, OCT. 31. 1988 3:00 P.M. Inspection from 1-3 P.M. on day of Auction AT: THE ARBORS 9801 Germantown Pike Lafayette Hill, PA (Montg. Co.) 4 ml. so. of Exit 24 Norris town of PA Tnpk. OFFERING THE COMPLETE FIXTURES OF 2 LARGE CONDOMINIUM UNITS including Recessed Bullet Light, chandeliers, Kohler toilets, tubs. Whirlpools, brass fixtures, kitch en sinks & faucets, Corian Countertops, G.E. garbage disposal, 2 complete kitchens by Kountry Kraft, Interior Raised Panel Dows solid & masonite w/Schlage various locks; Schulte ventilated closet unit, Ig. mirrors, E&B Carpeting, hot water heater, marble floor tiles, 2 heat pumps & air circulators, small cabinet, oak paneling. All items are top quality and have never been hooked-up. Items will be sold in place with removal to be completed by Mon., Nov. 7th. SECOND AUCTION Complete Frame Sample Building Con structed w/2x6 studs, 2xlo floor joist; alum, siding, all Pella Ext. Doors & Windows; Decks, railings, awning & surrounding shrubs. MONDAY, NOV. 7. 1988 1:00 P.M. Remaining shell will be sold as an entirety with buyers having until Dec. 31, 1988, to remove dwelling. This is an unusual opportun ity to purchase quality new merchandise and building materials. Contact Auction Company for details, terms & conditions. TERMS - CASH OR ACCEPTABLE CHECK. PA No. AU-001117-L XU feiigruunds Road• Hatfield 8A»(215)3C6*547T