rra-888r ,tf >?uqvA jcunt & pni/rml tstosoneJ 1!1 VUhcaifer Pa'rmTrig.'Satiirdayl Xigus!~fs *lSBir ~ " Five Cousins Growing Up Together BY LOU ANN GOOD NEW DANVILLE Five cou sins growing up together—what’s it like? FUN! Five-year-old Duane Stoner and his four-year-old brother Lamar, play everyday with their cousins, Jercd, 5; and Joel, 3; because their daddies farm together. Four months ago, the Stoner brothers got a little sister name Rachelle. All the boys like to push Rachel le in the stroller. When she is sleeping, they play with iheir kitties, Fluffy and Snow ball, and their dogs, Sport and Rus- This summer, Jered and Duane learned to swim and jump off the diving board. The boys like to ride their big wheels on the macadam, but they are careful to stay away from their daddies tractors and other equipment. -lie gets plenty of rides from her eager brothers and cousins who enjoy pushing her stroller. Here, Duane takes his turn. This ia-the farm, which thfe He§s and Stoner families farm together, Sometimes the boys are eager to grow up. Then they try to do some things that are too hard for them. One time, they put feed in the calves’ water bowls. The water got sour and the calves got sick. Two of them died before their daddies discovered what happened. The boys will not make that mistake again. What do they want to do when they grow up? Jered said, “I want to be whatev er my dad is.” “I want to milk cows,” Duane said. Lamar said, “I want to drive a combine.” “I want to be a fisherman,” Joel said. Watch out daddies Dale Stoner and Joe Hess. You arc going to have lots of help when these fel lows grow up. Four cousins, almost the same size, never need to ask their mothers what to do. One of them always has an Idea. Accompanying them In almost everything is their dogs, Sport and Rusty, and their kittens, Fluffy and Snowball. Sit ting left to right, front row: Joel, 3; Jered, 5. Back row, left to right: Lamar, 4; and Duane, 5. 0 The swing set with its sliding board, rings and parallel bars pro' entertainment for the cousins. ~.t _ ’A” " The large macadam driveway allows the cousins lots of v ■■ ~ - w iurs of many ' -Sr