s NEW Deutz-Allis ■ 6070 Tractor, DEMO Previously Advertised for $1,550 Should Have Read $15,500 BHM Farm Equipment Inc. RD 1, Annville, PA 717-867-2211 “WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL” JD 4640, cab, air, power shift IH 1066, cab & air 1981 JD 4440, cab & air, excellent IH 140 w/cultivator JD 4240, cab, air, quad range IH 766 JD 4030 w/4 post JD 4230 fender tractor JD 2950, 175 hrs., like new JD 2510 JD 2510 diesel, power shift JD 2940, 4WD JD 2940 JD 2750, 1,600 hrs. JD 2550 w/loader JD 2640 JD 2440 JD 2510 Gas JD 2350 JD 2150 JD 4020 w/side console New JD 950 JD 950 JD 830, 3 cylinder IH 3288 w/500 hrs. IH 1586 w/cab & air IH 1086, cab & sir JD 400 TU**' '° ader NH 335 Skid Steer 19 new H 5 GeN »£Lr loader mc !nR s wJi« y d d Pb dy NH 785 skld steer . like new r.hitf in hi«Li eiriH JD 310 A backhoe w/cab Gehl 4610 diesel, skid steer, Ford 42Q backhoe w/cab 500 hrs. NH 779 skid steer w'J b i fr J 6 ” * P ' ing . reset pIOW Large selection of 3to 7 btm, White 6 btm. 6" plow plows Int. 4 btm. rollover 244 JD corn heads 444 JD corn heads 443 & 643 corn heads JD 7000 4 row liquid, JD 1240 plate planter, like new conservation New Woods 315 Bat Wing mower New Woods 12’ Bat Wing Used Moor# no-till grain drill USED Fox Flail Head Gehl Flail Head JD 337 w/thrower, new New JD 327 baler JO 1207 7’ haybine Large selection of smaller discs JD 14’ plowing disc Nl 2 row narrow, 12 roll bed Moridge grain dryer, 400 bu. Nl Super Shelter, like new 1977 C 65 Chevy w/22’ body Ni 323 1 row picker 1980 Ford 350 rollback, 15’alum. Nl 2 row wide, 12 roll bed body Kewanee hydraulic fold 21’ disc 4 row Danish tine cultivator Int. 2355 loader 1980 GMC Tandem w/26’ Jer-Dan Roll Back Body V & R EQUIPMENT INC. USED TRACTORS IH 826 diesel IH 674 w/2250 loader Ford 6700, 600 hrs. Ford 4610, like new, 690 hrs. Ford 4000 SU Ford 3400 w/loader Ford 2600 w/800 hrs. Ford 2000 Ford 3000 AC 210 diesel MF 265 w/loader MF 255 w/loader MF 235 Kubota 305 DT, 4WD w/loader, 600 hrs. 1987 Deutz Allis 7120, used 200 hrs. JD 2750 Special High Clearance, 4WD, Like New INDUSTRIAL Ford 3400 backhoe SEP PLOW? USED COMBINES JD 4400 diesel JD 33J0 diesel, used 1,000 hrs. USED PLANT ;RS Field Queen 3 row wide corn head Gehl 970 tandem forage wagon, like new lY equipment IH 7’ haybine, like new NH 488 haybine NH 1033 bale wagon NH 1010 bale wagon ;llaneous * MI Rlngoes, New Jersey (201) 782-6082 TER! All of us from Abraczinskas Farm Equip. express our sincere thanks and appreciation for your past patronage. ABRACZINSKAS Farm Equipment, Inc. RDI, Catawlssa, PA. (1 mile south on Route 42 on top of the hill) 717-356-2323 MARSHALL MACHINERY, INC. Years Of Sales, Service & Parts ~ (717) 729-7117 ' ■ This Week’s Special: ' Asplundh Brush Chipper: Disc Model 200; hyd. feed; Cummins diesel power. Demonstrator unit 512.685 AC; “B” w/3-81ade BeUy Mower; 7040, Powershift; 6080 2WD; 6060 2 & 4WD; 6060 w/Cab; 5040; 190XT; XB5; 175; 175-D w/Loader; 160 w/Full Hyd. Loader; D-17S; G-w/Hydraulic & Cultivator. DEUTZ: 4006 w/Loader; 6806; 6806 w/Cab; 6206; DX 130 Hydraulic 4WD, 1000 Hrs., Very Good, w/Cab; 6006. FARMAI.I.- 656. YANMAR; 226, 4WD, Like New. KUBOTA; 7100 HST. FORD; 2110 LCG w/Hyd. Drive Side Mower, 6600 4WD; 3000 w/Loader; 2000; 7600- High Clearance; 5000 w/Cab; 4000; 851; 800; 600; 8N w/Forklift; 545 w/Cab; 515 w/Hydraulic Drive; Side Mount Rotary Mower- Very Clean, Low Hours. IHC: Super A; Cubs; 140 w/Highway Mower; 2410 B; 2500 Series B- 3PT Tractor Loader. JD; 3020-D; 2520; 401, Ind. w/Hyd. Highway Mower. MASSEY FERGUSON; 175; 135; 65 w/Loader; 30 Ind. w/Front Loader; 40 w/Front Loader. '• FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVI Spreaders PUMPS: CALUMET Lagoon Pump; HEDLUND MARTIN Lagoon Pump; Very Good Condition; NEW IDEA Basin Pump; BADGER BNIB4 Lagoon Pump USED; NEW IDEA: 206 Spreader; V-MODEL Manure Spreaders, 2900 & 2200 Gallons. NIISOO Gal. Tandem Vacuum; Box Spreaders; NH: 516 T; 329; N 1.213 & 206 Flail. STARLINE: Tank Spreader, Tandem Axle, Left Hand. VANDALE: 2200 Gal. Liquid Manure Spreader. FARMHA Spreader; Mini 15 Bu. Spreader; 3500 Gal. Liquid Manure Spreader NEED INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT? FORKLIFTS: AC: 706 rough terrain, heavy duty -14’ mast. 600-21’ mast. WARNER-SWASEY: 21’ mast (diesel). DANUSER: 3PTH post hole digger - hyd. drive. NORSE: 3PT logging winch. DOZERS: CASE: 350 diesel, 6-way blade, 3PT & PTO; Case model 300 trencher. PAYLOADERS: AC: 640 Articulated Payloader, Vt Yd.; 840 114 Yd. Articulated Payloader. Also, 1.7 Yd. Articulated. LOADER: AC: 655, Crawler, (1 Yd.). TAG-A-LONG TRAILERS INSTOCK: 4.5,9,18 & 20Ton. AC: 3-axle, 9-ton tag-a-long. We Also Have A MILLER Blacktop Curber. A New 22’ Forklift. SKID STEER LOADERS: BOBCAT: 722. NH: 250. Like New; 788; JD 125: NH L 445 Diesel; 779 Diesel, RAYGO 2-Ton Vibratory Roller. CRAWLERS w/BLADES: IHC: 500-C;TD 15-B straight blade w/tiltcyl„ completely reconditioned - ready for work. TRACTOR-LOADER-BACKHOES; CASE: 580-B; 580-D. FORD. 555 w/cxtendaboom. AC: 715-C; 615 KUBOTA: L 3350. We Also Have A 15’ Tractor-Loader-Backhoe. LOADERS: AC: 840 w/Log Forks. NEW: ASPLUNDH BRUSH CHIPPERS IN STOCK. MISCELLANEOUS MACHINERY: TRUCKS’ CHEVROLET Tilt Bed Tandem Axle 26’ Rollback. FORD F-600 4WD w/Snow Plow & Cinder ireader; 1980 DODGE Dump Truck; IHC single axle dump truck; FORD 8000 Louisville dump truck. [ANT: Com Drag. I: 12* Silo Unloader, Good Cond., 5 HP Motor w/Tripod Winch, Elec. Controls. PENSIVE: Save Hav With t)i Feed Racks. Roll About Feeders For Round Or Square Bales, Sta tionary Racks & Trailer Feed Racks for Hay, Silage Or Green Chop. WE HAVE NEW WIC EQUIPMENT . Silage Carts; Bedding Choppers And Blowers w/Roller Mill HOP ft WOODS: 3 'A , 4,5, 6, 7 & 20’ Rotary Mowers YORK; Stone 3 PTH Rakes starl: HAY IS [I: 325 2 Row Com Picker (Narrow Row) w/12 Roll Husking Bed Or Super Shelter... One Of The Last ft USED GANG MOWERS NEW: Available x Com Pickers: 323,1 & 2R, Wide & Narrow Row Available With Husking Beds Or Shell ers. GEWERAC: 40,000 Walt Continuous Duty Portable Generator. OLIVER: PTO 2-Row Potato Digger. STEINER: 40’ Silage Conveyor. HOWARD; Heavy Duty 5’ & 6’- 3-Pt. Rototillers. MEYERS; 500 Gal. PTO Trailer Sprayer. CENTURY; Tandem Axle, 1000 Gal. Sprayer, Electronic Controls. WOODS: CBO Trailer Rotary Mower. SERVES; 10’ Trailer Rotary Mower. Heavy Duty 6’- 3 Pt. Hitch Rotary Mower. 15 Miscellaneous Front End Loaders For Various Make & Model Tractors. Rear Scraper Blades- 3 Pt.-Hitch, Fast- Hitch And AC Snap-Couplers. MOTT: Flail Mowers. MF: 15’ Stalk Shredder. USED: NEW ID] FORAGE EQUIPMENT HIGH MOISTURE CORN EQUIPMENT: Forage Harvester Heads: GEHL: 2-row snapper head. 1,2, & 3 row; Pickup heads, Direct Cut Heads. Call for your needs. JD: 6-30 low profile corn head, very good; 38; 34. BLOWERS:iD 6500. NI; 622. REGRINDER BLOWERS: KOOLS: 2000: HENKE grinder. Also, McKee com hogs & George White. CHUCK WAGONS: IHC: 110, 3 beater w/roof; LAMCO: 2-beater; GROVE: 3-beater w/roof. BUSHHOG OFFSET PLOWING DISC . BRILUON: Cultipacker seeders; 3 PTH &pull type. GLENCO: 5 shank soil saver, like new. FLAIL CHOPPERS: IHC 8; NH: 33; 36. BLOWERS: IHC: 56. Like New; ML 25; KOOLS: 54. NEW IDEA. FORAGE HARVESTERS; NH: 890; 770. GEHL: 750. HESSTON: 7020; 2000; 150; 100, SHARP READERS SPECIAL; ID: 3010 diesel- WFE - has engine problems. Call us. Rt. 652, Midway Between Indian Orchard and Beach Lake. SALES Honesdale, PA 18431 Hours: & WE SHIP PARTS DAILY BY UPS.— 8-5 Mon.-Sat. SERVICE USED TRACTORS MANURE EQUIPMENT ... IVENGER 1982 JD 7720 Combine Hydro 4 WD AHH Chopper Loaded w/6 RN LP Cornhead, Excellent Condition $39,900 080 w/ Financing Possible. Franklin Co. 717-263-4956 or 263-9690 ■TIN Liquid Tanks & Manure Pumps. ALSO IN BETTER BILT 8' Pit Pumi ID: Rii ;ht Hand, Tandem Tank BUSH
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