C36-Lancast«r Farming, Saturday, October 29, 1988 Save Yourself Time And Money. Fix Your Silo Distributors Now - Don’t Wait Until They Are Empty % Make Your '‘ J ! -| • NextSHoUntoader AHan *° n '^ Lancaster Belt Feeders & Conveyors In Stock 10 ft. Starline Excellent Condition 12 ft. P&D Excellent Condition 1 5/8" Tubing Rough 451 Ft. In Stock All Kinds of Pipe In Stock Demo Lagoon Pump - Rent or Sale Demo Roller Mill w/Blower $7,000 Round Hay Feeders In Stock Special $l5O This Week Only Feed Mixers In Stock Lancaster Silo Co., Inc. 2008 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, Pa. 17601 717/299-3721 tdA/DfG 'S&'BeSnamein BOTTOM UWLOAPERS PH. (717) 776-3129 NSW H ° lland i MARTIN'S SILO REPAIR | 1-800-544-9464 ! Moving Concrete Stave Silos ? nlSnSSto A Also I Building Components" I - New & Used Extensions * Arch Buildings, brand new. X - Replastering if Overstocked, fall clearout, I - Fill Pipes fe save 25%, immediate de- I T livery, (e.g. 30'x14'x40', X -Distributors X $2,600; 32 , x15'x50 , 1 I -Roofs I $3,500; 40'x18'x60', I - General Repair x $5.ooo). Many more. X A Serious inquiries only, call X Rt. 1 Box 315 I Peter at 1-416-648-1303 I Denver, PA 17517 X 215-484.2517 Jj S & S SILO REPAIR WE DO " Most Any Kind of Stave Silo Work * Tear Down & Rebuild Stave Silos * Shotcrete Relining * New A Used Extensions * New A Used Roofs A Chutes * Unloaders * Wooden Calf Hutches * Fiber*las Feed A Silage Carts * Install Silage Distributors A Fill Pipes * Repair Level Flo Silage Distributors * Silo Doors - Most Any Kind We Buy Some Stave Silos SHOTCRETE RELINING Repair Holes & Rough Silo Interiors. Make Your Old Silo Look Like New On The Inside. We Cover A Wide Area RD 2. Box 91A Honey Brook., PA 19344 215-273-3993 H BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES POLE BUILDINGS: Agricultural, Residential, Commercial. Please call us for a free estimate and no obligation consultation. Our goal is to serve you, because we care. CONESTOGA BUILDING SUPPLY COMPANY 202 Orlan Rd. Bam frame for sale, red oak post and beam bam, 90'x32', perfect condition. Call 914-692-8782 Evenings. Bams For Sale, two late 1800’s Vintage. Must be removed from industrial construction site located in Berks Co., Pa. For more information call 215-374-4640 Eleven SQ doubles gray vinyl siding for sale $275. 717-786-1466. Firewood; 2x4’s. 2xB's & 2xB's cut off. Kiln dried hardwood #1 dense yellow pine, burns good 717-354-7561 F( ■or Rent: Truck Crane, iOOO lbs. to 40' with 16' flat lump. 302-322-0855. Pole Bams; Complete material package with doors 24’x32’ only $2,272 or 30’x40’ only $3,104 Many other sizes available. • Call Package Building Supply at (717) 354-7630 For Sale: Carport material 12‘ w/unbalievable strength, low cost, surplus nails, 50 lb. $15.; nuts & bolts .50 cents lb.; new & used shelving, steel & pipe. Sorin's Surplus Scrap Yard. Shenandoah, Pa. 717-462-0979 Lumber For Sale: Air dried 3"xB’ random lengths Oak 2x6, Randorfi lengths Pop lar, 400 sq. ft. 1" Poplar, 10’ 8' 6' green Walnut logs. Chester Co. 215-347-2151 Paint, highest quality, industrial grade, epoxy, & primers, values from $2O. to $5O. per gallon. Your cost $5.00 per gallon, $5O. minimum purchase. 717-394-4980 POLE BUILDINGS We custom build for farm, home, commercial. 24x40x8, erected, doors included, $3999. Call Newland Buildings for free estimate on the building you want. PA 800-331-2392, 800-445-0149. POLE BUILDINGS: 24x40x8 Completely erected, $3998.00. In cludes 1 service door and choice of 9x7 overhead or slider. Call us on any size. Fast starts on most build ings. Call MECCA BUILD INGS, Inc. for your District Rep. at 1-800-544-6682. Roofing/Siding: corrugated steel & aluminum. Many colors. Several profiles. Cut to the inch. Will deliver. Quality & Service. Call Conestoga Supply, 1 -800-544-9464, 717-354-2613. STEEL BUILDINGS Will sell for balance owed, brand new, never erected. One is 40x40. Serious in quiries only. Call Adam at 1-800-527-4044. Storage Sheds & Lawn Furniture. Brick Lane Woodworks, Elverson, Pa 215-286-5370 TO BE REMOVED; Old barn w/ wooden pegs in beams. 215-267-7070 after 6PM USED BUILDING MATERIALS; Steel I beams, channel, & angle; wood floor joists & beams; roof slate, interior & exter ior doors; steel storage tanks, 1,000 thru 10,000 gallon; bathroom fixtures; radiators; building brick; tin roofing. Lancaster Co. US Wrecking. 717-393-2992 WANTED: Locust fence posts, T long, 5' to 6* diameter. 215-399-1399 after 7 p.m. WANTED: Used all steel building 40x72 or 40x80 Descnption/Price. PO Box 164, Fleetwood, PA 19522. 215-944-9819. POLE : BUILDINGS • We can supply • your complete > building needs. •- Free estimates • Conestoga Building Supply Company I New Holland, PA ; 1-800-544-9464 or ; 717-354-2613 PO] BUILDINGS 24x32 Completely erected Including overhead and entrance doors. Only Q 4,199. Many sizes and options available. Call HIGH PLAINS CORPORATION Anytime 1-800-445-3148 CLEARANCE PRICES SLASHEDI Widths from 19' Wide to 70' Wide ACT NOW) LIMITED OFFER! • 100% Maintenance Freel (Mede from Getvelume) • Straighter Sides for High Equipment • Easy to Erectl (No High Labor) ATLANTIC BUILDING SYSTEMS, INC. Call TOLL FREE: In US: 800-431-1338 I CALL TOLL FREE I 1-800-262-611 6 N.Y. STATE 1-800-387-8880 iWH UNIVERSAL STEEL BUILDINGS CORP. griculturai , / < C , v \ v ;asc cftti m for & km tsttiasatte and m consaititioii. OoTgoal if to rnmmkmmxm ; - I; '^SPRAY^ SOUNDPROOFING IN ONE APPLICATION For Steel, Wood & Block Buildings... • Fireproofing • Sound attenuation • Accoustical absorption • Thermal insulation FINANCING AVAILABLE R.J. ELLIOTT, General Contractor h^Easfie AMERICAN SPRAYED FUERS, INC. 215-398-2331 or 395-7465 BUILDING PACKAGES BUILDING MATERIALS Factory Direct Prices DIMENSIONAL & PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER Plywood and Aspenlte ALIMAX BUILDING PRODUCTS Aluminum, Galvanized, Painted Steel, Galvalume And Accessories Insulated For W*S J&H& *iv*' \Use In Animal /y j ' 1 —* Confinement / / l /"'N And Crop And , i Machinery IB 1 I Storage Facilities 1 Also Available: • Fiberglass & Cellulose Insulation » PVC Bird Wire FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES, CONTACT E It POULTRY SYSTEMS SPtCIAUSTI ■», FARMER BOY AG. 410 E UNCOLN AVE. MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 PH 717-866-7565 24 Hour Service BEST IN DESIGN, PRICE AND EXPERIENCE 22 Gaui Heav SALE PRICE I 3929 Chew Street, Allentown, PA le Steel 4.969 A. 4 '>* or ”/? • Condensation control • Asbestos replacement • UL approved • Non-toxic Call 1-800-543-7704
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