Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 29, 1988, Image 147
Helen Croust Estita TWO-DAY PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARS 1952 Coupe DeVllle Cadillac 2-door H.T. 60,000 miles FRL, NOV. 11, 1988 4:30 P.M. SAT., NOV. 12, 1988 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE 2:00 P.M. Located on tha promises at 64 E. Main St., Sehaafferatown, PA., Lebanon Co. (Route 897) Real Estate consists of a lot approx. 80* in width and 335' in depth with frontage along Main St. Thereon is a 2'/* story dwelling sided with asbestos shingles; hot water heating system; public water. First floor consists of 7 rooms which includes kitchen, dining room, living room, 2 bedrooms, full bath, large hallway; enclosed back porch, open front porch. Second floor is being used as an apartment and consists of kitchen, dining room, living room, 2 bedrooms, full bath, large hallway, open porch. House has large attic and a ground cellar w/275 gal. oil tank. PROPERTY contains a 2-car garage with large storage space on top floor; 9x12 shed. FOR INSPECTION of property: Call (717) 949-3756 or (215) 589-5707. OPEN HOUSE: Frl., Oct. 14 and Wed., Oct. 19,6-8 pm both evenings. By appointment call 949-3756 or 589-5707. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This Is a large estate of nice early furniture and antiques some of which dates back to the late Minnie Deater. FRIDAY Auction- Tools, lawn equipment, small household goods. SATURDAY Auction- Antiques, furniture, large appliances. Cars at 12:00 noon. FRI. EVENING AUCTION- 8 h.p. Big Giant, rear lined roto-tiller; Snapper push mower; David Bradley garden tractor w/attachments; Artizan 6* jointer; table saw w/Wooden adjustable table; garden tools; hand tools; nuts and bolts; wheel barrow; kerosene flares; pressure canner; tin pictures; early hay forks; hand cultivator; lots of sawing threads and material for quilting patch es; Samsonite folding table and chairs; lots of misc. household and other items too numerous to list. SAT. AUCTION- Nice Big Oak roll top desk; quilt ing frame; 6-legged drop-leaf table w/drawer; square oak extension table; side board w/ mirror; oak drop-leaf table on rollers; comb, desk and bookcase w/oval glass door; 2 dry sinks; jelly cupboard; 2 pedestals; sofa and chairs; 2 sets of hand-painted chairs; cane-seat chairs; rockers; blanket chests; trunk; early 2-mirrored door closet w/drawers in center; oak bed and dresser; waterfall bedroom suite; wooden benches; small tables; early child's doll cradle, crib, kitchen cabinet, table and chairs; wooden rocking horse; 2 Sessions mantle clocks; G.W. Russel wall clock; Singer sewing machine; Huber plates (1958-1967); Sch., mill ing plates; a nice collection of handbells, some brass, an 1851-1919 Sch. E.U.B. bell; early kerosene lamp w/fringed, stained-glass globe; Leb. Co. atlas, dated 1875 by F.W. Beers; a very nice lot of early clear cut glassware; some depression and carnival glassware; Germany, Holland, Japan dishes, etc; F.B.C. Co. 22K gold China set; Edwin K. Knowles china; 12-place setting stainless steel flatware in chest; iron crib; metal desk; iron kettle and stand; agateware; 8-gallon crocks; small crocks; 3-pc. wicker set; deacons bench; like new G.E. refrig/freezer (15 cu. ft.; like-new Spacemates washer and dryer; Westinghouse washer and dryer; G.E. refrig., Sharp portable 13’ color T.V.; Quasar floor model color T.V.; Hot-point elec, range; Gibson elec., range w/ coming top; 5 pc. dinette set; many other unlisted items. Cars to ba sold at 12:00 noon. Cadillac and 1983 V.W. Rabbit Dlesal. Terms- Cash (Out-of-State checks w/letter of bank approval). Real Estate- 10% Down Day of Sale, Balance In 90 Days. Clip This Ad- No Furthsr Advertlsemsnt Conditions by: Robert Crouse Shirley Drewen Auctioneers Ben Habecker, AU-001296-L Sylvan Wltmer Clerks, Habecker and Weaver Attorney, Henry Steiner Refreshments Available Not Responsible For Accidents Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of each week s publication FRI. NOV. 5 -12 Noon Milk- held at the farm on Mfchi ing Herd and Farm Machin- gan Hollow Road, IV4 ery Dispersal. Auction to be miles east of Exit 1 off Rt. USER 'MIKE, AUCTIONEER AU1599 L ■GEORGE. REALTOR t AUCTIONEER AU2O9 L PUBLIC ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, NOV. 5, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. Along Rt. 25 between SPRING GLEN and GRATZ, Dauphin County, PA. 15 miles West off 1-81, Exit 34; and 45 miles NE of Harrisburg. IO ACRES OPEN & WOODED LAND 454 Ft. FRONTAGE on Route 25; Adjoins STATE GAME LANDS No. 264. This beautiful parcel of Real Estate deserves your Immedi ate attention! 3-Bedroom Rancher features a Modem Kitchen with Range & Oven; Spacious Full Bath with Cer amic Tile; Half Bath; Laundry Room; Wall-to-Wall Carpet, many extras. 2-Car Garage with Automatic Door Opener, 4-Room RENTAL UNIT. Check all the potential this real estate has to offer! ARRANGE YOUR FINANCING, BE PREPARED TO BID AND BUY AT THE AUCTION! For Inspection Call (717)647-9620 or (717)761-2535. TERMS: 10% down the day of sale, further terms and conditions to be announced when real estate is offered at 12 noon. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS & CONVALESCENT EQUIPMENT & TOOLS & GUNS GE Automatic Washer & Dryer; Amana Upright Freezer; Sharp Carousel Convection Microwave; Wooden Extension Table; Decorated Plank Bottom Chairs; Modem Comer Cupboard; Floral 2-Pc. Liv ing Room Suite; Recliners; Tables; Lamps; HER SHEDE GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK w/MOON DIAL; Sylvania Console Color TV w/Remote Con trol; Portable RCA & Zenith Color TV’s both Remote Control; nice DECORATED PLANK ROCKER; 6-Pc. Bedroom Suite; Deck; Electric Fireplace; Gilbert Wall Clock; Dishes; Cooking Utensils; Small Electric Appliances; Corona Heater 22,000 BTU; ELECTRIC MOBUJTE HOSPITAL BED w/RAILS; Trapeze Attachment for Bed; Con valescent Commode; BATTERY OPERATED CYCLE CHAIR; Folding Wheelchair w/Tray; Blood Pressure Monitor; Floor Safe 18x18x24; Buckeye Kerosene Incubator; New Chick Feeders; Electric Motors; B&D Radial Arm Saw; Mitre Box; Small Hand Tools; WINPOWER 5.5 KW Genera tor; Homelite Chain Saw; 1/2 hp Air Compressor; Picnic Table; (2) Swing Sets; Lawn Trailer & Roll er; Self-propelled Lawn Mower; 12 hp Commercial Riding Mower; 7’ Blade w/Brackets for Jeep; Lot Oak & Pine Lumber; 300 SAVAGE model 99; MOSSBERG 22 Semi-automatic model 352KA, many other items not listed. ANTIQUES 81 COLLECTIBLES (2) China Closets with Rounded Glass one w/Claw Feet; Decorated Plank Bottom Chairs; Gate Leg Table; Eastlake-style Wall Mirror; Oak Stand; nice Reverse Painting on Glass; Cane Seated Chairs; Oak Dresser & Chest of Drawers; Child’s Decorated Chair & Rocker; Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet, not com plete; Cane Seated Wheelchair; Copper Boiler; Crocks; Jugs; Coffee Grinder; Decorated Tin Flour Can; 1873 German Birth Certificate; 1897 Joel Riegel Birth Certificate; Early Deeds; Postcards; Pillar Clock; Sessions Shelf Clock; Picture Frames; Tinware; Pierced Pie Cupboard; Benches; Majestic Coal Kitchen Stove; Huckster Scale; Washboards; Meat Saw; Wooden Measure; Quilt Frame; White & Singer Treadle Sewing Machines; Wooden Desk Chair; Mounted Deer Heads; Clothes Tree w/Deer Hoofs; WEAVER & SON ELIZABETHVILLE Flask; McHenry Bottle Kerosene Lights; Wooden Rake; Horse Plow; some OLD COINS & LG. TYPE CURRENCY, etc. ESTATE OF ANNIE S. WIEST Ell wood L. Wlest A John J. Wiest. Co-Executor* Terrence J. Kerwin, Esq. Kerwin A Kerwin. Law Office* (717)425-3313 DBIBERT Mike, Auctioneer AU1599-L George, Realtor & Auctioneer AU2O9-L Lunch Available mlum aeost Avoca, ny. 6 miiea LincMMr Farming Saturday, Octobar 29, 1988-D27 northwoat of Bath. Andrew * Ri . w *. Templin, Ownere. pa. Ire I Dale Stollzlfus & Hama Wilcox. Inc. Auct Luka Wrtmwi, Aucta FRI. NO' •V. 4 - S:3OPM HH. FRI. NOV. 4 - 6PM Bellevil- Antiques, Tools. Gap Auc- |e Livestock MkL, Belleville, lion, near town dock oppo- pa. 250-300 Head Heifers site Min it Market in Gap, aH sizes, open, bred, spr- PUBLIC SALE Saw Mill Dispersal November 5, 1988 at 10:00 AM Location: 3 1/10 miles north of Mil lestown on Route 17, or 7 miles south of Liverpool on Route 17. (Perry County). SAW MILL AND EQUIPMENT O Frick Sawmill, 50 in. Hoe B pattern head saw (like new), 10 ft. 3 bearing man drel Shaft, POWER PLANT 471 GM Detroit diesel (175 hp, rebuilt recently), Large Cornell blower for saw dust, small blower, several mandrel shafts all sizes. 60 ft. lumber rolls, Steel wheel lumber cart and 30 ft. of track, MELLOTT #1 log turner, 30 in. two saw FRICK edger, Hand grinder for head saw, Swages for head saw, Bel saw edger with two blades, 52 in. Diston head saw, 50 in. Diston head saw, cut off saw blades, saw wrench and new saw teeth. LOGGING EQUIPMENT 2 log loaders; Case W 9 BG, TLIO with AC motor, forks and buckets for both, 1 TLIO for parts, Army wench truck (4X4) with 6 cylinder Chev. engine, International log truck 12 ft. bed, 26,000 gross (needs engine work); CAT crawler, 1973 JEEP 4 wheel drive pickup, set of log bunks, CASE caseomatic 400 tractor for parts. MISCELLANEOUS LINCOLN welder AC 230 amp.; DAY TON Generator 2500 watts, with 7 hp gas motor; 3 ECHO chainsaws (as is); SAFE (2x3'/z xs’/z on wheels); 8 in. table saw with VA hp motor and extra blade; 7 ft. front end snow plow; 6 cylinder continental motor and pump, 1 for parts; wedges, chain binders, chains, cant hooks, sledge hammers, heavy steel and pipe, 2 MoPeds (as is), Barrel stove, 3 oil pumps for bar rels, 150 gal. gas tank with pump, 55 gal. drums, hand tools and a few small items. LUMBER Various sizes, if not sold previously. Auct. Note: This is the equipment of the late Wm. V. Carvell. owner, DONNA F. CARVELL, (717) 589-3783 Charles C. Byers, Auctioneer Auct. #AU-002t65-L Millerstown, PA (717) 589-3703 Lunch Stand By: Bethlehem Whiteland Building Fund, Turkey Valley U.M. Charge FARM TOY SHOW, SALE AND PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1988 I Pa 3rd ANNUAL - “THE KEYSTONE SHOW" Penn-Jersey Farm Equipment Dealers Association Show Sheraton-Lancaster (formerly Host Inn) - Rt. 30 East Farm Toys Car & Trucks Construction Toys -150 Tables Auctioneer: WALLY HOOKER Francesville, Indiana PA Lie. #AU-001866-L Wally Hooker Is the most knowledgeable and informed farm toy auctioneer In the country. Public Show and Sales Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Public Auction; 5:30 p.m. Adult Admission: $2.00 Children (6-14) $l.OO Consignments After 3:30 p.m. Sell Your Farm Toys-- Thousands Of Farm Related Toys For All Ages. Public Invited- Dealers Invited Plan For Your Christmas Gift List, Birthdays, Thanksgiving Gifts, Etc. ART SMITH PENN JERSEY FARM EQ. DEALERS ASSN. inging. Belleville Lvtl MkL FRI. NOV. 4 - 7PM South Central Pa. Cattlemans Graded Feeder Call Sale. Weikert's Livestock Buying Station At Thomasville. Blaine Rantzel, Auct. WED. THRU SAT. SEPT. 2 to 5 - Martins Fall Auction, Intercourse, PA. Martin Aucts. Inc. SAT. NOV. 5 - 9AM Anti ques, Household Goods, Tools & Coins. Located at Ronks Fire Hall along North Ronks Road approximately 5 miles east of Lancaster between Rt 340 & RL 30 East. (Turn north at Turkey Hill Market along Rt 30 East) Watch for sign. Earle H. & S. Margaret Denlinger, Owners, Ron Funk & Gor don Ressler, Aucts. SAT. NOV. 5 - 9AM Farm Machinery, Truck, Antique Machinery, Model T Parts, Lumber, Mill Work, Anti ques, Produce, Misc. Located 2% miles north of Lewisburg, Pa., 3 miles south of Route 80, turn off route 15 at C.V.C. Contrac tors, Kelly Road, 2% miles to Fairchilds road at rear entrance to U S. Penitenit ary, R.D. 3, Lewisburg, Pa. Mr. & Mrs. M. Owen Fair childs, Owners. George H. Deitrick, Auctioneer SAT. NOV. 5 - 9AM Real Estate, Personal Property, Antiques, Tools, Car. From Ephrata take Rt. 322 W. approx. 4Vi mis. to proper ty on left. Clay Twp., lime. Co. By; Luke & Lizzie Mar tin. Kline, Kreider, Good Jrs., Aucts. SAT. NOV, 5 - 9AM Anti ques, HH, Jacobsen Trac tor. Schoeneck Fire Hall, from Ephrata take Rt 272 N. to red light at PP&L, turn left on Schoeneck Rd., about 3 mis. to village of Schoeneck. By: Paul & Vio let Weik. Art Pannebecker, Auct. SAT. NOV. 5 - 9AM 10 Acres Open & Wooded Along Rt. 25 between Spring Glen & Gratz, Dau phin Co., PA. 15 mis. W. off i-81, Exit 34, and 45 mis. NE of Harrisburg. Estate of Annie S. Wiest. Mike & George Delbert, Aucts. SAT NOV. 5 - 9AM Anti ques, Collectibles, HH. Selinsgrove, Snyder Co., PA, at 214 N Water St., turn E. off Market St. onto E Spruce St. at Rich's Mobil, then right onto Water St Estate of Margaret Ben ner Burns Dale L. Longa cre Auctg. SAT NOV 5 - 9AM Real Estate, Personal Property of I-ate Mrs. Leah G. Ear ner of Eastville, PA, approx 6 mis SE of Loganton, PA, Clinton Co Eari W Weaver, Auct.