Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 29, 1988, Image 145
Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M ol each week s publication SAT. OCT. 29 - 9:3OAM Antiques China, Glass, Pn mitives, Historical Plates, Books, etc. Roberta R Gracey Estate, 516 3rd St, New Cumberland, PA Chas Spahr, Auct SAT OCT. 29 -10 AM Anti ques, HH, Tractor, Truck, Two-Horse Wagon. Farm Items & Toys 278 Stras- PUBLIC AUCTION FARM EQUIPMENT. TRUCK, TRAILERS. HOGS AND FAMILY COW FRIDAY, NOV, 11, 1988 9:00 A.M. GETTYSBURG, PA. LOCATED: Rt. 30 2'A Miles §ast of Rt. 15, Turn South on Granite Station Road (Rescue Mission), V 4 Mile to Lane on Right. Watch for Signs. MM Tractor Model UTU, Case Model C, Case 400 Tractor. J.D. B-Styled Hand Start, International 203 Self-Propelled Combine w/Cab, Grain Head and 2 Row Corn Head; New Idea 2 Row Mtd. Picker w/lnternational Mountings, N.H. 352 Grin der Mixer, Smoker 32 Ft. Elevator, J.D. Elevator, Portable Elevator Drag, Grove Wagon w/Grain Bed and Hoist, 2 Gravity Bin Wagons, 2 Wooden Thrower Wagons, 1 Flat Bed Wagon, 3 Pt. Shaver Post Driv er, New Idea Forage Wagon, J.D. 17 Disk Grain Drill, J.D. 16A Flail Chopper, Ford 530 Baler w/Thrower, Case 9 Ft. Haybine, 5 Ft. 3 Pt. Rotary Mower, Mtd. Wood Saw for Tractor, Oliver Rake, J.D. 1300 4 Row Corn Planter, Oliver 12 Ft. Transport Disk, 12 Ft. Cultipacker, Portable Surge Milking Unit, 3 Pt. 2 and 4 Row Culti., J.D. 3 Pt. 7 Ft. Industrial Blade, 2 New Lawn Sprayers, Johnson 3 Pt. Sprayer w/200 Gal. Tank and Booms, Hydraulic Auger for Gravity Bin, J.D. N PTO Spreader, 3 Pt. Oliver 3x16 Cushion Trip Plow, Used Tractor Tires, Hydraulic Cylinders, Tractor Chains, Front and Rear Tractor Weights, Belt Pul ley Attach, for B&C AC Tractors, Pulleys - V and Flat, Pipe Fittings, Silage Fork, Fencing, 6 Ft. Dodge Pick-up Bed, 2 West ern Saddles, Bridles, Halters, V Belts, Dried Walnut and Oak Lumber, New and Used Tin Roofing, 2 Wheel Trailer, 3 HP Air Compressor, New Power Steering for M Farmall, 4” Grain Auger -16 Ft. Long, Smidley Cattle Feeder. (5) Smidley 12 Hole Hog Feeders, 2-2 Hole Hog Feeders, Metal Gates, Surge Milking Unit. 1 Family Cow - 2 Feeder Heifers (250 Lb.) -1 Feeder Steer (250 Lb.) -1 Large Boar Hog - 15 Sows - 24 Shoats - Various Sizes. 1973 Chrysler Leßaron - 2 Door, Hard Top, All Power, 28,000 Original Miles. 1973 Ford F 350 w/12 Ft. Stake Bed - Rebuilt. 2 Axle Cattle Trailer w/Lift Ramp; 3 Axle Flatbed Trailer. Equipment for Parts - Farmall M, Case S.P. Combine, J.D. 14T Baler, Drill, A.C. 3 Culti., Case Mtd. Picker, Int. 2ME Picker, Plus Other Items. HOUSEHOLD Wall Safe, Cast Iron Yard Set, Yard Water Fountain, Poker Table, Measured Yard of Ale, Insulated Fish Box, Iron Bed, Carriage Lamps, 1920 Olds Car Lamp, Globe on Stand, Lawn Furniture and A Few Other Items. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK; FULL SETTLEMENT SALE DAY. SALE FOR: JIM CRAMER 1288 Granite Station Road Gettysburg, PA (717) 334-0287 AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzei Emlgsvllle, PA 764-6412 PA Lie. #761 burg Pike, East Lampeter Twp, Lane. Co.. PA. By: Esther M. Stoner. Miller & Siegrist, Aucts. SAT. OCT 29 -10 AM Late Mod. JD Equip, w/low hrs.; Grain Trucks w/low mileage; Old Oliver Tractor Collection. Owner: C&M Farms, Coleman Wheatley, Bethel, Del. Aucts; Joseph C. O'Neal, Wally Hooker, 302-875-5261. SAT. OCT. 29 -10 AM HH. Guns, Farm Machinery, 2 Cars. 2 mis. W. of Penn Hill on Furnis Road (Furnis Road at rear of Farmers Bank), 20 mis. S. of Lan caster. By; Louise Schmuck P.O.A. Everett Kreider, Bucher, Heaps, Aucts. SAT. OCT. 29 -10 AM Fur niture, Antiques. Estate of Benjamin F. Green at 811 Clayton Blvd., Smyrna, DE. Rudnick Assoc. Aucts. ABSOLUTE AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PERSONAL PROPERTY. ANTIQUES TOOLS, CAR SAT., NOVEMBER 5, 1988 Auction Time - 9 A.M. REAL ESTATE 2 PM Location on premises; From Ephrata take Rt. 322 W. approx. 4-V4 miles to property on left. Clay Township, Lancaster County. 3 bedroom, l-'A story aN brick dwelling w/ detached 1 car brick garage and carport all on large country size 3/4 acre lot Ist floor eat-in kitchen and dining area. Full size living room w/brick ornamental fireplace. 1-V4 baths, natural chestnut wood trim. Sol id constructed house, ideal rural Ephrata location. Lots of garden and lawn area. Cistern w/pressure system and septic system. For terms and details call auctioneers at 215-445-4309 or 717-733-1006. Open House dates Sats.. Oct 22 and Oct. 29 from 2 P.M. - 5 P.M. or by appointment. PROPERTY TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF PRICEI Personal Property Antiques Furniture Lots of Glassware including Fostoria; Dep.; Carni val; Approx. 40 Pcs. Royal Staffordshire Ironstone Dishes: 18 Gold Rim Tumblers; Assort. Pots & Pans; Everyday Dishes & Utensils; Drop Leaf Oak Table; Oak Ext. Table w/8 Boards; 6 Oak Chairs; Oak Washstand, 3 Pc. Oak Bedroom Suite; 6 Leg Oak Ext. Table w/S Boards; Oak Sideboard, Oak Chest of Drawers: Oak Clothes Tree; Pine Blanket Chest; 5 Pc Waterfall Bedroom Suite; Cane Seat Chairs; Camelback Trunk; Kneehole Desk; Craft-A-Matic Bed; Plank Bottom Rocker; Sofa Bed; 2 Davenports; Recliner; Old Postcards; 2 Seth Thomas Mantel Clocks; Butter Scales; Old Cracker Box; Red Rose Milk Bottles & Others; Cast-Iron Teakettles; Baskets; Lap Robe; Crocks; Jugs; Cast-Iron Pig & Horse; Set of Bone Handle Knives & Forks w/Case; Quilt Frame; 2 Dietz Lanterns. Amana 922 Side by Side Refrigerator-Freezer; Maytag Washer Dryer Combination; Broiler Oven; Hamilton Beach Blenders; Domestic Sewing Machine; 2 Eureka Vacuum Cleaners; Bearcat Scan ner; Presto Humidifier; Cast-Iron Skillets; Lamps; Handmade 3 xs' Braided Rug; Lane. Co. Rose Quilt; Double Wedding Ring Quilt & Others; GUNS; Ste vens Little Scout 22 Cal.; Rem. 32 Cal. Model 6, Range M 34 22 Cal.; Savage Model 750 12 Ga. Semi; Deep Sea Fishing Rods & Reels; Books including. Mennonites of Lancaster Conference; Weaverland Mennonites; Hymnals; Musser Family Book; Burk hart Family Book; some Old School Books; & Lots of Other Books. 1971 Ford Galaxie 500 4 Dr., f. \ Radio, Auto. Tools Misc. Rockwell Sander; Shop Smith Lathe; B & D 3/8" DriH, Shop-Mate Table; Assort. Hand Tools; Shop Grinder; Racks & Shovels; Lawrr-Boy Self-propelled Mower, Echo Weed Eater; Hahn Eclipse Tiller, B & D Trimmer; Tree Tnmmer; Wheelbarrow, Express Wagon, 32' Alum. Ext. Ladder, Shooting Table, plus Loads of Other Items too numerous to mention NOTE The Martins are moving to a retirement community and are offenng the above items at auc tion. Auction will start at 9 A M Sharp w/Rcal Estate at 2 P M Auction will be held in tent w/possibility of 2 auctioneers selling at once Don't miss this one l Terms are cr jh No out of state checks Lunch available Terms by LUKE & LIZZIE MARTIN 717-733-6938 or 215-267-2717 Auction conducted by Randal Kline, Lloyd Kreider Roy Good, Jr, Auctioneers AU-2116-L 215-445-4309 KIIHI a KRIIBIR AUCTIONURt (2IS) 445-4309 SAT. OCT. 29-10 AM Real Estate, Shop Eq„ Parts Inventory, Business Related Items. Arthur Myers Co., 158 & 160 E. Water St., Muncy, PA. Arthur Auctg. SAT. OCT. 29 -10 AM HH, Collectibles, Misc., Tools. 200 S. Summit Ave., Quar ryville, PA. Emma F Win ters, Seller Achey's Auct. Assoc. SAT. OCT 29 - 10 30AM Special Draft & Driving Horses & Tack, also Riding & Slaughter Horses. Keis- Lancaster Fanning Saturday, Oetobar 29, 19894)25 ter’s Mlddleburg Auct. ——————————— — Sales, Inc., Rt. 522,3 mis. E. of Mlddleburg, PA, 5 mis. W. of Selinsgrove, PA. Don & Wait Keister, Owners. SAT. OCT. 29 - 10:30AM Farm Eq. 14900 York Rd.. Sparks, Baltimore Co., MD. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Huff Jr., Owners. Dance Aucts. SAT. OCT. 29 -11 AM Farm Machinery. For: Wil liam Roth, Rt. 46, 2 mis. E. of Hackettstown, NJ. Col. Fred R. Daniel Aucts. Inc. SAT. OCT. 29 -12 Noon Fox Hill Farm First Produc tion Sale, Kennett Square, PA 5 Bred heifers, 7 herd sire prospects, 15 show heifer prospects, 22 young cows. SAT. OCT. 29-12 Noon 6th Annual Echo-Hollow Milking & Bred Heifer Sale, 2 mis. W. of Rt. 11 and Kingsley, PA. Take Harford PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE ANTIQUE FURNITURE - GENERAL y G ANTIQUES - BOOKS - COVERLETS ■ QUILTS ■ COLLECTIBLES ■ DISHES & GLASSWARE & PERSONAL PROPERTY ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1988 AT 9:30 A.M. AND FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1988 AT 9:30 A.M. At Sprlngetts Fire Co. Social Hall, 3013 East Market Street, York, Penna. To be sold at absolute auction for a York collector & others. Two 3 over 5 high case of drawers, 4 dovetailed blanket chests, drop leaf table, tilt top table, walnut Victorian sofa in red velvet, pier mirror, walnut needlepoint chairs, marble top chest of drawers, decorated child’s rocker, highchair, early lift top stand, walnut 6 leg drop leaf table, marble top tables, oak hall rack, spinning wheel, rockers, curly maple cradle, oak 3 section glass door bookcase, oak roll top secretary desk with bookcase top, yarn winder, 3 pc. oak bedroom suite, wing chair, Weaver pump organ, oak knee hole desk, Empire chest of drawers, bed with scroll top, oak glass door bookcase, victrola & records, wicker chairs, curly maple dresser, candle stands, organ stool, trunk, marble top wash stand, Hitchcock type cane seat chairs, walnut 2-door 5 shelf bookcase, 6 drawer spool cabinet, tea cart, odd stands & chairs, 7 Zimmerman paintings in assorted sizes, Tiffany lamp shade marked Louis C. Tiffany Fur naces Inc. 884 Favrile, also a large wheel bicycle approx. 100 yrs. old, Othello cook stove. Cowden Wilcox & Pfaltzgraff crocks & jug, picture frames, brass buckets, coffee grinder, leaded table lamp, marble base floor lamp, shelf clock, doll bed, copper kettle, small lap desk, games, toy, slates, flat irons, picture albums, iron bank, porcelain case clock, miniature stove, small boxes, wash set, jardinieres, asst, primitives, dresser scarves, doilies, shawls, etc., also dishes & glassware in goblets, pitchers, vases, bowls, cups & saucers etc., in cut, pressed, clear, Silesia, Oriental, ironstone, Haviland, Pear stoneware, pink lustre & much much more. COVERLETS - QUILTS • BEDDING • ORIENTAL RUGS Coverlet - David Stauch 1834 Weigelstown - S. Herman, Coverlet David Stauch 1837 - H. Hoke, large coverlet in beautiful colors no date or name possibly a banquet table cover, quilts, crib quilt, assorted pcs. of bedding, old clothing, etc., also 13 oriental rugs in names such as Hamadan, Kurdish, Blushitan, Da Gistan, Afshar in smaller sizes up to B’xlO', also Karabough prayer rug 4’d” x 2’B”. BOOKS & PAPER COLLECTIBLES Gibson History of York County, Vol. I Prowells History of York Coun ty, 1876 York County atlas, Souvenir booklets of York & York Coun ty, Civil War books, Civil War discharge papers & daguerrotypes, Civil War photo album with Civil War Carte DeVis, old deeds & documents sale bills & blue prints of York City & Twps., old German books from the 1700’s & 1800’s, 1822 German book of psalms with illuminated page, 1651 Sampler, post card album & packs of cards including York cards, sets of books Shakespeare - Classics - Poetry - music - travel etc. also many many bundles & boxes of books. SPECIAL NOTE: This auction comes from an old York home offering many old family pcs. & majority are In good to very good condition. PREVIEW SHOWING: Wednesday evening, November 2,6 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. and 1 hour prior to auction. Auction schedule will be posted at preview. Not responsible for accidents on day of auction. TERMS: Cash, travelers or bank check, positively no out of state or personal checks accepted unless you are a regular & approved customer. All others must have a current letter of credit addressed to our auction firm - PLEASE COME PREPARED. Absolute auction - everything sells to the high bidder. No buy ers premium. AUCTION CONDUCTED BY GILBERT & GILBERT, AUCTIONEERS & AUCTION MANAGERS, R.D. #l, WRIGHTSVILLE, PENNA. 17368 JACOB A. GILBERT, LIC. #336, BRIAP L. GILBERT, LIC. #2256, AUCIIONEERS TEL. 252-3591 or 252-1656 Exit off Rt. 81 or Rts. 106 or 11 off Rt. 6. Mr. & Mrs. Uoy d Potter, Owners. Wood's Auct. Service. Ronald Wood, Pedigrees. SAT. OCT. 29 - IPM “Best of Both’ Club Calf Sale at Farmer's Livestock Exchange, Winchester, VA. Intersection of Rt 37 & Rt. 50 P.T Mcl tire & Sons. SAT. OCT. 29 - IPM Real Estate. Village of Bart, Lane Co., PA Fannie Petersheim, Owner Steve Petersheim & Steve Jr., Aucts SAT, OCT 29 - 7PM 1988 Piedmont Invitational Club Calf Sale at Frederick Fair grounds, Fredenck, MD. 40 Head Crossbreed Sters Ollie Bennett, Sale Mgr. MON. OCT 31 -10 AM 2010 JD Tractor, Lockwood Potato Digger, Badger Liq , ANTIQUE FURNITURE GENERAL ANTIQUES Spreader, Holland Trans planter, Farm Machinery, C4O Chevy Truck, 76 Dodge Dart, 73 Ford HTP. For Christ Home. Sanford Alderfer Auct. Co. MON OCT. 31 - 3PM New Fixtures, Building Mater ials, 2 Lg. Sample Con dominium Units. The Arbors, 9801 Germantown Pike, Lafayette Hill, Montg Co , PA 4 mis S of Exit 24 Norristown of PA Tnpk Sanford Alderfer Auct Co NOVEMBER TUES. NOV. 1 - 9AM 94 Acre Farm A Farm Mach. From Reading take 222 N approx. 11 mis., turn left at Kirfoyville Inn towards Rich Maiden Golf Course, go approx. 2 mi. to stop sign, turn right to first farm on right. Terms by; Joel A Phil ip Hoover. Good, Kline A Kreider, Aucts.