C3B-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, October 29, 1988 wante- Double 6 westfalia Codetron 06 herringbone milking parlor, computerized feeding sys -12 automatic rmfcer units, tBm> approx, one year old, low line, auto washer, two feed stations doors etc. As ono unit or and 50 res ponders. Call separate. 717-786-3992 703-434-9943 GRAIN EQUIPMENT Snowco 2 stage grain cleaner w/8* fill auger & motors, wheel transport & leveling jack, $l,BOO 717-567-6059 DAIRY EQUIPMENT 300' Stainless steel 6 unit Surge pipeline milking sys tem complete less vacuum pump, $2,500. Mendenhall Dairy Supply, 814-849-5539. 500 gallon Mojonnier bulk tank, complete DeLaval pipeline 50 stalls. Sell all or part Call 215-589-4073 600 gallon MW Mueller tank, flat top, low pounng tank, 5 yrs. old, At condi tion, $2,800 CBO 717-656-6727 600 gal. Milk Keeper bulk tank, SHP belt driven open compressor $3,000 Leba non Co. 717-865-7069 af ter 6PM. For Sale. 2,000 gat. coldwall tank, 3,CuC' gal. coldwall tank 150 -lOC gal. pasteurizers. SS tanks. Elizabethtown Creamery. 717-367-5822 Eves. For Sale; Bou-mabc FR4 vacuum pump, used 7 months; Plastic balance tank, 3HP motor 717-687-6304. For Sale: Calf hutches & kennels w/inside feeding alley. Stoltzfus Woodwork, Box 616, White Horse Rd„ Gap. PA 17527. Call 717-442-8972 DeLavai double 4 milking sys tem, used less than 4 years, excellent condition, auto takeoff, 3” low line, back flush, digital milk weights, double 6 stalls, to much to list here. System is complete, ready to use. Radford, VA 703-639-1867 or 703-639-0101 ENERGY-FREE WATERERS Read About The Rest - But Buy The Best • Our waterers are proven to work through 26 years of experience • Easily installed, no excavation needed, virtually maintenance free. • Fiberglass construction for superior strength and longevity. • Patented flaps keep dirt out, heat in • No stray voltage problems. • Quantity discounts. • Competitively priced. • Use our eight years of e\ ence in tne east to uc&.gi or 'ep/ace your drinking '•V• " obably Yout Neighbor Hat; A i L!»- r F Wateror in Use. I ROTHERS i3C KiV'ien Lane Risit j Sus. MD 21911 UC l} 658-6325 Mojonnier 500 galon bufc tank w/3 h.p. compressor; Sunset 235 gallon bulk lank w/compressor; Both good condition. Salem Co., NJ. 609-358-8204 Mueller "OH" 800 gal. bulk tank, good condition; Bou matic Thermostore 111 pre heater w/hot water heater; 2’ DeLavai stainless steel pipeline w/vacuum pump. 717-966-2518 after 4 p.m. New Poly calf hutches, in side dimensions about 48“ wide, 66“ long, 46’ high. $l4O each Lancaster County, 717 627-2499 Surge 85 w/vaccum pump, 3h.p. Copeland compres sor. Zero bulktank 1000 gal. never leaked, 8-10 good surcingles 703-867-5465. Sunbeam model 510 clippers. Also Stewart model 51 clippers. Parts & Service Available on all Sunbeam clippers 215-445-4661 COZY COWMATS PARLOR MATS and HAPPY MOOMATS m VANCO zz Call Collect 717-776-3494 RD 4, Box 300 Carlisle, PA 17013 (WESTFAwti • Bucket Milkers • Vacurex Regulators • 6 Nipple Washers Ist Quality Soviet A Sales LLOYD RANCK (717) 687-6361 WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS I CHECK OUR PRICES 32 DeLavai tree stalls DeLavai 50 lb. Pail Milkers With FLO-VU 1 Universal 5 hp vacuum pump w/01l reclaimer 1 Gehl Model 99 Forage Blower 2 DeLavai Challenger Feeding Stations! With 36 Transponders 1 7 06448 DeLavai Alternating Pipe Line; Pulsators 4 Surge Mini Cup Pipeline Milker Units With 20 Stall Cocks And Timer 1 Wetmore Grinder Blower for High Moisture Corn Witmer Implement Service DeLavai Dairy Equipment 1896 Bedford Road Shippensburg, PA 17257 PH: 717-532-6139 isoual FOR SALE OR LEASE - Spreader Tanks - 2250 Thru 6500 Gallons • Vacuum Tanks - 1500 Thru 4500 Gallons • Earthen Pit Pumps • Vertical Shaft Pumps • Truck Mount Tanks - 2250 Thru 4500 Gallons • Propeller Agitator • Replacement Vacuum Pumps - 177 Thru 353 CFM’s Used Equipment • 4-Shank Injector, Fits Better-Bilt Tanks • Houle Maxi-Pump Used Only 2 Hours F. ERNEST SNOOK RD 3, Box 84, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 PH: (717) 966-2736 “WE’RE HERE TO SERVE YOU” USED BULK TANKS AH Tanks Guaranteed A-] Working Condition • 300 d3sfl&lon . 800 Gal. Mueller "OH" • 300 GaKMojonnler . 1000 Gal. Sunset • 400 (BySronnier • 1000 Gal. Dari-Kool Rd • 400 Gal. Milkeeper (recond.) • 400 GaLJamesway • 1000 Gal. Mllkkeaper • 500 G|«em»nnler . iooo Gal. Mueller • 500 Gal. Jamesway • 1000 Gal. Mueller • 600 Gal. Mojonnler • 1000 Gal. Glrlon D 4 • 600 Gal, Glrton D 4 (recond.) • 600 Gal Mueller “M" • 1250 Gal. Zero • 600 Gal. Mueller “MW” • 1250 Gal. Mueller “OH” • 600 Gal. Jamesway • 1500 Gal. Zero • 600 Gal. Jamesway • 1500 Gal. Dari-Kool • 600 Gal. Stainhorst • 1500 Gal. Dari-Kool, • 600 Gal. Dari-Kool Late Model, Nice • 600 Gal. Dari-Kool . 2000 Gal. Mueller (Late Model) . 2000 Gal. Dari-Kool, - 625 Gal. Sunset Late Model, Nice - 625 Gal. Glrton D 4 . 2000 Gal. Mueller 800 Gal. Glrton D 4 “OH” Nice •*BOO Gal Dari-Kool • 2500 Gal. DeLaval • 800 Gal. Mojonnler • 3000 Gal. Dari-Kool • 600 GAL. 31" POURING HEIGHT VERY NICE 400,. 500, 600 & 800 Gal. (Storage Tanks) 1 - Good Used Heat Exchanger • Used 3 & 5 H.P. Electric Motors USED COMPRESSORS H.P.. 4 H.P.. 5 H.P. Rl2 & R 22 24 Hrs. - 7 Days A Week - Refrigeration Service Installation, Sales And Service GW ©K3SMCS 505 E. Woods Drive Lilitz, PA 17543 Sales 717-626-1151 24 Hr. Service 717-627-2747 MILKING 1 EQUIPMENT ) 1 Double 6 Sta-rlte Har- J \ rlngbona parlor w/ { faadara, 2V4 " low ) line, 12 Supertlo 5 DeLaval units w/naw : pulsatora. j 1 Double 4 DeLavat J Herringbone parlor j w/Blg Dutchman { feeder*, 2% " tow- i line, 8 Superflow | DeLaval unit*, 8 5 Weatfalla take-off*. ( 703-639-2262 { i laa^ae%ea^«e<»«wi%d»^e»< MORE MILK ; WITH LESS FEED Air Cylinder & Timer Controlled, Indivlduel I Feeders 1 Grain • Silage • Hay f J 2 Sizes Available < Will Install ; Stoltzfus 11 F 'd I* eeders 5254 Denlinger Rd Gap, PA 17527 1500 Mueller “OH” 1000 Mllkkeepor 1000 Glrton D 2 900 Mueller “OH” 800 Mojonnler 600 Mojonnler (2) 500 Glrtons 545 Sunset 500 Milkkeepers 400 Mojonnler 400 Mueller 400 Jamesway 400 Glrton (2) 300 Glrtons 300 Mojonnler 300 Sunset Holding Tanks Available Used Compressors All tanks are In stock, in good condition & ready for Immediate delivery MARTIN’S REFRIGERATION me. Fayetteville, PA 717-352-2783 Authorized Dealer Specializing In LISTER And Also FETTER Diesel igines MMMHF ■ !kJFI listers petteri LISTER AIR-COOLED 9 / SUNS 111 I SUPPLY. INC.iI Ask About Diesel And Bulk Tanks - Completely Installed Available: Used Mueller - Sunset - Girton - Bulk Tanks 24' Patt sib unloader, $l4OO 16' Patz sib unloader, $950 Patz Bam Cleaner, new chain 2 years ago, $l,OOO DeLaval pipeline, 300' of metal pipe, DeLaval washer. Vacuum tank, Pump, Hot water heater, $7OOO 24x65 Concrete stave Nutricmatic Madison sib, $12,000 Laidig Unloader w/10 horse electnc motor, $BOO 130’ Taper board feeder with elevators, $5OO 6 Barn fans, $lO each 24' silo Gooseneck, $2OO 2 Motonzed distributors, $5O each 1 Ventomatic 36” (an, $5O Everything in good condition & tunning order Call 717-786-1146 after 7 p.m. Complete Universal 2” SS pipeline sys tem for 88 cows w/7!4 HP pump, 8 full view units, washer, like new condition, $9,000; two Berg Choremaster barn cleaners w/282’ chain each, used 2 yrs., $3,250 ea; one Badger power track unloader for 16’ diameter silo, $1,000; Van Dale magnematlc 360 silo unloader for 22’ diameter silo, one yr. old $3,000. 717-587-1725 Lackawana Co., PA TS2/TS3 HORSEPOWER RATING AIR-COOLED FROM 3 TO 132 HJP. DIESELS LI W CO
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