Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 01, 1988, Image 56

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    816-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 1, 1988
Honey Queen Crowned
(Continued from Page B 14)
cess it or use it in any way. Some
people use it to soothe a sore
throat, she said, but no research has
been done on it.
Pollen is the bees’ main food,
and venom is their defense system.
Bee’s wax is a harmless, non
allergenic substance that has been
used in cosmetics since the days of
the Egyptians. “It is naturally pure
white,” Hannan said, “but is col
ored by the pollen the bees bring
Royal jelly, the special diet of
the queen bee, looks like skim milk
and is 66 percent water, with some
proteins, vitamins, minerals and a
In answer to several readers’
requests for eggless cake recipes,
I’m sharing two recipes. Both
make moist, old-fashioned heavy
textured cakes. The chocolate one
is a favorite from past Microwave
Minutes. It rises high during
microwaving, but falls slightly
during cooling. Whole-Wheat
Banana Cake gives extra nutrition
from the whole-wheat flour and is
another super-tasting cake.
Both cook best in a ring-shaped
dish, so that the centers get done
without overcooking the edges. If
you don’t have a microwave-safe
12-cup fluted ring dish or a three
quart casserole, like the recipes
call for, use a smaller ring-shaped
microwave dish or casserole. Fill it
only half full and use remaining
batter to make cupcakes. Micro
wave the cake for 13 minutes, like
the recipe says, on Medium (50%
power, 325-350 watts) or Medium
Low (30% power, about 200 watts,
sometimes called Defrost).
During the second stage of
cooking (which is done on High
power) the cake finishes cooking.
So that time will vary, depending
on the size of cake and how fast
your microwave cooks. That’s
why the recipe says “microwave
(High) 3 to 5 minutes.” A small
cake may be done after only one
minute on High. The regular-size
cake may take even more than five
minutes in a microwave of 400 or
500 watt output.
Whole-Wheat Banana Cake is a
thicker batter, so could be cooked
in two round dishes without the
open center. Cook each separately
on Medium for six minutes; rotate
dish and then finish cooking on
High for two to four minutes or
until done.
A square dish (with extra batter
made into cupcakes) could be used
for Whole-Wheat Banana Cake if
aluminum foil can be safely used
in your microwave. (Check your
manufacturer’s cookbook in the
cake or meat section.) Foil pre
vents cake corners from overcook
ing becoming dry and hard
during the time it takes to get the
center done. After microwaving on
Medium, the comers of the cake
will probably be done, but the cen
ter will still be doughy. Before
microwaving on High, mold small
triangles of aluminum foil over
dish and cake comers. Keep foil
small amount of fat and carbohy
drates. “There’s nothing magic in
it,” she said, although man has
used it for various therapeutic
The Association elected officers
for 1988-89. Robert Shank, Cham
bersburg, was elected President;
Robert Bonner, Waynesboro,
Vice-President: Mark Burkholder,
Chambersburg, Secretary-
Treasurer; Harold Hoffeditz, Mer
cersburg, Assistant Secretary-
Treasurer; and Jacob Sollenberger,
Chambersburg, Director.
Robert Coady of Spring Run,
outgoing vice-president of the
association,-served as moderator.
least 1-inch from microwave
With a smaller ring-shaped dish
or the square dish, fill dish half full
and use remaining batter to make
cupcakes. Fill cups only half full
and microwave on High. Six cup
cakes are done in I'A to 2 minutes;
three lake about one minute.
A large cake is done when it
starts to pull away from dish edges.
It may still have some small moist
spots on top; but finishes cooking
during standing time. It should
cool in the dish set on a flat surface
leave it in the microwave or set
the dish on a wooden board or the
To keep a microwaved cake
moist, tightly cover it while it’s
still slightly warm or as soon as the
frosting hardens.
Chocolate Ring
1-2 tablespoons granulated sugar
VA cups granulated sugar
I'A cups all-purpose flour
A cup unsweetened cocoa pow
ier, sifted
VA teaspoons baking soda
A teaspoon salt
A cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla
VA cups cold water
Glaze (below)
Lightly oil a microwave-safe
12-cup fluted tube cake dish.
Sprinkle with 1 to 2 tablespoons
granulated sugar, coating dish
:omplctcly. Pour out excess sugar.
Newly icted resident, .anklln County Beekeepers . jsoclation, Robert
Shank, congratulates the 1988-89 Honey royalty, Cindy Hoffeditz, left, and Hope
In large mixing bowl, combine
iry ingredients, mixing well.
Make a well in center of dry ingre
dients; add oil, vinegar, vanilla and
water in order given. Mix well
with mixing spoon, until no lumps
remain. Pour into prepared dish.
) Microwave on Medium (50%
power 325-350 watts), 13 minutes,
rotating dish halfway through
cooking. Then microwave (High)
3 to 5 minutes or until cake pulls
away from sides and center of dish.
Let stand in dish set on flat surface
for 10 to 15 minutes. Invert onto
serving plate. Frost cool cake with
Chocolate Glaze (below), allow
ing glaze to drizzle down sides of
cake. Makes 1 large cake (about 16
Each serving without glaze:
200 calories, 2g protein, 7g fat,
35g carbohydrate, 77mg sodium, 0
Vanilla Glaze
1 tablespoon margarine or butter
2 tablespoons skim milk
1-114 cups powdered sugar
A teaspoon vanilla
Place margarine and milk in a
microwave-safe small bowl.
Microwave (High) 30 to 45 sec
onds. Stir in remaining ingre
dients, adding enough powdered
sugar to make a thin frosting. Mix
until smooth. Makes about V* cup.
Chocolate Glaze: Stir in 2
tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
powder with powdered sugar.
Hint: This makes a glaze to frost
and drizzle down sides of a tube
cake. For a thicker frosting, stir in
more powdered sugar to desired
Banana Cake
Sugar-Cinnamon (below)
I’A cups packed brown sugar
1 3 /« cups all-purpose flour
VA cups whole-wheat flour
'A cup water
TCCHftOiOCltt me
2 teaspoons baking soda
'A teaspoon baking powder
'A teaspoon salt
VA cups oil
I'A cups ripe mashed bananas
(about 3 large bananas)
Vanilla Glaze (above)
Lightly oil a microwavc-safc
12-cup fluted cake dish or 3-quart
casserole with a glass set upright in
center. Sprinkle with about 1
tablespoon of Sugar-Cinnamon,
turning to coat all sides of dish; set
In mixing bowl, combine all dry
ingredients; mix well with a spoon
or low speed of electric mixer.
Make a well in center of dry ingre
dients. Add oil, bananas and water;
mix until well-combined, but do
not beat. Fill prepared dish half
full. Set dish on a microwave-safe
meat trivet or rack or upside down
saucer in microwave oven. Micro
wave on Medium (50% power,
325-350 watts) 13 minutes, rotat
ing dish halfway through cooking.
Then microwave (High) 3 to 4
minutes or until top is no longer
moist and cake pulls away from
sides of dish. Let stand in dish, set
on flat surface for 10 to 15
minutes. Remove from dish and
cool on serving plate. Drizzle cool
cake with Vanilla Glaze (above).
Or, if desired, sprinkle with addi-
Microwave Your Laundry
If you need to dry your favorite
shirts in a hurry, you will soon be
able to slick them in the microwav
er - the microwave dryer, that is. A
company in Oklahoma has
designed a machine that zaps
clothes dry with the same energy
that millions of Americans use to
reheat leftovers and cook foods
The company claims
That allows you to raise, lower, and
fully recline at the touch of a button.
tional Sugar-Cinnamon, slice and
serve slightly warm. This freezes
well. Makes I large cake (about 16
Each serving without glaze:
341 calories, 3g protein, 18g fat,
42g carbohydrate, 160 mg sodium,
0 cholesterol.
With other size dishes: Fill pre
pared dish half full. (Make cup
cakes from remaining batter).
Microwave on Medium as above.
Finish cooking on High for 2 to 4
minutes or until done.
Sugar-Cinnamon: Stir together
2 tablespoons sugar and 2 teas
poons ground cinnamon.
Questions for Joyce?
Do you have a question about
microwave cooking? Send it to
Microwave Minutes, % Extra
Newspaper Features, P.O. Box
6118, Rochester, MN 55903.
Please include a self-addressed,
stamped, business-size envelope.
Recipes in this column are
tested in 600- and 650-watt micro
wave ovens. With an oven of diffe
rent wattage output, timings may
need slight adjustment.
Joyce Battcher is an indepen
dent home economist microwave
specialist. She is author of
“Microwave Family Favorites”
and editor of “A Batch of Ideas”
machine will dry clothes 30% fas
ter than a traditional dryer. The
microwave dries the clothing from
the inside out. Ordinary dryers dry
from the outside in. Not only will
the new appliance use up to 40%
less energy, it will also deliver
laundry free from wrinkles or
shrinkage. This convenience will
cost at least 20% more than a con
ventional dryer. The microwave
dryer could be ready next year.
Lanco Med Homecare
320 E. Liberty Street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602
Phone (717) 397-2784