KELLER’S FARM MACHINERY 116 Richlandtown Pike Quakertown, Pa. 18951 215-536-4046 USED TRACTORS Case IH 1594,200 Hrs. Case 580 LBH Ford 7710, C.A. Ford 7700 w/Cab Ford 6600, 4WD Ford 5610 w/Ldr. Ford 3910 Ford 3600 Ford 3400 w/Loader Ford 2600 G Ford 2000 LBH Ford 1910 4WD Ford 1310 4WD Ford 4600 Dsl. Ford 1300 w/Mower Ford 801, P.S. Ford 801 w/Ldr. Ford 535 LBH Ford 445 w/Loader Ford 4000 D PS Ford 3910 4x4 w/ Ldr. 14 NEW MF 13’, 15’, 16’ and 18’ FLOATING GRAIN TABLES IN STOCK TO FIT MF QUICK ATTACH COMBINES Wc also have in stock Hydro reel drives for older combines, not equipped for hydraulic reel at additional cost of $l,OOO. 1984 MF 850 Hydro 1980 New Idea 801 Dieiel 4 Wheel Drive Power Unit 1978 MF 760 Hydro 1978 JD 7700 Hydro, 1977 MF 750 Gear, 1977 MF 760 Hydro 1977 MF 750 Gear, 1976 MF 760 Hydro 1974 MF 760 Hydro 1973 MF 760 Hydro 1973 MF 510 Gear. 1973 MF 510 Gear. 1972 MF 760 Gear, 1971 MF 510 Gear 1969 MF 510 Hydro 1966 MF 510 Diesel IH 91 w/2 Heads USED TRACTORI MF 399, 4WD MF 390, 2WD MF 390 MF 2705 w/Cab MF 1150 w/Cab MF 1135 MF 50A TLB MF 1130. MF 1080. MF 285 w/New Tires & Engine Overhaul JD 3010 Gas IT I=3 M.M. WEAVER LyJji & sons, inc. IHHI Leola, PA 17540 (717)656-2321 Located; 4 miles West of New Holland bn Route 23, V/> miles Northeast of Leola on the North CroNdala Road. 1 mile on the right, opposite Qroffdale Mennonrte Church. JD 1020 w/Loader JD 2010 GNFE JD 1020 D IH 574 w/Loader IH 154 w/Mower MF 1085 MF SOB LBH Ford 5600 4WD, Loader Ford 420 w/loader Ford 4000 w/Loader Ford 2810 600 hrs. Ford 2110 500 hrs'. (3) Ford BN's Ford 1600 w/ Loader DB 1200 MF 1130 Satoh 650 P.S. AC 5020 AC 160 D JD 3300 Combine IH 1150 Grinder Ml 323 Picker 3S Used $25,006 $l9 000 843, 3R Com Head $l6 000 ® ow 3®” Com Head $l2 000 * ow m 11®“* $l4 000 * 9 *® MF 550 Hydro $l5 000 AC Gleaner F Gat, w/13’ Head $l2 000 1976 111 715, Hydro w/13 ’ Head $9 000 Dil. w/13* Head ...$7,500 ...$6,000 $3,500 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 $7,500 $2,500 $1,200 ..$22,500 $18,500 ..$15,900 . $15,500 ....$6,500 ...$7,500 $12,500 ....$5,200 ....$4,500 IH 4R Fast Hitch Cultivator $9 500 Little Gi,nt 26* B* ler Elevator $2 600 k® 5 124 Baler w/Thrower Lglfy L Ada[ r OILS & wLeases j> Q t/a/u Lubricants (717) 755-8638 15W40 $lBO.BO To $195.65 SAE 30 or 40 $174.50 to $180.25 Tractor Transmission Hyd. Oil $18630 Diumi Delivered Free In A SO Mi. Radius Of York Pa. Low Delivery Charge For Over 50 Miles. $lO Drum Deposit Or Exchange On Some Brandt Call or See me at New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Every Monday morning from 9 ajn. to 2 p.m. Choose From MF 62. lED EQUIPMENT MF 2-Way Plow MF 12' Transport Disk NH 310 Baler w/Steel Whls. & Engine Mtg. MF 345, 3-16 Auto Reset 3PT Plow MF 351 19V4 ft Soil Finisher Landoll 10 ft Soil Finisher Danuser Post Driver Danuser Post Hole Digger Danuser Wood Splitter EZ Trail 6 Ton Running Gear EZ 475 Bu. Self Unloading Grain Cart. MF 820 Hyd. 19 ft Wing Disc JD 336 Baler Dunham Front End Ldr 48” Demo 3 Pi. Rotary Tiller a 6’ Rotarv Ciuter . . New 8' Myer Snow Plow to fit Farm Tractor. AC Forage Wagon SCHMIDT “HEAVY DUTY REBUILT TABLE AUGER” Get Your Table Auger Repaired For Your Combine. Replace Complete Section. Same As New. All Makes And Models. Why Buy New. Get Your Auger Repaired SAVE!!! CalTNbwFor Appointment* And Price Quotation To Rave Your Auger Repaired. AIX Ontario grain drill, 16x7, DD openers Ml 323 1 row corn picker, used less than 150 acres Nl 325 2 row narrow corn picker Ml 838 16 roll husking bed for Uni System Nl 620 forage blower, good condition Gehl 99 forage blower NH 25 forage blower JD 7000 com planter, 6 row narrow JD 750 grinder mixer IH 225 hay swather, 9' cut Beck utility trailer, 6'6”xl7’, 2 axle BEAT THE *B9 PRICES ** NEW EQUIPMENT ** McCurdy gravity bin, 195 bushel Kewanee 36' elevator Deutz Fahr hay tedder, 9’ Arps landscape rake, 6’ Case IH 6' scraper blade Case IH 7’ scraper blade Case IH 119(7 mower conditioner, 9’ Case IH 5507, 7 shank chisel plow Case IH 5509, 9 shank chisel plow Case IH 90 corn planter, 4 row narrow Gehl big bale handler, 3 pt. hitch Gehl 1580 forage blower Nl corn planter, 6 row narrow A.L. HERR & BRO. Park Ave., Quanyvllle, PA 17566 We Ship BEHL (717) 786-3521 JSS, MMfMr •ftmm • « • | BUSH-HOC | f//NEW IDEA C&I3IH $7OO NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK $14,000 ...$3,500 ...$4,500 • Cas« IH 8520 Twins Balsr w/Thrower • Cass IH 8540 Twins Balsr w/Thrower • Cass IH 8540 Wire Baler w/Thrower • Cass IH 8420 Round Baler • Cass IH 8320 7 Ft Mower Conditioner • Case IH 1190 Mower Conditioner, 9 FL Case IH 2096, 2WD, Cab Case IH 2096,4WD, Cab Demo, Rental Case IH 485, 4WD Case IH 585, 2WD, Cab Case IH 585 Lnw Profile Orchard Tractor Case Profile Orchard T'actor Case IH 685 In Stock, Low Profile Orchard Tractor Case IH 685, 4WD, Shuttle ft Case IH 885, 4WD w/Cab Case IH 1825 Gas Uni-Loade' Case IH 1818 Diesel Uni loai Case IH 1835 C Gas ’ Diesel Ui New Un'ts In Hock Case IH 1845 C Uni-Loader Case IH 4500 Vibra Shank Field Cultivate Case IH 496 Disk Harrow, 19 Ft ‘ 9’ Spacing Case IH 496 Disk Harrow, 18 Ft 7,7 Vi Spacing Case IH 6500 11' Consemll Case IH 415 Packer Muleher 10'1” Case IH 5611 2 Rank 11' Chisel Plow Case IH 5513 3 Rank Chisel Plow We Ship UPS Daily! Hours: Dally 7 to 5:30; Sat. USED EQUIPMENT 205 bushel K33IH LRARANCE MAGNUM IS HERE! . CASE IH 7130, 4WD, 20.8x42 Rear Tires In Stock Also 7110 4WD And 7120 4WD Cast SCO7 2 Rank 7 Ft Chisel Case iH 57 0 0 3 Rank 11 Ft Chisel Case IH 595 Sp'eader CaSH H gEDf jjn tbine ' Case IH 50 Shreeoer Case IH No 10 Flail Chopper Case IH 900 Planters - 4 & 6 Rows Case IH 2200 Loader Case IH 2250 Loader Case IH 2255 Loaders iaders Case IH 74L Loader For 1394,1494 R 1594 Case Tractors Case IH 710 Loader For Maflnum Tractor Rertit* to 3 $1450 $2900 $3200 $4400 $ 250 $ 385 ,$ 635 $3500 $2500 $ 800 $l2OO $ 700 $ 795 $2400 $1250 $ 650 $ 300 $ 395 $6900 $l7OO $1985 $9OOO ...$llOO ...$2875 $10,900 m 71(22) % New •crlinvdlc BojierlONn Pottstown
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