USED ; TRACTOR ft COMBINE PARTS I Large Selection Save 50% W.C. Littleton ft Son Inc. P.O. Box 169 Laurel, DE 19956 >302-875-7445 WHITE FARM EQUIPMENT NEW EQUIPMENT WHTTE FB 16, 4WD FB 31. 4WD w/Loadei 598 5/6 80l Plow 348 3-801, 3 Pt. Hitch Plow 435 10 Ft. Conserv. Chisel Plow 5100 4-Row Planter w/Dry Fert, KUHN 11’ 6 Rake & Tedder 17’ Tedder (Demo) GEHL -1465 Round Baler FB 1540 Blower FB 1560 Blower FB 1580 Blower MC 2170 Mower Cond. BU 970 Forage Box CB 1060 Forage Harvester BRILUON -9 Ft, 3 Pt. Hitch Chisel Plow 5 Ft Landscape Seeder KEWANEE -42 Ft Hay And Com Elevator Ml NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT NEW IDEA -3626 Spreader 3632 Spreader 3816 Solid Spreader 3618 Spreader 3622 Spreader 3639 Spreader 406 Hydraulic Rake USED EQUIPMENT N 1323 1-Row Compickei NI 400 Rake NI 526 Disk Mower NI 214 Spreader, Single Beater Farm all M Tractor Farmall A w/Cult, Plow & Sickle Bar Gehl 8U620 Forage Box, 4x16 MILLER EQUIPMENT CO. RD 1 Bechtelsville, PA 215-845-2911 WMfARM EQUIPMENT WANTED Gobi 600 or 800 or 1200 harvester in good condi tion, no heads needed. Is rael S. Beiler, 343 Christ iana Pike, Christiana, PA 17509. Tandem grain drill w/ hydraulic fold. 717-534-1253. WANTED: J.D.7000, 6RN 30' conservation planter; also 1.H.915 or comparable J.D. combine with 6rn 30* head. Must be nice. Description/price, PO Box 164, Fleetwood, PA 19522. Berks Co. 215-944-9819 Wanted: NH 460,461,469, 479, 467 or 477 Haybine Must be in fair condition & reasonble for cash. 703-547-2486 anytime. Wanted; Snow plow for Farmall C. 215-775-4947 Wanted; Used cab for IH 574/2500A. 717-334-6357 USED EQUIPMENT SN #33123, 25 Ton, Cummins 190 Diesel Engine, Two Hoists, 80 Ft. Boom, Very Good Condition MICHIGAN 175 BC New In 1981, SN #4380133, 5.5 Cubic Yard Bucket With Teeth, Cab, 29 5-25 Michelin Tires, Cummins 855 Diesel, New Center Pm, 7,000 Hours, Loader Is In Good Condition GALION 160 - Motor Grader Recently Traded From A Township, Good Condition, Cab, Cummins Diesel, 12’ Blade, 26,000 Pound Machine, Great Machine For Snow T-650 - 1982 & 1983 Model, SN #8302293, 6 Ton Hopper Capacity. Paver Is On Tracks, Gas Engine, Very Good Conditon IT 172 - Hvdrau 1973 Model, 30,000 Lb. Machine, 7/8 Yard Bucket Rating, 30" Flat Pads, G M. Diesel Engine, Could Be Ideal For Adapting A Grapple, Magnet, Or A Small Hydraulic Hammer BROS SPY 627 1981 Model, SN #269, 76' Drum Width, G.M. Diesel Engine, Vibratory Dirt Roller SN# 1818, 84* Drum Width, 23.5-29 Tires, G.M. Diesel Engine, Vibratory Dirt Roller Is In Good Shape, New Brakes Call Tom Rosser (215) 363-9200 (Days) (215) 789-1578 (Nights) SILOS AND INLOADERS See How You Get More For Your $ $ $ Money Saving Features ★ epoxy coated auger ★ lowest h.p. requirements ★ hardware magnet ★ more mix capacity ★ 12” auger with 3/8” flighting* 10 sizes ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE V, Mile West Off Rt. SOI On School Road, Bethel, PA Phone 717-933-4114 rane $44,500 $44,000 $7,500 $17,100 $12,500 $18,900 ter Tire Roller $21,000 I ""a™™*! 1 M TMR MIXERS 10 Sizes Lancaster rarming, Saturday, October 29, 1988-C33 Bri** p Corn Silage High Moisture Corn & Haylage 8* & 9’ BAGS AS LOW AS $234.00 per bag Will Fit All Make And Model Baggers The Best For Less Unmatched Warranty Call Collect Frank Walters - 717-949-6511 Or Write - P.O. Box 473, Schaefferstown, Pa. 1701 DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES MAC MeELROY PH; 814-847-2402 Brownstown, PA PH: 717-295-2582 RICHARD KOONTZ Bedford, PA SYLVAN PEIGHT BRUCE SHAFFER Shirtaytburg, Pa. PH: 814-542-4256 Acma, PA MID-ATLANTIC POLY STOR, INC. Howard Cox PH: 301-658-6319 Daalarahlpa Avallabla A Salasman Wantad Eaat of Misalaalppl Rlvar * Dismantle, Move and Re-Erect Pre-owned Harvestore® Structures • Pre-owned Harvestore® Units In Stock * Brand New, Complete Rebuilt Kits For Structures * Totally Rebuilt Goliath® and Hercules® Unloaders * All Types, Sizes and Models Of Used A.O. Smith Unloaders In Stock * Used Unloader Parts * Leasing and Trade-Ins Accepted GLASSLINED STRUCTURE ENTERPRISE 2169 Main Street, Rothsville, PA 17543 (717) 626-0036 a VlL' Sllo-Matlc's m . % THE UNLOADER OF THE , FUTURE! / »» r * iUC'\ I • Adjusi Mourn Suspei • 26-incl Housir Silo Unloader PH; (717) 776-312 Alberta Ag Industries We’re #1 In Our Field PH; 412-423-4768 • Front and Rear Augers are different sizes. €ach operates at a different speed for excellent terformance. iuperlor Torque krm with Rollers lew Clean lesign with low-Through lately Grids Iberglass Joosenack ?with Stainless Meal Liner
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